Chapter Seven

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yeah the whole thing begins

and i let you sink into my veins

and i feel the pain like it's new

everything that we were

everything that you said

everything that i did and that i couldn't do

plays through tonight



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May 26, 2014

If there is one thing that can be said about Delia Breeland it is that she is a good friend. Perhaps that isn't always evident between her long, albeit too frequent, nights out drinking or her numerous snarky comments that roll of her tongue on an almost hourly basis; but she is a good friend. So it was with Beck's well-being in mind that the redhead took it upon herself to kick Beck out of her own bakery that Monday morning. Ordering the other woman not to even think about stepping foot back inside the business until the next day, to just take the day off and focus on herself.

However, if there was one thing that can be said about Beckett Starr it is that the woman is a workaholic. Perhaps that's why she had gotten along so well with Lin and Vanessa thus far, the married couple always finding themselves busy with work as well. But regardless, Beck didn't like being without work. She wasn't the type of person that could just lay back on the couch and spend the day binging a new television show or some movie series. She needed to be up and doing something. So after spending her morning cleaning her and Thayne's apartment from top to bottom, Beck headed off to a familiar apartment building in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

It was roughly a year after Beck had returned to New York that Gina and Jason had moved out of their small Bushwick apartment for a nicer and roomier space in Park Slope. So it was now the nice brownstone that the older couple called home and that was where Beck found herself that Monday afternoon.

"So how're things going at the bakery?" Gina asked as the three all sat around the living room together, having already finished the quick lunch that the Vance woman had whipped up for them.

"Oh, come on, she doesn't want to talk about work." Jason rolled his eyes playfully at his wife's question from his seat in his recliner, the women having claimed the couch for themselves. Despite his own words he knew full well that Beck never had a problem talking about work-- it was the air she lived and breathed by.

"Things are going okay," Beck assured the older woman while simultaneously ignoring the man. "Business is finally starting to pick up a bit more since the reopening, old and new customers. We actually just got an order yesterday for a wedding in January."

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