Jealous Frost X Kaizen Lemon

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Requested by Alchemical_Exodus. So, this is basically a sequel that continues six months after Kaizen finally moved on. Enjoy.

Six months after the day Frieza lied to her, Kaizen is no longer depressed. She is supported by her friends and her master Supreme Kai Shin. Thanks to them, she is now happy and moved on to her duties. She woke up early one day, decide to work so she could take an early leave later. She stood beside Elder Kai and Shin, awaiting for their commands. 

For a few hours, she helps them check on the planet's vegetation and see any suspicious activity. So far, nothing's wrong. But she can sense two strong kis and additional four unknown kis, deity kis. She realizes what's happening and teleports back to Shin.

"Master! They're arriving!", she shouted out to him and Elder Kai. Kibito looked puzzled at her. "Who?", Kibito asked. Until two flashes of light appear before them. Everyone turns to them: the flashes of light reveal Lord Beerus and Whis; plus Lord Champa and Vados. "Greetings Lord Beerus. Lord Champa", Shin bowed to them. 

"Yes, thank you Supreme Kai of the seventh universe", Champa thanked him and turned to Kaizen, "So she's your servant?" Shin nods, "Yes, this is Kaizen. Kibito has been training her for the job for many years now." Kaizen bows to him, "Pleasure to meet you Lord Champa", she greeted him with a smile. "Yes yes, you too", Champa said in a rush tone and beside him are two warriors of his universe: Hit and Frost. Kaizen is surprised to see another Ice-Jin besides that bastard Frieza.

Both walk over to her, both silent and she notices their high strong kis. "Kaizen, wouldn't you do me a favor and keep these two occupied until we're finished our chat", Champa asked. Kaizen felt uneasy about this, but responded with a yes, avoiding the consequences of refusing his request. Both fighters hold on her shoulder and teleport to a secluded area. Kaizen walked a few inches and turned around, facing the assassin and an Ice-Jin. "Now then, what should we do?", she asked. Hit stood there, silent. Frost shrugs his shoulders, "Apologies to you young lady, Hit is...rather unsocialized", he said.

They spend an hour. Kaizen and Frost talk about their lives and what they did. Hit felt this is stupid and was about to leave the planet. Kaizen gasps, realize what he's doing, "Hit wait! You can't leave", she said until she realized that he used his time skip, disappeared. She groans, feeling helpless. Frost patted her back, "Fear not, he's always like this", he assured her with a smile. Kaizen nodded, "So you were a space emperor?", she asked. 

He lowered his head in embarrassment, "I was...not. I'm typically a space pirate. But I'm more...a cheater in having fair fights." Kaizen noted what he meant and nodded, "I see. Just like Frieza", she added. Frost look surprised, "Frieza? You mean you met him already?", he asked. She nods and frown, "He lied to me about change himself to good and used me as his sex toy". Kaizen thought it wasn't impressing Frost, but turning to look at him, he's looking...jealous.

Frost stood there, looking sad with a frown. "What the hell!?", Frost thinks to himself, "Frieza already claimed her! Yet...she's not with him." "Hmmm", Frost hummed. Kaizen noticed his humming and his look that says he's jealous. She knew Frost would use her too and try to avoid the same thing. However, an idea came to her. Frost crossed his arms, huffed. A grin spread on Kaizen's face.

 She walked back to him, placing her finger on his upper arm. "So? Are you trying to tell me something?", she asked in a teasing tone. Frost nods, "Yeah because Frieza already got you first", he said. Kaizen move her finger down on his arm, "Come now Frosty, just because he gets to use my body doesn't mean I'm his property." Frost looked at her puzzled, "Really?", he said. "Really really", she said.

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