Possessive Goku Black X Chubby Insecure Female Saiyan Reader

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Requested by KatiraLovely. 

"Come out, come out, wherever you are~", Black taunted as he slowly searches the house, "We both know you cannot hide forever from me~" A female Saiyan covered her mouth, trying not to make a sound. Her heart raced, scared to face him. She can hear his footsteps, slowly walking towards her hiding place. He arrived at the door where she's hiding behind it. However, she can hear him walking away. "(Y/n)-Chan~", he calls her sweetly. She sighed, relieved that he's gone. "He's gone", she mutters and stands up in front of her closet door.

But once she left the closet door, she turned around to head to the bathroom but gasped in horror. She let out a loud scream as Goku Black swiftly wrapped his arms around her. "There you are my dear~", he cooed at her as he nuzzled his face against her cheek, "Now we go out today~" (Y/n)-Chan let out a moan, sad that she's now forced to go with him on their so-called date.

Goku Black is actually Zamasu's alternative counterpart from another timeline. At first, he and his future counterpart Zamasu were supposed to erase all mortals off their cosmos to be able to save planets, life of plants and creatures. They already completed their plan in the alternative universe and was about to finish in the future timeline. However, the only thing that stands in their way is Future Trunks, Goku, and their friends.

But there is another person who stands in their way: it was (Y/n)-Chan. (Y/n)-Chan is the last female Saiyan of her timeline. She was born on an unknown dwarf planet, inhabited by strange beings who only rely on vegetation. She endured the years on the planet until she hit her late teens. Her parents send her there to avoid getting destroyed by Frieza. 

She kept the ship so she could go find more surviving Saiyans. She made her three year search and finally arrived on Earth. She landed there, unsure how to survive this evolved civilized world. But thanks to Goku and his friends, they immediately accepted her as a new friend and helped her find a job as a (insert favorite or skilled job you're good at).

She was settled at her new home until that day where she met up with Bulma at Capsule Corp. backyard. (Y/n)-Chan just helped Bulma out on (whatever thing she needed help on) and both rushed outside as they were invaded by an intruder. Once they join the others, they look at Goku Black, confused and scared of what's happening. Goku Black was about to beat the shit out of Goku until his black eyes spotted (Y/n)-Chan. He was lovestruck at first sight of her presence.

(Y/n)-Chan is a tall and chubby female Saiyan: although he's taller than her. She's only chubby around her upper belly, around the hips, thick thighs, and big butt. But her breasts are mostly larger than any woman on Earth: size (whatever big size you like). He can feel his heart racing as he finds her and her attire very attractive. She only wears her usual (color) blouse, (color) (long skirt or shorts), (color) socks, and (color) shoes. She also carries her usual (color) (brand name) purse.

Goku Black can only imagine what he can do with her: claim her as his bride, get married, go on dates, and possibly raise a family. But his mind snapped as he was getting sucked into the portal that goes to the future timeline. "What!? NO!", he exclaimed and eyed at her, "I'm not going anywhere unless I bring her along!" Everyone including herself gasps in shock. He swiftly ran behind her and grabbed her, picking her up as they flew towards the portal. She screams, "Help me!!", she cried as he took her with him into the portal. "(Y/N)-CHAN!!", Goku yelled out loud. Then the portal closed.

Once they arrived at Black's hideout at a beautiful log cabin in the middle of nowhere, he entered the place. (Y/n)-Chan pounds her hands on his back as he carried her, "Let me go!!", she demanded. "Hold on my dear~", Black hushed her, "We're almost there~" Five minutes later, they arrived at his bedroom. There's only the bed, nightstand next to it, a closet door, and a door that leads to the bathroom. He walks over to his bed and places her down, helping her sit up. 

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