Gogeta (canon) X Chubby Insecure Female Saiyan Reader

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Requested by KatiraLovely. 

To explain the title we know that Gogeta from the Fusion Reborn film is actually non-canon, which is a character who is not created in Toriyama's manga. However, this Gogeta is now canon because Toriyama is involved in the DBS Broly movie. And referenced the beginning before Goku was sent to Earth was from Dragon Ball Minus (i think), a doujinshi that illustrates exactly in the film. Except when Goku's grown up. Anyway, this Gogeta is a whole person like his son Vegito. Enjoy.

(Y/n)-Chan yawned and stretched her arms in bed, greeted by the light sunlight. She turned to the window and smiled. She felt a figure, a man yawning and wrapping his stretched arm around her. It was her husband Gogeta. Gogeta hums and leans in to kiss her cheek, "Morning love~", and inhales her lovely sweet fruity scent of her neck. 

She chuckled and turned to him, hugging his body as she kissed his lips. She hums and pulls out, "Morning my husband~", and nuzzles on his left cheek. Gogeta chuckled as he carried her out of bed and both headed to the bathroom.

After shower, they emerged from the bathroom, already changed into their clean clothes for today. Gogeta wears his black suit, white long sleeved shirt, black necktie, black pants, and black leather shoes. He already combed his hair and wore his watch. Beside him is his beautiful wife (Y/n)-Chan. 

(Y/n)-Chan is a (height) and chubby young woman. Only at age (twenty-ish), she is wearing her (color) blouse, (color) (long skirt or jeans), (color) socks, and brushing her (color) (long or short) (styled by choice) hair. By her weight, the only areas not thick or fat are her calves and upper arms. Her face is (either makeup by your choice or) thin (color) eyebrows above her (color) eyes. Her nose is (size) and her lips are shaded in (color). Gogeta looked and stared at her and she turned her eyes at him. Gogeta smiled, "You look sexy~" (Y/n)-Chan punched lightly on his arm, "Oh stop it hun~", and resumed to the stairs.

They head downstairs and each other attend to their chore. (Y/n)-Chan gathered ingredients for breakfast. While she's cooking, she hears two foot-steps. "(Y/n)-Chan, guess who's awake?", Gogeta said to get her attention. She turned to them and she smiled, "Morning baby!" 

"Morning mommy!", Kid Vegito greeted her with a hug around her waists. They chuckled as Gogeta guided his son to the table. Once she's done cooking, she places them on plates and brings them all to the dining table. She made their favorite breakfast: insert your favorite food here.

"Yeah food!", Vegito yells out happily and chomps down the food. "Vegito baby, chew and swallow", his mother scolded him with a gentle smile. Vegito chews a minute and swallows. Gogeta chuckled as he chomped down on his food. (Y/n)-Chan gave him a glare, he knew she's scolding him to chew first. He chuckled as he sweated on his forehead, and swallowed, then chewed and swallowed their breakfast.

Gogeta and Vegito are slipping their feet into their own shoes. Kid Vegito chuckled as he slipped his backpack behind him. Gogeta smiled and patted his head, "Look at you, my only first-born son is now a big boy and on his way to first grade", he commented to his son. 

(Y/n)-Chan almost feels like crying because her little baby boy is going to his first day at school. She holds her camera and gestures to her boys to smile at the camera. She pressed the button and turned her attention to the screen of her camera: both her husband and son smiled perfectly. Gogeta checked his watch and whistled, "Oops, school is going to start soon. Come on son, let's go", and opened the door. 

(Y/n)-Chan leaned down and kissed Kid Vegito's forehead, "Have a great day at school baby!" "I will!", he chimed while waiting. She leaned upwards and kissed her husband's lips, "Have a great day at work hun", she said and waved at them. "I will", he chimed. And he and their son flew into the air and headed off to the left direction.Once they're gone, (Y/n)-Chan washed the dishes. 

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