Ginger OC X Frost Chapter 2

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Last chapter. There is no recap this time; however, there will be some different endings to make it interesting. Enjoy this last chapter.

Ginger and Frost hold hands as they explore each shop without being recognized by the police. Ginger felt her life is complete after meeting Frost; she truly loves him and he honestly loves her as much as being the space pirate of universe 6. They wanted to spend their time together as they explored the town.

Ginger did not feel ashamed how her brother and parents will react if she's in love with an Ice-Jin; she needs him, trying to leave everyone behind to save their new relationship. Frost is happy to be with Ginger, he always admired her sweet smile. He hated to cheat on her and decided to leave his past behind to gain a new life with her. But one thing in his mind is she was supposed to kill him and yet she didn't because he distracted her with affections.

As two hours went by, they finished their lunch and Frost decided to bring her to a special place further in the forest. It took them fifteen minutes to leave the town, but it was worth it as they can walk through the dense dark forest. Since no one's there, they remove their hoods and look around. "So quiet", she said in awe, "So perfect." Frost nods, "Just you wait till we get to the meadow", he said as they resumed walking. For not long, they spotted a large meadow coming up.

Ginger gasps in awe as she witnesses the most beautiful meadow she has ever seen. There are wildflowers everywhere. As they walked more, they entered in the middle of the meadow. Every flower is colorful: yellow to red, from green to blue, and purple to exotic flowers like the zebra lilies. Frost picked up a wild red rose and held it to her; Ginger smiled and took it, "So lovely Frost, how do you know about this?", she asked.

"I have my ways", Frost said and held her hand, "There's one more you should see." They resume walking straight as they are closer to the edge of the meadow. After a minute, they finally arrived: Ginger smiled wider in awe as she saw a huge sakura tree. It has all those lovely flowers, some of the petals fall down. One flower managed to fall down and landed on top of her head.

She giggled, picked it up and sniffed it. Frost smiled as he watched her inhale the scent. "Frost, you're amazing~", she coos at him, and makes him back up against the tree. Frost smirked at her, "Ginger~", he coos. "Frost~", Ginger cooed back. Then, they make out. Their hands are all over each others' bodies, caressing them. Frost groaned as he could feel her breasts pressed against his body, almost feeling his erection rising again.

After two minutes, they break the kiss and sighed. Ginger felt like she's in heaven as she can feel her future with him will be full of everlasting happiness. Her gaze turned to Frost, watching his walking further near the wildflowers. Ginger turned and looked at him, "Frost?", she calls out confused. Frost stood there, admiring the meadow. 

He sighed, "Ginger, this looks like the best place for us. It'll be the only remaining time together before you kill me. Isn't it lovely?", he asked. Ginger gasps and expresses her worried look, "No Frost, I won't kill you! I promise we'll escape together and live on an isolated planet!"

Frost turned to her, smiling, "Ginger, you know Hit's going to find out and come here to kill me", he said. Ginger cried and rushed up to him, "No Frost! I won't let it happen!", and hugged him. She buried her face onto his chest, "Please Frost, believe me! I'll help you to escape and we can get married, raise a family, and no one's going to stop us!", she exclaimed. 

Frost petted her head, "There, there my Ginger", lifting her face, looking at him with her watered eyes, "There's no hope of escaping this. I must accept my fate as I do show no remorse of killing those people, selling their planets, or any remorse for loving you my lovely Ginger." Ginger hiccuped as she leaned in and kissed his lips.

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