Oren Vegeta X Goku's Twin Saiyan Sister Chapter 3

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Recap: Hearts and Kamin placed (Y/n)-Chan into her prion cell, locked up. She was outraged by this abduction, but tried to escape. It was useless because they're never going to let her go.

Later, she was visited by Oren Vegeta who gave her food. She was suspicious, not sure if she could trust him or not. But what got her crying in tears is how he treated her: gentle embrace, touching her especially their faces almost intimate. 

He left her in prison, kissed her cheek and left. She was very confused and scared how he felt towards her. But there is something that she didn't tell him, how she is falling for him as well as Oren himself also feel his interests in her.

Meanwhile, two groups Future Trunks and Piccolo encountered wormholes: one alone and one used by Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. Wasting no time, they raced against time as they traveled across the cosmos (don't ask me how I know). Will they stop them in time? And how will (Y/n)-Chan endure her time in prison as well as facing her biggest conflict?

Let's find out next in this fanfic.

Chapter 3

It has been two hours since she was imprisoned. (Y/n)-Chan isn't helping herself since her shocking moment of Oren Vegeta kissed her cheek, held her in an embrace, and almost stole her heart. She shook her head, trying not to think about it. She paced around the room, trying to find an escape route.

She looked everywhere: the bars on the window, the door bars, any holes from outside to in here. But nothing. She landed a punch against the wall, frustrated. "Why can't I find a way to escape!?", she mutters. "Be quiet!", Kamin yelled at her far from her room. (Y/n)-Chan sighed, sat back on her bench. Her ears hear Hearts talking to his comrades. 

Hearts chuckled, "Listen Zamasu, I need you to aid Cumber and make sure to keep Jiren near you so we can steal his ki", he said. She can hear Zamasu sighed, "Sure, but don't think I'm happy to follow your orders. Once those mortals are gone we can finally make the cosmos pure again", he said. Hearts replied, "Sure, of course we need to do that afterwards. Now go", he ordered him.

Zamasu grunts, as a sign of "ok" and she can hear a portal open. She gasps, now worried for her friend. She paced around the room, trying to find a way to escape again. "Oh! I don't care if there's no escape, I need to help them!", she thought to herself. 

Her ears hear Hearts talking to Kamin and Oren Vegeta again. "Now listen, I suspect that Trunks and his friends are heading to Cumber's location on Universe 11. Kamin, I need you to go there and aid them in case they need reinforcement", Hearts said. "Sure", Kamin answered and entered the portal.

"What about me?", Oren asked annoyedly. Hearts grinned at him, "Since we have a prisoner, I need you to keep her here while we're gone." Oren Vegeta growls and stomps his foot on the floor, "You gotta be shitting me Hearts!? I just absorbed Vegeta and his kis! I am more powerful than ever! Why not let me join them!?", he yelled at him. 

Hearts gave him a hard slap on the right side of his cheek. Oren Vegeta winced in pain. (Y/n)-Chan can hear Hearts' footsteps coming to the portal, "Just do as I say boy", and he left. The portal vanished. She can hear Oren growled, "Damn it!", and land a punch on a wall.

"Hello?", she calls out to him, "Oren?" Oren Vegeta gasps lightly, hearing her calling his name. He walks into the hallway, arriving at her cell door. He can see how well behaved she is and wondered how she's feeling since their last interaction. He knew talking to her would get him in trouble, but he disobeyed. He unlocked the door, opened. 

He stood there as (Y/n)-Chan stared at him in awe. He smiled at her, "How about that kiss?", he teased and puckered his lips at her. She frowned, "No", she said. He shrugged his shoulders, "Oh well, I guess I can accept that for now", he said. He can tell that she's going crazy being trapped in her prison. 

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