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one of my longest chapters yet! 1300+ words before this little note. hope you enjoy this one!

i go and take a shower the moment we get back to the room. once i get out of the shower harry takes one. as he's in the shower i get a text from timothee.

timothee: it was great to meet you tonight.

y/n: likewise!

timothee: wanna grab some lunch tomorrow? i'm in la for a couple more days.

y/n: definitely. text me when and where:)

he texts me a restaurant and says we have a reservation for 2pm. before harry comes out of the shower i am already sound asleep.
i wake up at 9:45 and notice harry isn't next to me. i never felt him get into bed last night either. i call him.
"hey babe where are you?" i ask.
"oh, no where, just wanted to get a run in this morning." he replies. he didn't sound out of breath though.
"oh ok." i say
"is that all you need." he asks
"yea just was curious. see you when you get back."
"yep." he replies. i hang up. he was acting awfully weird. he gets back around 30 minutes later. he's shirtless and wearing shorts. he goes into the kitchen and gets a cup of water. i walk up behind him giving him a hug from behind. he pulls me in front of him and kisses me. the kiss intensifies. he picks me up and puts me on the counter with our lips still connected. then two knocks at the door are heard.
"house keeping!" says a lady outside the door.
"no thanks!" harry yells back. i start giggling and hop off of the counter.
"i'm gonna go get lunch with a friend" i say taking a sip of coffee harry had made before his run
"who?" he asks
"timothee." i say.
"oh, have fun." he says weirdly.
"harry, are you ok?" i ask.
"yea why."
"i don't know you've just been acting weird."
"i'm perfect." he says giving me a kiss on my forehead. he goes and takes a shower. his phone starts buzzing. i look over and see it's a text from kendall

kendall: still on for lunch? james invited me on the show tonight. do you wanna do spill your guts still like we talked about this morning? lmk what you think :)

what the hell? harry asked me to be on the show with him. he's also going to lunch with her? i'm not going to say anything unless he tells me. he gets out of the shower and looks at his phone. he smiles and starts typing. i look at my watch and see it's only 11am. i say i'm going on a walk and storm out. i don't come back. i walk for a long time and i see it's 1:30 and check how far i am from the restaurant. i'm an hour away in walking distance. i call timothee.
"hey timothee, i went on a walk and got a little carried away."
"no worries. share your location with me and i'll be there in a sec." about ten minutes later i see a tesla pull up next to the curb.
"hey" he said while unlocking the door.
"hi!" i say climbing in.
"the reservation isn't for another thirty minutes. wanna go back to my place?" he asks. i look at him and smile.
"sure!" a couple minutes later we arrive at a massive home. we walk through the front door and we walk into the living room.
"want anything to drink?" he asks.
"oh i'm good" i say sitting down. he walks over and sits down next to me.
"how's it going?" he asks opening a water bottle.
"meh. i've been better." i say.
"oh no what's wrong?" he says concerned.
"i probably shouldn't be talking about it but thanks for asking."
"of course." he says.
"how's harry doing?" he asks. i release a slight giggle.
"he's apart of the problem!" i say.
"yikes. sounds messy." he says. "i hope you feel better."
"so how about those record companies! are you excited?" he asks.
"i'm super excited. i just haven't been able to tell anyone. i really do want to sing and perform but i've had mixed emotions lately."
"that how i felt about acting but now i love it. just do what feels right." he looks into my eyes. he leans in closer and so do i. my phone starts buzzing and i look down. harry is calling me. i jerk away.
"sorry, i have to take this."
"no worries." i pick up my phone.
"hello" i say.
"hey y/n, hows lunch going." harry asks. i look down at my watch and see it's 2:15.
"uh um i-it's going pretty well. whatcha up to?" i ask.
"oh nothing. just going to stay in the room all day waiting for my princess to come back!" he says.
"oh by the way apparently the james corden management wants me to do spill your guts with kendall. you can still come though." he says. wow 'you can still come though' did not make me feel good. i'd rather have him say 'i want you to come though.' now i feel like i'm a burden. also i know what he is saying is a lie. they talked about it. not management. he could have easily said no or that i was already doing it with him. he also said he's staying at the hotel when he's going to lunch with her.
"um ok. i got to go." i say as i hang up the phone.
i look over at timothee.
"ready for lunch?" i ask.
"yep." he gets his keys and we get to the restaurant. he walks up to the host stand and tells them we have a reservation. the hostess leads us to a room in the back. it's a nice little cafe that smells like heaven. after we order we make some small talk and i make him laugh a couple of times. he leans in and whispers
"je souhaite que je pourrais vous date. (i wish i could date you)" i smile and think of a reply.
"tu es très séduisante mais j'ai un petit ami (you are very attractive but i have a boyfriend)" i say. his eyes get big.
"ah you speak french."
"oui oui." i say with a cheeky grin. we continue our conversation probably a little more flirtatious than it should be.
we leave the cafe and head back to the hotel.
"i had a lot of fun today y/n. we should do it again."
"oh definitely. see you later timothee!" i wave as his car exits my view. i walk into the hotel and into my room. harry isn't there but there is a note on the counter.

"hello love
i went to go get some snacks since there aren't any here. i'll be back in a few

liar. my phone starts buzzing and i pick it up.
"hello?" i ask.
"y/n. sit down wherever you are" says the familiar voice i know as bff/n.
"what you're gonna give me a heart attack." i say as i sit down.
"tmz just published and article that has paparazzi pics of you and timothee whispering at a cafe and kendall and harry hugging outside of an italian restaurant. the title of the article is 'the couple we never saw coming, has come to an end'."
"what the fuck why is he hugging her?" i say furiously.
"what the fuck why are you and timothee getting so close?!" she yells through the phone.
"bff/n, the difference between these two situations is harry knew i was going to lunch with timothee. i saw a text from kendall on harrys phone this morning asking if they were still on for lunch and he never told me anything about it. he left a note saying he had gone to go get snacks." i say as tears start streaming down my face.
"i need to go" i say as i hang up the phone. i change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt and knock on roberts door.
"hello y/n!" his smile instantly wipes off of his face when he notices im crying. he quickly embraces me in a hug. "y/n whats wrong?" i sit on his couch pulling up the tmz article on my phone and explain everything.

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