Oren Vegeta X Goku's Twin Saiyan Sister Chapter 4

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Recap: (Y/n)-Chan was still locked up in her cell. But not for long as Oren Vegeta took her out to his room. It was a scary moment for her: Oren kissed her and she is crying. She finally revealed that the reason she hates him is because he absorbed Vegeta and also confessed she's in love with him. But Vegeta did not know that. She explained she wanted to confess her love to him but unable because of divorce, she doesn't want to rush him.

Slowly and shortly, she's no longer afraid of him. But she's shocked to realize that she and Oren kissed, embracing each other. Once they hear Kamin back, Oren puts (Y/n)-Chan back to her cell, kissing her as he thinks about their promise. She is concerned about how she'll choose, him or her multiverse.

Later, she found out by the monitor that Jiren is taken hostage by Hearts and the energy cube. She is mad, worried for her friends and her brother Goku, who used Ultra Instinct but failed as the weapon took damage. 

The foes escaped to other universes, onward to collect all strong kis to complete Hearts conquest. How will (Y/n)-Chan be able to escape? Will she choose her multiverse and stop them? Or will she choose Oren?

We'll find out next in this fanfic.

Chapter 4

Meanwhile on a planet in Universe 11, Future Trunks, Goku, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta are injured from their recent fight. The down side is they took Jiren in their energy cube to collect it for the Universe seed. Thanks to Xeno Goku, he brought some senzu beans. 

He gave each one to them, healed up. But Goku needs to rest, he doesn't have all the ki since the being from the weapon damaged him so badly. Future Trunks growled and kicked the dirt, "Damn it!"

But Xeno Vegeta patted his back, "Easy there son", he said calmly. He turns to his father's counterpart. He nodded, "Sorry, but you looked almost like my father. And it's all Hearts' fault! Both my father and (Y/n)-Chan are hostages." Xeno Vegeta nods, "I understand. But we need a new plan. We need to get up our strategy to reach up to them and finally defeat them.

"That's right", Goku said weakly, "We...(wheezed) We need more power to stop them and I need more energy to recharge myself." Future Trunks groaned, feeling helpless right now. Future Mai hugged him, "Don't worry, there'll be a way", she assured him. He hugged her back.

Out of nowhere, they heard a loud buzzing sound. They all gasped as a random wormhole appeared. When it opens, there comes Piccolo and Android 17. "You guys!", Future Trunks exclaimed. 17 holds the portal while Piccolo tends to Goku, giving him extra energy.

Goku felt stronger and stood up on his own. He smiled, "Thanks Piccolo", and turned to everyone. "We need to go now. We must stop Hearts before he destroys the multiverse!", he said. Everyone nods in agreement. He turned to his counterpart, "I need you and Xeno Vegeta to go find my sister and bring her back", he asked. 

Both Time Patrollers agreed, using their portal to travel and left the group. The rest of the group entered the other portal, leaving Universe 11 as they plan their idea as they travel after Hearts.

Meanwhile, it was another three hours in her cell. (Y/n)-Chan already ate her meal again as Oren sat next to her. He smiled at her, "You sure do eat a lot, don't you~", he said amused. She looks at him and swallows her food, "It's what we Saiyans do. We all love eating", and resume eating her plate. 

He did promise her food while being imprisoned, but he also thinks over the promise they made. He was able to stay with her while Kamin left elsewhere from their hideout.

He groaned, reminded himself earlier when Hearts slapped his cheek again. Hearts words almost killed him, "I better not find you disobey me again boy! When the time comes, you'll have your chance. Now you better not ask my authority again or else I'll have you dead!" Those words got him worried. He really wanted to test his new strength thanks to Vegeta, but Oren is not happy when Hearts tells him to be (Y/n)-Chan's babysitter.

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