Mira X Milky (OC) Lemon

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Requested by Chespin101. Again another pairing in the same universe as Moon and Noom. I know it's confusing of the backstory but bear this with me as I explain it before the action between her and Mira.

Planet Popstar is the oldest planet of the oldest creations of the Gods of Everything. It was very hard to secure them since the Grand Zeno always threw terrible tantrums like a toddler, he erased six universes. But he promised his parents he would take care of them, to watch the civilization build their own world. 

However, the planet of the Popstarians (good) and Rockstarians (bad) was destroyed by the sudden force of the powerful energy. It was due to the sudden dramatic change within the core of the planet. Only two managed to escape: Moon and her doggelganger Noom. Both escaped, spent many years on their own, and found their own soulmates, able to create their own families, in different timelines.

However Moon and Noom are not aware how there is another small race besides their own. Far away next to the designated location of a small dwarf planet: the home of the lost small race known as the Countstarians. Unlike Popstarians and Rockstarians, this race is more...advanced race. 

Like I said, Popstar is the mainland of their territory. But next to it are small dwarf planets where most of the Countrstarians lived. During the mass destruction of the planet's demise, most of the Countrstarians managed to use their biggest ship to cargo the one big planet and boarded every being in their ship. Once they left far away from the impact, the Popstar exploded. Ever since then, the Countrstarians knew they have to revive their people back.

For years, scientists and mechanic engineers worked on inventions. Each invention is closer and closer to their solution. However, only twelve remaining scientists remain alive since their race is slowly turning into extinction since the females died from internal illness while the males slowly died from natural age. 

Spending millions and million years later, one scientist finally found the solution to their race's first problem. He took a blood sample from himself, then inserted it into the machine. He used his monitor as he watches part of his DNA which creates a clone. But he made sure that each machine gets to clone a male and the other machine clones a female. Ever since they successfully completed the first set of clones, they entered them into a breeding program.

They all tried to breed, even some switched to more compatible partners, but failed. Some aren't capable of breeding and only two females died from the breeding complications. This was worrying. So he spent more years only cloning more clones. 

This time, he injected a special ability of hormones that will ensure their race can repopulate. However, the mystery is the moon is no longer usable. He forgets the idea and presumes his job. A thousand years later comes a new clone to the scientists. She is known as their own hope to revive the planet and its people. They found her after noticing that one of their oldest ancestors created her and placed her into millions of years of slumber in their sleep bunker. They made sure she sleeps with their sleep smoke, to not disturb her rest. But the descendants need her now.

This creature is Milky, an advanced clone of the Countrstarians. She has been born for only eight years and was slept for so long after that. They wanted to perform an autopsy, to examine the anatomy. They found no problems and knew that her hormones on the screen are activated. But to make her feel like breeding, a person needs to touch her core to fully be ready for intercourse. But they moved on to their next step.

Milky, an eight year old girl, has a cute cow pattern long hair. Similar appearance like Moon, wearing a white long nightgown, white boots, and white long stockings. But Milky is only 2'8' foot-tall. They stopped the sleepy smoke and waited for her. Her eyes opened: one black on the right while the left is white. They gasp as they watch her wake up, rising up as she stands on her feet. They cheered as they completed their task; they can now get her to help them on their mission.

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