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"ok i think we're done." he says stepping back from our masterpiece. i place the level on top of the shelf. our "masterpiece" is crooked.
"oh well. it's not that noticeable." i shrug. i fold up the baby clothes from the dryer and put them in the dresser. as harry adds some finishing touches to the room, i go to my email and email tim.

tomorrow morning, harry and i are getting kaylee from the hospital. i'll be available after that. does 12 work?

within 5 minutes i get a response saying i'll see him tomorrow. my stomach is turning in circles because i don't know if my contract is going to be terminated. harry walks into the kitchen where i'm staring at my computer.
"everything ok?" he asks rubbing my back.
"yea. i'm meeting with tim tomorrow." i respond. his face shows concern.
"it will be fine." he replies giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"ok i'm exhausted!" i reply.
"shower time?" he asks winking at me.
"i was thinking food time. nice idea though." i say nudging him. he smiles. he starts cooking up some pasta. is really late and i'm so tired. i go and sit on the couch and turn on love island. i lay my head against a very soft pillow and as the smell of tomato's and garlic fills the air, i fall asleep.

"good morning sleepy. it's time to get going!" harry whispers into my ear. i roll over and see him smiling. he's already dressed.
"did you put me in here?" i ask.
"yes. you fell asleep on the couch before i finished making dinner." he says laughing.
"oh sorry!" i respond starting to wake up.
"don't worry about it. i'm just excited for you to meet kaylee!" he says trying to drag me out of bed.
"ok! ok! i'm coming!" i say getting out of the covers. i brush my hair and teeth and put on a new outfit. harry grabs his keys and we leave for the hospital. once we arrive, we go up some stairs and walk through some hallways before we arrive at kendall's room. before we go in, i stop harry.
"she knows i'm here, right?" i ask.
"yes. we've gotten really close and she understands our relationship. she convinced me i still had feelings for you when i kept saying i didn't. she encouraged me to go to the wedding and not miss it" he says as he gives me a soft smile. i smile back and give him a quick kiss. he takes my hand and we enter the room. kendall is holding kaylee and when she sees us her eyes get excited.
"harry and y/n!" she half whispers half screams.
"hi!" i reply.
"how are you doing?" harry asks taking kaylee from her.
"much better! i'm excited to go home." she says.
"oh my goodness!" i say looking at kaylee. she has harry's green eyes and kendall's smile.
"wanna hold her?" harry asks. i look at kendall for approval. she smiles and nods her head. i take kaylee from harry and she's so tiny. we all stand there for a few moments just talking. i realize 12 is approaching and we need to go.
"no worries! harry, for now are we ok with every other week?" she asks him.
"sounds good." he replies.
"ok. you can have her for this week and i'll come by next week." she responds. harry takes kaylee from my arms and sets her in a baby carrier. she's sound asleep. we drive to the studio and i get out of the car.
"i'll wait in the parking garage." he says pointing in the direction of the garage.
"ok." i wave. i walk into the large studio and find tim's office. i knock on his door.
"come in." he says. i walk in through the doors and he looks like he's in a good mood.
"hi!" i say.
"y/n! have a seat!" he says pointing to the chair in front of his desk.
"so what's this about?" i ask.
"well, we obviously have heard about you and blake. not the outcome any of us were hoping for. i wanted to let you know, if you want, we have another talented song writer." tim says.
"oh my goodness that is such a relief. i thought you were going to fire me!" i reply.
"we were thinking about it." he replies coldly. "we can't lose you to other companies though." his words felt like a bitch slap. they're just going to keep me to make money.
"wow is there anything else you want to say?" i snap.
"you've been nominated for three grammys." he says. my eyes get big and i can't stop myself from smiling.
"what?" i reply.
"you've been nomina-" he continues
"no i heard you!" i say and stand up hugging him. "look i'm sorry for all the drama but this is amazing!" i say. his face of disappointment in me turns into a smile.
"i'm very proud of you." he says. "now get out of my office!" he shoos me away. i sprint out of the building into to parking garage. i find the car and jump in. harry is singing sweet creature to kaylee. when he notices me in the car he smiles.
"how'd it go?" he asks.
"bad, he said he's not going to fire me just because he doesn't want to lose me to other companies" i say but i'm still smiling.
"than why are you smiling?" he laughs a little.
"cause i've been nominated for not one, not two, but three grammys!" i practically scream. his jaw drops. he leans over the consol to kiss me.
"i'm so happy for you!" he says.
"thank you." i reply.
"shall we celebrate?" he asks winking. i cock my head to the side.
"harry, there's a baby in here!" i correct him.
"she won't remember!" he responds jokingly. i punch his bicep. he laughs and holds onto my hand as we drive back home.

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