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when i wake up around 11am, i see 5 missed calls, 27 texts, and two emails. the calls and texts are from harry and i ignore them. i don't know who the emails are from so i open up my email and see one of them is from tim and the other is from the landlord. i open tim's first.

we need to get some new music for you! come by whenever you can and let's get brainstorming on what you want your next album to be.

finally, some good news. i reply telling him i'm available whenever. next i open the landlords email.

"hi y/n,
i'd love for you to stop by and see the apartment in person and get a feel for the area if you're new in town. today work?

i reply immediately saying i can come by at 3. i get ready for the day and realize i have to leave at 1. i look at myself in the mirror and just stare. i look like a normal human. it's 11:30am so i have some time. i drive to a tattoo shop and ask for a piercer. after filling out some paper work, i get a small nose stud and my cartilage pierced. the lady hands me a mirror and i feel a bit better. small changes, but worth it. i feel like i'm starting over. i hop in the car and start my trek to san diego a bit early.

harrys pov from after the phone call:
"harry, you're a dick head." kendall says.
"how the hell was i supposed to know?" i snap.
"i don't know, maybe not make your girlfriend feel bad for showing emotions? maybe don't drop her and cuddle with your best friend?" she says harshly. i sigh.
"what should i do?" i ask.
"i would fucking call her and apologize." she snaps again.
"shit, you're right." i reply.
"harry, this is so weird. you were talking to me the other day about how happy you were that she was so into taking care of kaylee and how you wanted to have all her babies with her and then you get mad with her, for what? looking at god damn apartments when you kicked her out?" she says.
"i know! i'm stupid!" i snap.
"you don't have to tell me." she replies.
"bye kendall." i hang up. i bury my head in my hands and try and call y/n. no answer. i text and she doesn't answer. i keep texting and calling but she doesn't reply. i've really screwed up.

y/n pov:
"wow, regan! it's bigger and prettier in person!" i say shocked at how nice the apartment is. it's loaded with new appliances and everything.
"want to take it?" she asks.
"yes!" i reply.
"great! let's go back to my office and get the paperwork started." she says. after a couple hours worth of paper work, i head back to LA. i get back to the hotel around 10. i'm allowed to move in next week. i take a shower, put on a face mask, open a pint of ice cream, and turn on love island. after 30 minutes, i hear a knock on the door. i go to open it and it's harry. i stand there staring at him and he stares at me. i shut the door and hear him plead for me to open the door but i don't. he finally stops and i go back to sitting on the couch. i eventually fall asleep. my alarm goes off at 8 and i get ready. i decide that i'm going to stop by the studio today. i grab my purse and keys and open the door. as i shut the door i see harry asleep, slumped against the wall.
"you've got to be kidding me." i mumble. my small comment was enough to wake him.
"y/n!" he says standing up. i roll my eyes and attempt to walk away. he keeps preventing me from doing so.
"what?" i ask.
"kendall told me everything. i feel like an ass." he says. i just look at him and shrug. i continue trying to walk away. a man sees me in the hallway struggling to get away from harry.
"ma'am, is he bothering you?" he asks.
"yes." i smile at the man.
"no i'm her boyfriend!" harry exclaims. the man pushes harry off of my and escorts me out of the hotel and makes sure i get to my car safe.
"thank you." i say.
"my pleasure. there are a lot of weirdos here." he replies and walks away. i arrive at the studio and knock on tim's door.
"hey!" he says when he sees me.
"hi!" i say.
"ready to brainstorm?" he asks.
"yea! i don't have any ideas but if u have another song writer that will propose to me, maybe i'll start thinking." i tease. he laughs.
"so i talked to columbia records and they think it would be cool if you and harry release a christmas album!" tim claps. i look at him like he's crazy.
"you're funny." i say.
"i'm not joking!" he replies.
"yea, uh, harry and i aren't exactly...how do i put this...on the same page at the moment." i say. he looks at me.
"you've got to be kidding me." he rolls his eyes.
"i mean i'm willing to sing some stuff and you guys can put my voice over his but i don't really want to be confined in a studio with him for a month." i say calmly.
"ok fine." he says typing something on his laptop.
"what are you doing?" i ask.
"asking harry if he can come in when we're done." he says concentrated.
"why?" i ask.
"because i need your input and his input on the album silly!" he replies. i sigh.
"has he even agreed to it?" i ask.
"not yet." tim smiles. i hear a door click and look behind me. it's the one and only harry fricken styles. i give tim a sharp look showing him i'm mad. he smiles.
"harry!" tim says excitedly.
"hello! y/n, did you put holes in your face?" harry asks when he sees me. he looks at me and back at tim. i roll my eyes and he smiles.
"you guys need to settle your differences! we need an album!" tim says.
"yea. i'm leaving." i roll my eyes. harry doesn't try to stop me. i leave the studio and drive back to the hotel and call liam.
"hey there's still a show tomorrow, right?" i ask.
"yea. are you coming?" he asks.
"i'm going to try to." i reply. i have nothing better to do, so why not perform on the tour i'm supposed to be on.
"ok, sounds good. i'll send you the hotel information when you land. i'll get you a room booked next to ours." he says.
"ok, see you soon!" i reply before hanging up. i stuff my bag with clothes, book a ticket for houston, and leave.

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