SSGSS Gogeta X Kidnapped Daughter Reader

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Requested YuGiOhfan1999. Hope you enjoy this.

"Hello!!?", hollered the soft feminine voice through the hallway, "Someone help me!" It was a light blue skinned young girl, trapped by two men holding her while walking her to a room. Once they entered, they let go of her; but they let her fall on the floor.

Her white hair sprawl out, covering her face. She sit up, push it back her head. She look around, scared what's going on. Her (color) eyes spots a bulky man sitting on a chair, across from her. "Welcome dear child", he said in stern voice, "I hope my men didn't get you scared?" She noticed a symbol on his right-side jacket, a symbol of the infamous mafia. She stood up, dusting off her (color) long bottom dress. Her shoes are dirty by being captured by the men earlier.

She gave him a scared and angry look at him, "What do you want from me!?", she whimpered. He grin and nods, "You're father was supposed to join our cause. An angel was supposed to help us rob our enemies and banks, be the famous criminals. However, he refused us because he's in love with a female Saiyan. I told him that she's a waste of time, but he already got her pregnant with you." The girl knew this has something to do with her father.

Years ago, (Y/n)-Chan was the child of the female Saiyan who survived the destruction of Frieza, rescued by her father who was exploring Universe 7. The couple spend many years together, create a child together. They're going to raise her well and hopefully she get to choose a life for herself when she's older. Their daughter has long (style) hair, (color) eyes, thick short white eyebrows, small nose, (size) lips, (style) chin, and (size) ears. She is (height) and (weight), a normal weight of the angel and Saiyan race. She mostly take after her father, but her eyes are proof where she get from her mother. The man is the leader of the mafia gang, he need her father to gain advantage of being the best criminal. But since the angel refused, he has no choice and abduct her.

Twenty-four hours ago, the leader send his men to the planet of their home. Not a angel race's planet, but a created planet for a family of three. Her parents left her protected by their warriors while they're away in another universe. But their warriors are not strong enough to protect her and she was kidnapped. They were sneaky enough to hide her in their ship and sneak her into the mansion.

(Y/n)-Chan balled her hands into fists, "!", she said stern. The man slam his hands on the table, make her flinch. "I don't think so girly!", he yelled at her, "I will not let you go until you're father join us!" She shook her head, feel defeated. She's only a child at age (either between 12-21?); her father didn't have time training her like her fellow angels. Looks like she should've ask him to help her protect herself. But she remember him explain not to unleash her full power which is the reason why he didn't train her. If she does unleash it, she'll be immediately be erased, vanished into nothing (look at chapter 63).

The man knew he'll win; he won't let her escape, not until he get what he need. However, they yelp as a hole on the wall appeared. Both surprised as they saw a tall man with glowing blue aura. The leader sneered, "Who the hell are you!?" The mysterious man glared at him and instantly knock him out with his hand in his abdomen. 

The leader fell unconscious and fell on the floor. The girl look puzzled by the man. He noticed her there and walk over to her. She look at him as he smiled at her and held his hand to her. "You alright girl?", he asked. Her eyes noticed and recognized the voice is combined as two voices at once.

"You're...a fusion?", she asked. He grinned, "Yes. We are Gogeta: a fusion of Kakarot and Vegeta." She tilt her head at him, "But why is there a G in the name?", she asked. "Because Kakarot's other name is Goku", Gogeta replied. She smile, grab his hand and he help her stood up. She ran at him and hug him. Gogeta look surprised, "Huh?" She look at him and smiled, "I'm (Y/n)-Chan. I'm impressed how two Saiyans fused together", she commented.

Gogeta blinked, "So you know my race?", he asked. "I do", she replied with a giggle, "Because my mother's a Saiyan." "What!?", he exclaimed. She chuckle and the two talk to each other. Gogeta explained he was sent by the Grand Priest to go find her and bring her home, requested by her father.

Luckily for them, Gogeta already take care of the guards and all the mafia members. Gogeta pick her up in one arm and fly out of the room, heading towards Capsule Corp. He explained the situation to his friends and to Whis. Whis stared at her and noted her eyes are not like angels. "Miss (Y/n)-Chan, do you even know how to defeat yourself?", he asked. She shake her head, "I'm sorry, but my father won't allow it. Always busy", she said. Whis nod and pick up his glowing staff, contacting the Grand Priest.

The Grand Priest is pleased by their accomplishments and teleport Gogeta, the girl, and Whis to the throne room of Grand Zenos' Palace. The Grand Zenos are in awe at Gogeta, knew their friend Goku is fused with Vegeta. "Cool!", they said in unison, "You are awesome looking!" 

Gogeta smirk and flex his muscle on his arm, showing off. (Y/n)-Chan giggled as she finished bowing to them with the other angels. The Omni kings turn to see her and are also interested, "So you're this angel's child?", they asked. She nod and bowed, "Yes my Omni kings. My parents must be worried."

Just in, two more footsteps entered the throne room. A (height) and (weight) woman with long (style) black hair, black eyes, and wears a traditional robe of the angel race. Alongside her is a male angel: (height) and (height), a calm and strong looking man with white (length) hair, violet eyes, and wears his robes with his staff. 

She look up and turn, gasp in a smile. "Mother! Father!", she exclaimed, happily ran towards them. She hug them and both hug her back. Her parents kissed her forehead, sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you're alright!", her mother said. Her father walk over to the angels and bowed to them, "Thank you for rescuing my child Grand Priest." The aid chuckled, "You should be thanking this mortal. He's the one who help us", he said and points at Gogeta.

The father look at Gogeta, in awe. "A fusion?", he asked. Gogeta nod, "Yes sir, We Gogeta found your daughter and save her from the mafia." They shake hands. Her father made a sad frown, "The leader always try to get me involved in their useless crimes. But getting my child involved is my fault. I always have no time train her. But I should've done this." 

Gogeta place a hand on his shoulder, "One of us have a baby girl, he'll always protect her. Even if she refused for help, she'll depend on him. You should try to train her if you want her alive." His words made the angel realize and understood. "Thank you Gogeta", he thanked him and walk back to his family.

It sounds like they're about to head home, but he saw (Y/n)-Chan ask her parents to bid farewells to him. They nod and she ran towards him, glomped onto him into a big hug. She smiled big, looking cute. "Thank you Gogeta. I'll never forget you!", she said. 

Gogeta blushed and act tough, "We wish we can give you a kiss but we're married", he said, sounding awkward. The girl nod; unexpectedly, she levitate up to his face and plant a kiss on his left cheek. Gogeta blushed, touch the spot she left. She smiled at him, "I look forward to see you again even if unfused", and waved at them. Gogeta smile softly and wave back, watching her and her family teleport and vanished.

Whis look at Gogeta, "Why would she do that?", asked in puzzle look. Gogeta crossed his arms on his chest and grin, "She knows we're married, but a kiss on a cheek is a gratitude that a young girl would give to her hero." Whis shake his head, "I can't believe she's half mortal and half angel. I doubt she'll be neutral like us." Gogeta nod, "You're right, she may be neutral by obey your race's laws, but she is caring when it comes to having a heart."

The End

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