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i get to LA in no time. harry sent me the address on the plane and i go to that hospital. i walk in and the lady at the front desk looks occupied so i wait. she doesn't seem to notice me so i clear my throat and she looks at me and then back at her computer. after five minutes she starts talking.
"how may i help you." she fake smiles.
"i'm here for harry styles." i say.
"yea so are a lot of people." she rolls her eyes and points to some fans standing in the lobby.
"no you don't understand, i'm his girlfriend" i say a little frustrated.
"you don't think that's what half of those girls said?" she says sassily.
"ugh." i huff. i call harry.
"are you here yet?" he asks.
"yea. i ton of crazy fans found out you're here and are saying your their boyfriend or whatever. i need you to come down here to bring me up." i say. i can here a loud thud from his end. "harry?" i ask. no response. i cross my arms over my chest and give the lady a mean look. i sit down in the lobby hopefully waiting on harry to come and get me. i play on my phone and check the time as minutes go by. soon enough, three hours have passed. a nurse comes and greets me.
"are you y/n?" she asks me. i stand up.
"yep." i reply.
"ok follow me." she says leading me to a door. i open the door and see harry asleep on a girls lap and she's running her fingers through his hair. when the door shuts, it makes a loud click and he wakes up. he smiles a little bit when he sees me. his eyes are visibly puffy and red and he gets up and runs to me and hugs me. kendall is sitting in a chair across the room but i don't see kaylee. he hugs me so tight and just starts sobbing. i look at kendall and she looks upset and the girl, who i assume is meghan, is twiddling her thumbs avoiding eye contact. i look up at harry.
"want to go get something to eat? you look pale." i say. he shakes his head and i take his hand and we walk to the cafeteria in silence. i grab him a gatorade and a granola bar as he takes a seat at a table. i pay for the things and go find him. his head is buried in his hands.
"how's kaylee?" i ask.
"they took her into surgery to look around in her to see if they can spot anything. they said it's last resort because a fever means infection but they can't find anything." he sniffles.
"aw harry." i say rubbing his arm. he leans his head on my shoulder as he take a a sip of his gatorade.
"i'm scared." he whispers.
"i know you are." i reply playing with his hair. whenever i do that, it calms him down. within seconds, his eyes shut on my shoulder. i let him stay like that because he looks exhausted. after ten minutes, i wake him up and we walk back into the room. kendall is in tears and there's a doctor in the room. meghan is holding onto kendall. my eyes widen and harry just looks at the doctor. kendall sounds absolutely crazy with the way she's screaming. the doctor steps out of the room. once the doctor leaves kendall just screams.
"she fucking died!" and continues sobbing. harry collapses to the ground. i rush over to him and make sure he's ok.
"meghan can you call the doctor back?" i ask urgently.
"of course." she nods and heads to the nurses station. harry is falling in and out of consciousness as i hold his head in my lap. a doctor comes in and takes over. harry is escorted out of the room on a gurney and some doctors rush with him. the doctors put him in a room and do some tests since he's unconscious.
"what's wrong?" i ask.
"he's just in shock and a little dehydrated. he should wake up soon with an iv." says the doctor. i nod my head and the doctors leave. while harry's still asleep, i walk back into kendall's room. meghan has left but i don't know where. i walk up to kendall and hug her. she hugs me back and goes limp in my arms. she starts sobbing again. while no one is in the room, i take advantage of our privacy. i shut the door and i sit her down.
"this may not be what you want to hear right now, but i've been through the same thing." i say. she sniffles a little, perking her head up to look at me.
"really?" she asks.
"yep. my long time boyfriend a while ago got me pregnant. he was oblivious to my symptoms, so it was easy to keep it a secret. i waited to go to the doctor to get an ultrasound so i could show him the pictures. he always wanted to have a family so i knew he'd be excited. he got swarmed with work and stuff when i wanted to show him so i decided to wait a little bit. when i was 15 weeks in, my bump was very small and his work finally started to die down so i had an opportunity to tell him. i got him a mug that said '#1 dad' and he was so happy. we went for another ultrasound to find out the gender and the lady couldn't find a heart beat. my boyfriend was the only person i told about the baby so i didn't tell my parents or my friends even after we found out he passed away." i say.
"he?" she asks.
"yep," i sniffle, "they still told us he was a boy. we named him jack. they kept me in the hospital to put me in an induced labor and during the night when i fell asleep, my ex boyfriend left. blocked me on everything and just left. i know it's not necessarily anything like what you're going through since you physically got to meet your baby and form a relationship with her, but much like what you're going through, my whole world collapsed in minutes." i finish. she pulls me into a hug and we both start crying together.
"i'm so sorry." she says.
"it's ok. i'm just worried about you and harry right now." i reply.
"i won't tell anyone." she says.
"thanks." i respond. we sit like this for a while.

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