Lord Beerus X Female Neko Reader Lemon

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Requested by TeamFree_Will

Far away, in a miserable planet of slavery. Everyone stands in line in single order, chained, whipped, and some managed to be sold to owners of making them their own slaves. Females are especially scared of their own hell: some are raped before sold, some died from illness, severe injuries, and suicide to release their souls before they were corrupt by the hellish events. 

But some refused to kill themselves, give in and endure their new lives before they die. Some of them hoped for escape or a miracle to aid them, but some already lost hope as the boss of the slave trade is making the security and policy more tedious.

A worker of the slave trade pulled a single line of females onto the platform, all facing down while in frontal view. Before they're sold off, inspectors would examine them: checking their health, conditions, and even managing to touch them in a gross and cruel way. 

Among the females is a younger female named (Y/n)-Chan. A humanoid female with cat ears and cat tail. She's a mix of a humanoid alien (almost human) and part Neko. Her skin is (color), small cat ears, (color) eyes with almond shaped pupils, (long or short) (color) hair, (sized) nose, small lips, only (height) and (weight) with (sized) breasts and (sized) rump. 

She was only young at age eighteen and already sold off by her relatives since their home planet is a third world: nothing to eat, drink, or any money. So she was scared how her life would be hellish like the others.

Five inspectors came to her, she was shaking in fear as she braced herself for the touching. A tall brutish man held his hand and about to touch her vagina. But a sudden purple clawed hand stopped him. The man turned and gasped in shock. "Oh Lord Beerus!", exclaimed the boss, "You're here!?" 

She opened her eyes and turned to the purple cat deity who pushed the inspector's hand away. Beside him is his guide angel Whis. The Boss gained his mind and bowed to him, "What do we owe the pleasure to you today?" But Lord Beerus is busy looking at her. (Y/n)-Chan turned away, he placed his hand under her chin and forced her to look up at him. She looked at him, with scared (color) eyes at him.

Beerus is mesmerized by her looks: find her beautiful and he couldn't be surprised since his race is now going interspecies these days. "I'll take her", Beerus said and threw the pouch of coins at him. The boss scrambled to pick them up and look at the worker, "Don't stand there! Give her to him!", and the worker placed her in her own chain around her neck and gave the chain leash to Beerus. "Whis, let's go", Beerus ordered. "Right", Whis said, using his staff, Beerus held her while placing one hand on Whis's back, and they left in a flash.

An hour later, they arrived at Beerus's temple on his planet. (Y/n)-Chan stared in awe, looking around the place. "Cozy right?", he said to her. She nods. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to destroy you", Beerus assured her as he pets her head. She is still shaking since she realized he's a god of destruction, but accepts his praise. 

He aims his finger at her chain, and blasts the chain into dust. She gasps, finally free. "This is your new home", Beerus said and guided her to Whis, "Whis will make sure you're all clean and taken care of." Whis bowed to her, "Please do come with me, you need to start wearing clothes", he replied with a chuckle. She blushed, nodding in agreement.

Ever since that day, (Y/n)-Chan is almost happy. Now, she wears a nice outfit: a (color) blouse, with (color) short skirts, (color) stockings, and (color) shoes. She was safe and able to explore the planet. But the only thing that she's having a problem with is Beerus. 

He always wanted to get close to her, but she always avoided him. And always stayed close to Whis's side. Beerus gets jealous and frustrated, really wanting to get close to her. But he knew that forcing her will make things worse for the both of them. So, he'll be patient and see how things went.

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