(Pregnant) Calliona X Cabba

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Requested by Alchemical_Exodus. This is a sequel to the other fanfic two weeks ago.

Calliona and Cabba are holding hands as they spend their evening star gazing. Recently, they just got married and are living their lives as husband and wife. 

Caulifla and Renso are happy to welcome him into the family. Although they would've tested him, since he truly loves Calliona, they decided to respect her choice of choosing her true love.

They left the spot of star gazing and headed back to their hut. Since Calliona moved out of her parents hut, she moved in with Cabba, hopefully getting an upgrade for his service for his race's king of planet Sadala. They arrived at their hut and entered. 

Locking the door, they felt tired and went to bed. They cuddled against one another and kissed. "Cabba~", she coos at him, "You're the best husband ever~" Cabba nodded, "And you're my one and only favorite wife~" She buried her face on his chest and they fell asleep, dreaming of starting raising their family.

Two months later, Calliona has been nauseous and always puking in the toilet. Cabba felt concerned and rubbed her back with his hand. "Hey Calli, are you ok? Should I get you to a doctor?", he said worried. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and smiled, "No worries hubby, it's a strange sickness." He felt unsure and nodded, both heading to the kitchen.

Calliona always eats her portion of at least twenty dishes of food, like Cabba's portions. But since a month ago, she has been eating fifty dishes. Cabba's glad to have higher pay since he can at least get more food in case they're gone already. But he finds this...suspicious. 

It's not any type of dish she's eating: it was only shaved ice covered in monkeyberries, pork ribs, and lizard steak. He looked shocked at how much she can eat in three different meals. He sighed, better add more of those in their grocery list.

Another week went by and he noticed her behavior changes constantly. She was happy when they woke up together, hungry when eating, sad that he had to go to work, she was angry when he came back home, scared that he would be mad at her but he didn't because he loves her. 

And she complains how her back aches when sleeping differently; it wasn't like the usual cuddle sleep, only on her back she sleeps and snores loudly. He did find it funny, but he doesn't get what's wrong with her.

Little does he know that Calliona knows he's an clueless Saiyan. She thought he remembers after sex, but realized he missed out sex ed at the academy when he was sick with a cold. However, Renso told her once that they performed phrases that will give men clues that the females are pregnant. So, she went out to buy a few materials and began making the dough.

Cabba is a few inches away from the hut door. He felt tired from work, but felt nervous about how she'll react to his return. He wanted to feel at ease, but the way she acted for two months is impossible to know what it is. He turned the knob and entered the hut, locked the door. Once he's in, his nose can smell the pleasant scent of dough.

He smiled, "Calliona, I'm back!", and entered the kitchen. He looked stunned, he saw her making dough on the counter. He smiles, "Yes! Monkey bread!", he exclaimed. Monkey bread is his all favorite food, like his mother cooked it when he was little. Since his parents are long gone, he often doesn't have time to make any.

But he is happy she's making it. Monkey bread contains sweet dough made with honey, berries on top, and bananas in and through the bread. "Yep", she said and finished kneading the dough, "But can you help me take something out of the brick oven hubby?", she asked. "Sure, I'll get it", Cabba said and walked to their big oven brick. Once he put on oven mitts, he took the tray out and looked confused: there's only two buns in the oven.

He set them down on the rack and looked at them. "Well? Do they look brown?", she asked. "No, they're golden. But why two buns? We usually eat twenty buns...", he said and trailed off. He looked super shocked. He realized what it means. 

He turned quickly at her and she smiled at her. He rushed to her and embraced her, "Calliona! You're having twins!?", he asked smilingly. She nods and kisses his lips, "Yes Cabba, I'm pregnant!", she said excited.

"But how do you know you're having twins?", he asked her. "Well since three days ago, I went to the doctors and they managed to determine I'm in early pregnancy, they said they're already formed", she explained. 

Cabba laughs happily and kisses her face, "I'm going to be a dad!", he cheered and ran out the hut, going to tell the news to Caulifla, Renso, and their friends. Calliona sighed, chuckled as she placed the monkey bread into the oven. "What will I do with that father of yours?", she asked herself, gently placed her hand on her belly. She cannot wait for their arrival.

Seven months later, Calliona and Cabba just came back from the midwife house. They entered their baby nursery and placed twin babies into the crib. Calliona and Cabba both awed, happily welcomed their twins: a boy and a girl. 

Cabba is more delighted to have his fingers being grabbed by their tiny hands. They coo at him. He sighed, "We did it Calliona! We have our children!", he said excitedly. She sighed and hugged him, "Oh Cabba, I'm so glad we get to be parents", she said.

Their first twin is a boy named (B/n): he has his mother's black hair style, but he mostly has his father's appearance. He also has a rambunctious little boy, always wanting to see the world beyond his nursery window. He wore his little blue jammies and he always started to take after his mother: angry for not getting what he wanted.

Their second twin is a girl named (G/n): she has her mother's looks, has her father's hair style, and unlike her brother (G/n) is a rather sweet and calm baby. She wore her green jammies and had small spikes starting to stand out. She's rather a daddy's girl, always crying unless Cabba picks her up and holds her. She always feels safe when he's around her. She also loves her mother because she can get to feed her.

Yes, both her and her brother both have the same common thing: both love eating their mother's breast milk. Only for an hour arriving home, the twins are now fussy and hungry. So Calliona sat down on the chair and breast fed them. 

Cabba can feel the need to feel cocky. He leans into his wife's ear, "Calli, I'm hungry~ May I?", but she swat him away. "No hubby, go eat at the kitchen", she said and smirked. He moaned and pouted, but he smiled and they kissed.

Once the twins are fed, they fall asleep. Cabba and Calliona placed them and tucked them into their cribs. They sighed in awe and kissed their foreheads. Once they leave the nursery, they decide to chill out in their bedroom. They all climbed onto bed and lay down. Cabba is still thinking of her boobies and suddenly climbs on top of her. 

She gasps and giggles, "Cabba babe!", she whines as she feels him motorboat her breasts. She moans, pulling his face deeper in there. But she yelps, feel him pinch her nipples and it leaks out. Cabba grinned and sucked up the spot. But he spit it out.

"Gross! That does not taste sweet", he complained. She rolled her eyes at him, "Of course not to you, it's for only our kids", she said. Cabba sighed and leaned to her face, "I guess, but your lips are sweet~", and they kissed. Making out on their bed, they spend their moment, happily living their new life. Hopefully they can get to raise their new family together.

The End

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