Majin Vegeta X Kidnapped Daughter Reader

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Requested by YuGiOhfan1999.

Goku and his friends are struggling as they went up against Badidi and his minions. During their plan to stop Babidi from awakening Majin Buu, Babidi managed to send Dabura to kill Kibito, turned Krillin and Piccolo into stone, and Babidi managed to seal dark mind control on Vegeta. 

Vegeta did try to resist, but he failed. He gradually became Majin Vegeta. Goku, Gohan, and Shin all gasped as they saw his serious expression turned to a wicked sinister smile. A big letter M, black, appeared on Vegeta's forehead. Since then, everything went downhill.

Vegeta ended up having Goku back at the Martial Arts Tournament, killing many innocent lives and almost doing the same to Goku. But Shin persuaded him to stop, reminding him that Babidi controls him to get his goal complete by waking Majin Buu. 

Majin Vegeta, thought for a moment, he felt like ignoring the Supreme Kai and about to kill Goku. But conscious that reached his mind also by Goku's persuasion, he snapped out of Babidi's control and teleported back to Babidi's hideout. Babidi knew his test subject failed him, but he does have one more trick up his sleeve.

So our heroes got back to the hideout, running through the place and headed outside. Goku is the first one to arrive on the scene, gasped in horror. Majin Vegeta and Shin are behind him and also looked shocked. They saw Babidi and another person: it was none other than Majin Buu. He's an big pink blob of an Majin who is very obese and wears his pants with a belt with the letter M on the gold buckle. He cackled. Shin seethed, "We're too late! He's awake!", he mutters.

But they hear a screaming feminine voice behind Buu. Buu stepped aside and revealed a (height) (weight) young girl tied in rope. She is sobbing as she's scared what's happening. She looks like (either a little girl at age eight or a young girl somewhere in her early teens) years old, wore only her (color) dress, (color) dress shoes, and a (color) barrette on the left side of her (color) (long or short) hair. Majin Vegeta just stared, concerned for the girl as he looked at her (color) eyes that showed fear and anxiety.

She was forced to sit on the ground and tied her up. Goku frowned, "You monster! Let her go!", he demanded. Babidi cackled, "Sorry Saiyan but we won't, right Buu?", he asked. "Yeah Buu no let her go", and they cackled. Goku gritted his teeth, "Where's Gohan?", he demanded again. 

Babidi thought for a moment, "Oh that boy! We let Dabura handle him", and let out a snort cackle. Shin felt angry and turned to Goku, "I'll go get Gohan. Just find us and we'll escape." Goku nodded and Shin ran out of the area, looking for Gohan and Dabura. Goku aims his fist at Buu and throws ki blasts at him.

Buu felt mad and deflected them all using his bouncy skin. Goku guided the monster away from the area to fight. That means it's Majin Vegeta and Babidi. He must act quick and get her out of here. Babidi smirked at the Saiyan prince, "Vegeta, I never thought you would break free from my dark magic", he said. 

The Saiyan grunts and turns Super Saiyan, "Let the child go or else!", he warned. Babidi quickly used his powers: he levivate the girl in the air and threw her through the air. Majin Vegeta gasps and flies after her. Babidi felt happy and moved on to join Majin Buu.

The girl screamed as she cried. Her eyes widened as she was about to go splat against the ground. She closed her eyes, bracing for her death. But she felt nothing. She realized that her body is no longer falling. She opened her eyes and gasped, saw Majin Vegeta catch her in his arms. She sobbed holding on to him. 

He blushed, embarrassed to have a girl hugging him. He sighed and petted her head, "Don't cry girl, just tell me where your parents are", he said calmly. She wiped her tears and smiled, "I'm (Y/n)-Chan, the daughter of (F/n) and (M/n) of the (insert your own company here)", she says scared. 

He nods, "I see, you're my wife's friends' kid", and removes the rope. Majin Vegeta turns to the other direction from the hideout. Majin Buu saw them but got distracted by Goku who is in Super Saiyan 2 and punched his face.

According to her while flying to the harbor of West City, (Y/n)-Chan and her parents were going to find a new yacht to travel soon. But out of nowhere, a red demon man and Babidi knocked out her parents and kidnapped her to their hideout. 

She was very scared when they took her hostage and tied her up. Majin Vegeta never knew that sorcerer is a dirty monster and heads their way to the harbor dock. He descends to the ground and helps her stand up. She dusted off her dress and smiled at him, "Thank you kind sir! I'll never forget you!", she thanked him and kissed his cheek.

Majin Vegeta blushed and looked away, "No problem...let's go find them", he said, both began walking down the harbor. Only two minutes of walking and they finally spotted her parents recovering from the sudden knock out. 

Her mother turned and gasped, "My Baby!", and ran towards her. "Mommy!", she cried and ran to her mother. Both embraced into a tight hug; (Y/n)-Chan sobbed while her mother patted her head, calming her down. Her father rushed over and hugged them. 

He turned his attention to Majin Vegeta. He walks over to him and shakes his hand, "Thank you for bringing her back to us!", he thanked him. Luckily, he doesn't meet Vegeta at Capsule Corp.

Majin Vegeta nodded and turned his back. "Right, this monster Majin Buu and Babidi will return to kill you and everyone else. Make sure you all hide in the bunker", he cautioned her father. (F/n) nods, "Yes, thank you!", and called his driver to pick them up. 

(Y/n)-Chan smiled to be reunited. But she turned her attention to Majin Vegeta flying away. She waved at him, "Thank you sir!", and she and her parents entered the limo and left.

Majin Vegeta is glad she's safe and sound. He never has a daughter in his life and she reminds him as a daughter. But for now, he needs to stop Babidi and Buu once and for all.

The next few days are finally back to normal. Once Babidi's gone, Majin Buu became friends and ally to the Z-Fighters, and defeated Kid Buu, they wished to revive people, planet Earth, and erased their memories of the recent events of Majin Buu. People occasionally pass by Buu but cannot recall remembering him. It was good because they don't need to.

(Y/n)-Chan is walking with her parents to the shopping district for new clothes. She had a feeling that she remembers someone but who? Her (color) eyes widened, and saw Vegeta walking past her with his wife and son Trunks. 

She turns her back and watches them happily spend their time as a family. She smiles, "I wish I know him but I don't remember. All well", and resume walking with her parents. She may not remember him since he's back to life and normal, but she cannot forget the face who saved her life (even though her memories of him are gone). "I wonder if he has a daughter?", she wondered and shrugged her shoulders.

Vegeta turned slightly at her, still remembering the same girl he rescued. Bulma noticed his stare at her, "That's my friend's kid (Y/n)-Chan, she sure is pretty", she said. Vegeta grunted, "Nothing important, let's go home", he said. But he smiled, at least he can get to see her live. And he hopes for a chance to have a daughter in the family too.

The End

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