Android 17 X Male Reader

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Requested by Meliodas126352

(Y/n)-San is working on tying up the poachers by the wrists. He is a (height) and (weight) man at age (20-28?). He has a tanned skin tone, muscled body with abs and pecs, his body is strong with muscles, all covered in his (color) plain t-shirt, (length) (color) pants, (color) shoes, and has his orange work tag around his upper left arm.

(Y/n)-San has handsome facial features: his eyebrows are not too thick, and not too thin. With (insert type of facial hair here), his nose is normal, face is thin but not too thin, his eyes are (color), small ears, and has a big smile on his face.

Once the ropes are secured, he and Android 17 both piled up of the total of fifty poachers that they captured today. The island is always a land where mythical and rare endangered species lived; a perfect opportunity for poachers who captured them and sold them for money. But thanks to 17 and his friend (Y/n)-San, they defeat all poachers and not a single creature is harmed.

Once the police took them away, 17 and (Y/n)-San sighed in relief. "Man, what a pain in the ass", 17 said, stretched his arms. "Yeah man", (Y/n)-San agreed, "Let's take a break for now." 17 nodded and both sat on the bench, next to the restroom building. (Y/n)-San lived alone in his own apartment, always took the helicopter to get to work or a submarine. 

Since he lived alone, he always had bills to pay, rent to pay, food to buy, clothes to get, and anything he needed. He did try to find a potential girlfriend three years ago, but it did not work out well since every woman rejected him, only because they prefer pretty and rich men like Barry Khan.

He was once depressed that he stopped working for a month, however it's all forgotten thanks to 17 who encouraged his friend to feel better, always find (Y/n)-San an inspiring friend to have. Once he's better, he goes back to work protecting creatures. (Y/n)-San packed himself a (insert favorite food) and ate it quickly. Once he's done, he hiccuped. 

17 chuckled, "Slow down (Y/n)-San, you'll end up a huge balloon." (Y/n)-San nodded and placed his trash into the trash bin. (Y/n)-San sat back down and stared at 17 who was eating his usual rice ball wrapped in seaweed. "You really like only that 17? You know you can eat whatever you like", (Y/n)-San said. 17 shrugged his shoulders, "That's all I cared right now", and resumed eating it.

(Y/n)-San felt bad for 17 especially after he and his ex-wife filed divorce. Once she moved out, 17 felt more lonely than ever. He did move on but he cannot get rid of the loneliness out of him. 17 thought having a relationship is a bad idea. He loves her when they met, but she get tired of him because he always to tired when she tried to get him into sex. 17 doesn't mind having sex with her but he did blame himself because he's too tired to have fun.

(Y/n)-San knew 17's the one who needed some cheering up. He just needed the android's attention. "So 17", (Y/n)-San said to him, "how long was it since working here?" 17 looked at him and thought, "Six years, why?" 

"Just wondering, I join you guys a year after you work", (Y/n)-San said amazed, "Six years is a long time. I can't believe you were the only ranger who can stop those poachers. All those animals are thankful to have a strong man like you." 17 smiled, playfully landed a punch onto his arm, "Don't need to brag, but you did play your role too. You always take care of them and are strong. If only I was strong like you."

(Y/n)-San looked at him in surprise; he blushed when he heard his friend like that. But he also noticed how 17 was avoiding eye contact and spot blushes on his cheeks. 17 cleared his throat and threw his trash away, "Anyway, thanks for talking. Gotta get back to work", and walks down into the forest. 

But (Y/n)-San is not that fooled and follows him in hot pursuit. 17 sensed his ki and turned, saw him following him. 17 started to run, but was shocked that (Y/n)-San's also running. So with fast speed, 17 ran for his life. Ran all the way to the other side of the island. 17 exit the forest and try to hide.

17 gasp as he felt a strong hand grabbing his arm. "Wait 17, why are you running from me?", (Y/n)-San asked. 17 is worried, afraid that his friend doesn't understand his complete feelings he's having. 17 was suddenly backed up against a huge tree, now pinned by (Y/n)-San. 

17 look at him, finding his friend...handsome looking. 17's heart is racing fast, scared how he will react if he did this. But 17 decided to face the truth. (Y/n)-San is puzzled and waits for him to answer. But instead, 17 pull him closer and kiss his lips. (Y/n)-San's shocked; so surprised that he did that.

17 did not think abouting caressing the man's body and resumed kissing. Once a minute past, 17 broke the kiss. (Y/n)-San is dumbfounded yet clearly understood what happened. "17, what is this about?", he asked. 17 sighed and blushing red, "My ex-wife didn't divorce me, I divorced her." (Y/n)-San is surprised again, "What happened?" 17 sighed, "(Y/n)-San, I'm gay for you." (Y/n)-San is speechless, now blushing red.

17 resume talking, "You see for many years now, I always find you attractive and I cannot get you out of my head. I was in love with her, but you stole my heart. Every time you protect the animals from poachers, endure injuries from gun wounds and cuts, and only find everyone else first priority and then yourself. I always admired you from afar and wanted to be close to you. That's why I decided to file divorce so I can be with you. But I battled myself for so long because you might not care of me like this."

(Y/n)-San knows exactly what happened; it all makes sense. He knew that 17 is always a lone wolf, but never imagined him feeling this way. But his honest words make up for it as (Y/n)-San leaned down and kissed 17's lips. 17 yelps as he felt the man pull him into an embrace. 17 smiled through the kiss and wrapped his arms around (Y/n)-San's neck. 

They break the kiss; (Y/n)-San stared into his black eyes, "17, I wish you told me sooner. I never felt like this towards a dude before. And...I'll be frank with you 17 but I do love you back. I always love you since two years later after we worked together. I'm afraid that you're straight and moved on as I don't want to ruin our friendship. But I'm glad you told me."

17 pulled him in and gave him another kiss, until they eventually french kissed. 17 can feel the hair off (Y/n)-San's face as they make out roughly like wild animals. Tongues flicked, dancing together as they explored each others' mouths. While they're busy, (Y/n)-San's hands reach down and grab 17's small ass. 

17 groaned and broke the kiss, "Really? Out in public?", he said with raised brow. "You started this 17, you wanted me so why not do it now?", (Y/n)-San. 17 hummed and leaned his head onto his chest, "Let's head to my house then. Let's call it a day and have fun~" "Perfect", (Y/n)-San agreed and took the time off, and went to 17's house.

The next morning comes the new start of their lives together. 17 and (Y/n)-San had sex last night and slept throughout the night. The light shone through the window glass, shining onto (Y/n)-San's face. (Y/n)-San yawned and stretched his arms. 

"Morning (Y/n)-San", 17 yawned and stretched his arms. (Y/n)-San leans down and kisses his lips, "And good morning to you my love~" Only shown topless men, the blanket covers the rest of their bodies. "Well it's a new day for us 17, let's get dressed and have breakfast", (Y/n)-San said and gave 17 his boxers. 17 smiled, "Sure", and both wearing their boxers headed to the shower.

Once they showered, dressed, and had breakfast, they emerged from the house and locked the door. 17 smiled, finally getting to live in his own world with his one true love. (Y/n)-San smiled as he carried their lunch bags, "alright 17, time to go to work. I hope we catch some more poachers today", (Y/n)-San said happily. 17 hugged him, "Yeah, let's go", and they kissed. Once the kiss is over, 17 pick him up and fly over to the island.

17 and (Y/n)-San resume their lives as the best rangers of this planet. Rescue creatures, capture poachers, and always be together for the rest of their lives. One day, they will get married and hopefully their friends and families support them for being homosexuals. 

(Y/n)-San knew 17's an android, but his heart is still human and loved him anyway; and 17 loved him back. They'll look forward to spending their years and their future together. 

Either way, I guess this gonna tame the beasts (Yeah! Insert CSI Miami theme).

The End

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