Calliona OC X Cabba Lemon

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Requested by Alchemical_Exodus.

This is Universe 6, close to its matching twin Universe 7. Both universes show the same worlds but different beings. Like the Saiyans: Universe 7's Saiyans were almost driven to extinction except Goku and Vegeta are the only ones survived including Broly. However, Universe 6's Saiyans are much different. Their home planet Sadala is where they live and are good natured beings with no tails. Like Cabba who is one of the Saiyans who fought in the Tournament of Power and was recently revived six months ago.

But today is different for him. He is accompanied by his close friend Calliona. She is a pretty Saiyan: taller than Cabba, slim body frame with curvy hips, thick thighs, strong muscled arms and stomach. Her breasts are huge, covered by her Saiyan uniform made in expandable latex. Her black hair is in a pixie haircut, similar to Fasha, but it's spiked. Her black eyes watch Cabba smile as they stroll down the street near her hut. 

She has been friends with him since they graduated from the Saiyan Patrol Academy. Serving their king, they protect citizens and worlds while fighting off criminals. Only recently, Cabba did confess his love for her before heading to the Tournament. That made her blush, but clueless what he meant.

After the Tournament, he explained to her that they were erased until Universe 7 wished for them and the other universes to be revived. She was relieved that they could get to live again. But she is puzzled by what he said is true. Calliona tried to get his attention when he's free from work, but he felt uncomfortable to face her. He did confess to her and thought she would reject him because she only saw him as a friend. But little does he know that she actually does fall for him and his handsome face. And so, she decided to plan an ambush on him.

Hours later, it's now past nine in the evening. Cabba just finished training in case he's summoned by Lord Champa. But he knew tonight was an easy night. And he decided to finish his training early. But little does he know that he was being spied by someone. He walked through the street, heading to his hut. But he cannot feel but felt like he was being followed. He doesn't know if he's losing his marbles or someone is good at suppressing ki. 

Once he's home, he yelps out loud as a dark figure pushes him inside the hut. The figure shut the door and quickly locked it. Cabba quickly got on his feet and stood his stance. But he grew surprised, "Calliona?", he said.

Calliona nodded, now guiding his hand to his bedroom. "Woah, Calliona! What are you doing!?", exclaimed Cabba. She ignored him and brought him to his room. She pushed him, making him fall onto his bed. He laid there, looking confused. But his face blushed as his eyes watched her straddling him around his waist. He is confused, he has never seen this side of her before. Calliona grinned, proud of being the dominant one. "Calliona?", Cabba said, confused.

She chuckled and leaned to his face, "Cabba, did you really mean it when you said you love me?", she asked. Cabba sighed, "Yes, I do mean it." Calliona smiled, "Then why didn't you say so?", she asked. Cabba blushed in embarrassment, "I don't really love me", he said. "But I do love you idiot!", she exclaimed as her hands cupped his face, "I loved you since the day we met at the Academy!"

She pulled his face to hers and their lips pressed against one another. Cabba can feel her warm face and his face blushing warm as they feel their lips making contact. She breaks the kiss, letting Cabba to breathe. But this time, Cabba managed to push her over and straddled her; then they began french kissing. Their tongues flicked, danced in each other's mouths as they felt their saliva oozing each corner of their lips. 

After a minute, they break the kiss and breathe for air. But this excitement got them turned on. Calliona removed her top and her bra, revealing her big tits. Cabba's in awe as his hands groped them both and squeezed them. She moans and giggles, "Try to please me lover~", she said and removed her pants and panties. Cabba can feel his groin hard as his eyes see her moist vagina in his view. 

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