Xeno Vegeta X Kidnapped Xeno Female Reader

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Requested by YuGiOhfan1999. Btw, in case you didn't play Xenoverse 2 where Fu appeared, he was acting like an anti-hero like Deadpool. But yeah he was supposed to be a villain according to the manga, but this game changed his nature otherwise. Enjoy.

In 852, comes a city full of Time Patrollers. This is Conton City: the capital of all patrollers and heroes gathered for their daily routine and new patrollers ready for action. Among them is a peculiar Time Patroller who is none other than the rookie of the city, (Y/n)-Chan. She just graduated from the Time Patrol Academy and recently just transferred as the Time Patroller, permitted by Chronoa the Supreme Kai of Time.

(Y/n)-Chan is a (height) young woman, (weight) body with petite arms and legs. Her hair is (length) and (color), eyebrows perfectly arched, her (color) eyes sparkled in excitement, her smile is big and shiny with white teeth. She's from the (favorite choice of race) race, a common race who would join the rank of the Time Patrollers. 

She was wearing her casual outfit: a plain (color) t-shirt, (color) gi pants, and (color) boots (plus you can include any fashion headwear if you like. But now, she wears her new outfit: (insert favorite DB,DBZ,DBS character outfit). She still has her lucky charm: a simple barrette made by her mentor Xeno Vegeta.

It has been several months since she met him, finds him too serious and grumpy; but she knew better not to misjudge him and eventually, she finds him very attractive. (Y/n)-Chan always wanted to have a friendly talk to the Saiyan Prince, but he always cut her off by having tough sparring or training. 

She did manage to follow him last week and caught him talking to Bulma. (Y/n)-Chan felt her heart break, saw Bulma kiss Vegeta's cheek. The poor girl realizes that he's married. Feeling depressed, she left the area quietly.

She walks back to her usual street, heading to her house. (Y/n)-Chan has no idea that Vegeta was married and felt like a fool to fall for him. She always enjoyed his company, admired his motivation to get stronger than Goku, and he is indeed handsome. 

But she has to get rid of her attached feelings for him. As she approached her door, she unlocked it and opened. Once she entered her house, her eyes widened in shock: her house had been sacked. She thinks it was, but whoever made this mess didn't steal anything. She searches the house, keeping her guard up.

But as she entered the kitchen, she gasped, a sudden hand knocked the back of her neck. She gagged and fell forward; an arm catched her. The dark figure cackled silently as it vanished, left the house unlocked.

In the morning, Xeno Vegeta left his ex-wife's house, ready to train his female disciple. He arrived at the usual spot and waited for an hour. He growled while eyes closed, "Where is she?", he asked himself. Another hour passed by and he had it, he decided to walk by her house. 

He flew over and landed next to her house. But he looked surprised by how her door opened. He entered and saw Xeno Goku checking the area. "What happened, Kakarot? Where's (Y/n)-Chan?", he asked. His rival shook his head with a frown, "Someone kidnapped her", Xeno Goku said, "I was requested by Chronoa to find any clues but nothing."

Vegeta is upset, he lands a punch, leaving a crater on the wall. He never felt like this before since Bulma got slapped by Lord Beerus one time. But this situation is different, he cannot calm down since he's worried for his student. He scanned the area, throwing things around the house. He was about to end his search and found a genuine clue. "Look Kakarot", Xeno Vegeta said and held it up, "White hair." Xeno Goku nodded, "And I know where exactly they went", and both left the house.

Meanwhile, (Y/n)-Chan finally wakes up. She gasps in shock, now trapped into a cell prison room. She was about to walk over to her door, but her ankle is chained to the bed frame. She fell backwards and onto the bed. She rubbed her head, felt it was aching. "So, did you have a nice dream Patroller?", asked the voice from her door. She looked at him and frowned. 

Fu stood there with arms crossed and smirking at her. "Fu!", she exclaimed, "Why did you abducted me?" His red eyes staring at her, evilly grinned, "I'm in the mood for experimentation today. And I happened to spot you after following that Saiyan prince. So I took you and made you my best experiment." She backed up, watching him enter the room and closer to her, "What experiment?", she asked.

He lifted her chin up, making her facing him. He smiled wickedly at her, "My mass weapon of destruction", he replied. But a sudden explosion invaded his hideout. Both Fu and (Y/n)-Chan are surprised by this. "What the?", Fu said, confused. 

Until another explosion occurred, busting the doors down. Two sudden figures flew into the room and appeared before them. "Vegeta! Goku!", (Y/n)-Chan exclaimed happily. Fu smirked, "Well, well. Look who's here?", he said. Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta stood their ground in battle stances.

Xeno Goku charged at the purple demon, but Fu deflected it with his katana. While they're battling, Xeno Vegeta picked her up in bridal style and fled inside the wormhole. Once it's closed, they travel through it for a short moment. Then, it opened; both made it back to Conton City.

An hour later, Goku came back and joined them both at her house. He approached Xeno Vegeta while Xeno (Y/n)-Chan was rearranging her house. "So?", Xeno Vegeta asked him. "Turns out he was joking about experimenting on her", Goku said. "What!? But...why?", Xeno Vegeta asked. Goku huddled him closer, "Fu told me the truth. (Y/n)-Chan's in love with you and has been getting your attention for months." Xeno Vegeta blushed, "R..Really?", he said, surprised. Xeno Goku nodded, "At least tell her how you feel towards her Vegeta. See ya around", and left the house.

He turned to Xeno (Y/n)-Chan finally cleared all the mess and was about to organize it. "(Y/n)-Chan, may I have a moment with you?", Xeno Vegeta asked. She turned to him, smiled, "Sure, what's up?", she asked. Xeno Vegeta walks up to her, "Were you...spying on me last night at Bulma's house?", he asked. She blushed, lowered her head in shame, "Yes. I'm so sorry Vegeta. I really wanted to speak with you for a long time. I thought I would be able to last night until I saw her kiss you. I thought you're married and wanted to know if it's true." 

He pulled her in and embraced her, making her blush more. "I was for a long time", he confessed, "But we were divorced for many years after life and I was rather lonely with Bulma around. But we're friends and I don't care if she dated Yamcha. But...I didn't expect you to fall for me, because I felt like I was mean to you all the time, I'm sorry (Y/n)-Chan."

She hugged him back, "Apology accepted Vegeta, I really love you. You're powerful, handsome, and always intelligent. And I can always rely on you for help. But now, I wanted to love you more than a friend", she said. Xeno Vegeta leans in and kisses her lips. She kisses back and breaks the kiss. He smiled softly at her, "I love you back (Y/n)-Chan", and they began to french kiss.

Tongues flicked, danced in their mouths as they explored each other's mouths. They stood there kissing as they were happy to be together. They break kiss; Xeno Vegeta helped her fix her house and it's back to normal. "Vegeta, do you want to move in with me?", Xeno (Y/n)-Chan asked. 

He nods, "I hope you warm that bed up for me?", he asked and they both went to bed, cuddling as they drifted into sleep. They are looking forward to being a couple for their entire lives and hopefully get married and raise a family together. And so the Time Patrollers lived their days as a couple, happily save time and history, and spend their days with their friends and themselves

The End. 

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