DBS Future Trunks X Trapped Goku's Daughter Reader

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Requested by YuGiOhfan1999. For the requester, I sincerely apologized for a huge delay on this one. I was confused and realized this one was next to the five chapter request, like underneath the request. I was so embarrassed I didn't see it till recently. Anyway, hope you like it.

Future Trunks just recently traveled back to the present, warning everyone including Goku of a new threat that he was unable to defeat. It was a notorious mafia gang who had cunning skills and always knew how to hide their kis.

Goku is more interested in the mafia's leader, Kung Su, the most powerful and strong leader of his people. Vegeta was not really interested, "Trunks, if they're a mafia, why come here if you can take them out?", he said. 

Future Trunks blushed, "It's embarrassing, they are always experts at hiding their ki. I tracked them down for months and was unable to find them. But the worst part is they know how to torture people."

Vegeta growled, raised his fist up. "I taught you well didn't I boy!? How about this!?", he scolded his future son. But before he could punch his face, Bulma rushed out to them. "Everyone! This is an emergency!", she yelled out to them. Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks turned their attention to her. "What is it woman!?", Vegeta yelled at her. 

Bulma bitch slapped his face, "Knock it off Vegeta! Chichi just informed me that (Y/n)-Chan's missing!", she explained. Goku and Future Trunks are shocked. "But the worst part is that she saw Frieza took her and planned to sell her to a mafia gang!", Bulma exclaimed, concerned.

Vegeta seethed, "Shit!!", and turned to them, "Well don't just stand there, let's go!!" All three nodded and both Saiyans held on Goku's shoulders. Goku is preparing for teleportation. But the issue like Trunks' said is he's unable to find their ki. But he realized that Frieza was still there with them and tried to find him.

Meanwhile, a group of mafia gang is meeting someone at the cargo transportation station on Earth. "Why hello gentlemen", said the british type of voice (sorry). They turned their heads to their right direction: there was Frieza holding (Y/n)-Chan as hostage. She was tied in rope and unable to break it through the trip.

(Y/n)-Chan is the half-Saiyan daughter and second child of Goku and Chichi. She is only at (height) feet-tall. She is (weight) young girl, but thanks to her race's high metabolism, she was able to maintain weight from gaining extra pounds of fat when she constantly eats. 

Her face consists of black eyes, black (styled) hair, small nose, nice pair of lips, and has (color) earrings on her ears. (Y/n)-Chan's outfit is her father's uniform except has Whis's symbol of being trained by the guide angel of Lord Beerus. Except she also has orange with three blue stripes, short skirt with leggings.

Her father introduced her to Whis a year ago, hoping training her will help her become stronger like her brother Gohan. But within a year's worth of training, she was able to learn from moving without thinking to landing blows to the body. 

However, her own problem is she is not on her guard when she's off training. She'll never know who could attack her. Like Frieza: he made a deal with the mafia's leader in giving him a live Saiyan to use in his experiments in exchange, Frieza can use their new invention to find Broly.

So, when he arrived there an hour ago, he saw (Y/n)-Chan practicing her moves. He doesn't admit she seems strong. But not smart. Once (Y/n)-Chan finally senses his ki, he swiftly grabs her from behind and abducts her, and flies away from her house to the station. She knew her mother informed her dad and her friends of her whereabouts.

But she realized she won't be going anywhere for awhile. She watches them exchange and then the mafia men take her. They dragged her to an unknown room of their new hideout. The only downside is they blindfolded her eyes so she won't know where they went. 

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