stuck in the middle of the road

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It was a typical Tuesday. Typical sun making us feel like we were on fire. Just a typical weather in Singapore. Typical traffic. Typical school dismissal timing.. not for us, but the primary school a few hundred metres —or maybe thousands— away. Typical parents who were always so kiasu* to pick their kids up, before their kids were even released.

And yes, a train of cars were lined up, from the main gate of the primary school all the way to the train station, again, hundreds or thousands metres behind. They did not leave a tiny little gap at all, except for the yellow box, the whole lane was frozen. To make things worse, there were only two lanes, with one lane stuck, traffic on the second one was also badly affected.

Ok now let me cut all the bullshit and get to the main point.

My bus was arriving, the bus captain initially decided to just go pass on the outside lane without stopping. But, I was fast to wave my hand as if stopping a taxi, the bus captain had no choice but to turn in to the bus stop. However, due to the train of cars, the bus was stuck on the outside lane, not able to cut in to the bus stop, it was there for a few minutes before there was a honking sound.

My friend who was next to me, said, "'Tell' the bus to go over to the yellow box." I was like, "whut, i- ugh." But then I still decided not to do anything. Why was I so dumb.

After much effort, the car that honked finally made it through the train of cars to fetch their child (at the bus stop where I was). The driver, a lady, came to fetch her son. As you know, typical, she took the chance to get off the car and take a video, which I assume she used it to complain to whatever authority. Then she spotted the bus, and she asked, "Who needs to take that bus? Who needs to take 156?" Without hesitation, another student and I raised our hands.

Being a mum in Singapore, she told and assisted us to cross the road and then get on the bus. We thanked her profusely, of course, manners.

She's my saviour istg, she literally helped us get on a bus that will be there for god knows how long if she didn't help.

Finally, I took a seat and settled down, fishing out my phone from my pocket and texting my friend.

It was just around 2 minutes after I got on the bus when I asked her if she had gotten on her bus. And her reply was yes.

I was like, WHAT?!

I felt like I could sense a little of her sarcastic tone when she said my bus driver very smart, he drove the bus to the yellow box.

Oh wow, so that actually works. Guess the bus captain of the bus I was taking needs to be smarted in picking up his commuters next time.

Kiasu: grasping, selfish (idk how to explain but I guess it's something like this, if you know you know, if you don't know, I'm sorry idk how to explain this term to you)

The title is "stuck in the middle of the road" because my school is kind of surrounded by roads so if you come out of the school you are basically in the middle of some roads. Yes it's stupid forgive me for being childish.

That's the end of the story. It was so dumb I swear, the traffic was soooo bad because of all the parents being so kiasu, ugh, anyway, I think many people complained and the school or whatever authority got traffic police on the road now. Yay! No more traffic shit and bus all the way across the road.

Hope y'all enjoyed this! <3

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