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we've traveled for a couple of days. now it is wednesday. mitch saw a store he wanted to stop in so we all got out to stretch our legs. we're in Louisiana at the moment.
"y/n, i saw a bakery a couple blocks away. wanna go?" harry asks reaching his hand out.
"sure!" i say taking his hand in mine. he intertwines our fingers and we walk down the street. he's wearing sunglasses but it's very clear it's him. you can see his tattoos and his curly brown hair clearly reveals his identity. it all started with one flash. we kept walking and then a couple more flashes happened.
"ugh." mumbled harry under his breath. we started speed walking. soon enough many paparazzi were surrounding us as we entered into the bakery.
"excuse me, can i speak to whoever owns the building?" harry asks when we get to the front.
"sure! i'll go get him." says the cashier. a man walks out wearing an apron and hat.
"what can i help you with?" he asks.
"can you please kick everyone out? i'll pay you however much you want as if i'm renting the space just please get rid of everyone!" harry says clearly frustrated. harry looks at me
"oh shit." he pulls out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and puts them on me. "perfect!" he says doing his perfect smile with his perfect dimples.
"little late for that harry" i say giggling.
"better now than never!" by now the owner has everyone cleared out.
"thank you so much." harry hands him some money.
"no worries." the owner says while refusing harry's money. "it's a pleasure to have you." he says as he walks away.
"ok how can i help you." the cashier says. i order my favorite drink and harry orders a black coffee and a muffin. we sit and eat for a little bit and we leave through the back door. my phone is buzzing. i look at my phone and my news app is going off and my instagram and twitter. headlines say "harry with a fan?!" "who is harry styles' new mystery girl?" and "everything you need to know about harry styles' new girlfriend."
"damm." i say under my breath as i read one that knows everything about me. it has my name age height social medias and more.
"hey its alright." he says while hugging me.
"yea its just a little weird that they already know so much!"
"yea i hate when people know so much about me." harry says. he takes my hand and we take alley ways back to the van. now we've got one more day until we're in texas.

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