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i pack my bag for a weeks worth of traveling and i get a text from harry saying the bus will be there to pick me up in an hour. i eat some dinner and the bus arrives. i hear a knock on my door.
"coming!" i yell from my kitchen. i shuffle to the door and mitch is waiting outside (mitch is harry's guitar player).
"hello y/n." says mitch grabbing the luggage by the door.
"hi mitch! do you need any help?" i ask grabbing my backpack.
"no all good. i do think harry is sleeping though so just be quiet when you get on. we already got bff/n"
"okie dokie artichoke!" i leave my apartment and mitch follows me with two suitcases. i get onto the bus and the curtain covering harry's bed is open.
(in case you don't know what i'm talking ab here's a photo)

 (in case you don't know what i'm talking ab here's a photo)

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he looks so peaceful sleeping. he hears my footsteps and rolls over still asleep. bff/n is chilling in the bed above his. i take the bed across from harry. i sit on my bed and mitch comes in dropping my stuff accidentally.
"y/n! what the hell did you pack! this is so heavy" mitch says out of breath. a combination of mitch's loud voice and my luggage crashing to the floor made harry snap awake. he sees my on my bed and fixes his hair.
"hello y/n." he says with a groggy voice.
"hello harry" i say back smiling. he rolls over so he's facing me. we stare at each other for a minute. it's already 9:45 since they were a bit late getting me. mitch climbs into the passenger seat of the bus and i go to the bathroom and wash my face and change. i come back and harry is asleep again but he wakes up when he hears me climb back into my bed. he smiles. i face him in my bed and we just stare into each other's eyes again. i smile and break eye contact. he rolls over the other way and we both fall asleep. loud booms and crashes wake me up. i take a peep out of the window and see the storms are really bad. mitch tells me we are going to pull over and get some snacks so we can give the storm a chance to calm down. i go and get bff/n's favorite food and harry a banana. i grab a ride crispy treat. i pay for the stuff and leave. i wall back onto the bus and harry is scrolling on his phone.
"hi hi." i say handing him the banana i bought.
"thank you!" he says while peeling it.
"yea no worries. this storm is crazy right. i hate storms. they freak my out" i say while eating my treat.
"yea they're pretty scary. i could come over there if you'd like?" he asked trying to contain his grin.
"i would love that." i scoot over closer to the wall. he climbs in and gets under the sheets (this bed is a bit bigger than the one in the picture). starts playing with my hair and i instantly fall asleep. i feel a heavy weight across my waist and realize his arm is around me. i've never felt more safe.

a/n sry for the late update lolz hope u like it

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