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we eat our food and chat about our lives.
"i definitely want to perform falling with you again." he said looking up from his plate.
"wait you want me to perform?" i said confused.
"yea. i said i'd love to sing with you again when i invited you on tour."
"i thought you meant just mess around" i said putting my taco down.
"look, y/n, you're so amazingly talented. i think if we get you out of your comfort zone we could have amazing performances and even get you out there with record companies." he said seriously but smiling.
"i mean i'm down but i would need a lot of help getting over my stage freight." i said as he walked over to my piano. he starts playing fine line.
i sit next to him on the bench. he starts singing. i join in later on. i the piano an octave up. our hands brush together. he looks as me as we keep singing. the song ends he says
"doesn't sound like you're scared." he leans in closer.
i lean in too but i pull away standing up.
"i know but in front of lots of people it just gets me scared." harry hangs his head.
"well, sleep on it. maybe you'll change your mind." he grabs his jacket and leaves. you lock the door and realize the moment you just had.
"ah stupid stupid stupid. what the fuck y/n!!!!! he. was. going. to. kiss. you." i say putting my head into my hand. i call bgf/n (best guy friend) and ask him to come over since he's one of my teammates brothers and i've known him my whole life. i trust him with everything.
"hey bgf/n, can you please come over i need some help."
"of course i'll be there in a sec." he says as he hangs up his phone. he gets to your apartment.
"y/n, what's wrong? you look very down." he said sitting next to me on the couch. i explain everything.
"you're going on tour with THE harry styles and you said no because of stage freight?" he says confused.
"i didn't say no, i just can't perform. i'm too scared. he wants me to perform with him and even 'go on my own' what the hell is that supposed to mean? and for the cherry on top, we almost kissed." i say.
"WHAT. y/n you have got to be joking." he says
"nope." i walk over to the piano.
"ok i'll play some songs and go put on a fake audience on your tv and sing in front of it." he says sitting down. i walk over to the tv and find a fake audience on youtube. i sing and even this is making me nervous. we stay up all night and it's now 7:30am. bgf/n calls some of his buddies over and makes me sing for them. none of them were happy to be up this early but they understood the situation. i sang cherry and i wasn't nervous at all. after the song ended bgf/n jumped up from the piano as his friend were clapping and gave me the biggest hug.
"THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE" i shout jumping up and down.
"i'm so happy right now!!" he says hugging you again. after a few minutes his friends leave and it's just me and him.
"you better text harry!" he says pointing to my phone. i pick up my phone but i'm so excited i just facetime him. i know it's early but it doesn't matter. harry picks up
"y/n it's like 8am are you ok?" he asks still in bed.
"i am more than fine! bgf/n and i worked all night to work on my stage freight and i sang in front of his friends!! i didn't even get nervous. i think if we try and rehearse on a stage and i can do it then i can perform with you!" i say super fast and out of breath.
"who's bgf/n?" he asks
"harry did you completely miss what i just said?" i ask confused. bgf/n walks behind me.
"hello harry! i'm one of y/n's teammates brothers. very nice to meet you!" bgf/n says.
"oh. hi." harry replies quietly. "look y/n that's great news but i'm tired. call me back later." he hangs up.
"someone is grouchy this morning." i say.
"it's ok but you should get some sleep. you have a game today." bgf/n said.
"ok. thanks for all your help" i give him a kiss on the cheek.
"anytime." he says blushing. he walks out the door and i take a nap.

hey guys here's another one hehe. hope u enjoy. make sure to give this a star!

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