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you guys are voting and reading a lot so i'm gonna post this one tonight. i have one more prewritten chapter but i don't have school tomorrow so i'll write more<3 also please comment! i love to hear what you think!!

"y/n! turn off the alarm!" blake grumbles as the alarm clock goes off.
"good morning to you!" i reply. i hit the off button and it is 9am. blake is the grumpiest morning person i've met. he doesn't like sleeping in but he refuses to talk before he either eats or gets his coffee. as he still asleep, i sneak into the kitchen and find gabe.
"you're prettier than the pictures he's showed us." gabe says taking a sip of coffee that appears to be just made.
"uh thanks." i reply awkwardly. i pour two cups and add some cream and sugar. i feel gabe watching me. i quickly turn to grab the cups and scurry off into our bedroom.
"thanks love" blake says sitting up. the moment he says love i feel nauseous. it reminds me of when harry said it. i run into the bathroom and throw up.
"hey are you ok?" he asks
"peachy." i say hugging the toilet.
"you're not pregnant are you?" he asks concerned.
"what? no! we've never even-" i start puking again. he laughs and bends over to pull my hair back. he rubs my back as i let whatever was inside my stomach come out. once i was done blake gets me some water and toast. i sit on the couch and get a blanket. i turn on the tv and watch some gilmore girls. blake hands me what he made and sits next to me. he lays his head in my lap and i play with his hair. he instantly falls back asleep.
"y/n, it's 10:30, when are you going to ellen?" bff/n asks.
"i texted sara saying i was going to be a little late. i'll probably leave by 11" i say. after i eat my toast, i lightly tap blake and wake him back up.
"we got to go get ready!" i say.
"mmm" he grumbles as he gets up. i take a shower and put on one of the shirts we bought yesterday and some jeans. i blow dry my hair and curl it then i apply light makeup. blake throws on a hoodie and some shorts and we leave. once we get to the set, i'm greeted by sara.
"y/n! it's nice to meet you in person! so you're in dressing room 2 and a make up artist will meet with you soon, same with clothes. you and harry will have an interview and then you'll perform!" she says guiding me to my room.
"wait we're going be interviewed together?" i ask.
"yes! sorry for short notice. liam hemsworth needed an earlier time so we bumped you up." she says as she walks away. we're standing in the middle of the hallways. my breathing gets heavy and my fists ball up. blake can tell i'm getting mad because he hugs me.
"you're going to do great. plus you've got an awesome, strong, handsome boyfriend to beat him up if he plays any games." he says giggling. "ooo don't look behind you." he says.
"what why?" i say as i look

harry's pov:
sara leads me and kendall to our dressing room. after she shows us where it is, i see a familiar looking man hugging a girl. i stop and look and realize it's
y/n's boyfriend. he says something to her which makes her turn around and i couldn't think of what to do. i ended up just staring. we made eye contact and i got butterflies. after a couple seconds she took the guys hand and ran into her dressing room. this is going to be a long day. kendall sits on the couch in the dressing room as a lady comes in and puts me in a sweater and pants. another lady comes in and gels my curls in place. it's about thirty minutes till show time. i look over and kendall has already eaten a bag of takis and a hershey chocolate bar. she eats everything now! she's only nine weeks in but she sure acts like she's eating for her and a teenage boy.
"my head hurts." kendall's says.
"take a nap then." i reply looking at my phone.
"fine." she lays her head down and i put a blanket over her. the door to the dressing room opens and sara walks in.
"harry, they're ready for you!" she says as she guides me back stage. i see y/n appear with her boyfriend. they start walking towards the stage. he leans over and gives her a kiss on the cheek. he then walks away and y/n starts walking towards me.

y/n's pov:
"why the hell didn't you answer your phone?" i ask clearly frustrated.
"what do you mean?" he asks.
"i called you like three times! they moved my interview to today and i just found out we're going on at the same time!" i exclaim. he seems to be thinking and then finally understands himself.
"i deleted your number." he says twiddling with his thumbs.
"great." i reply rolling my eyes. in our earpiece we can hear ellen introduce us. we walk onto stage and hug ellen. i sit in the chair closer to her and harry takes the chair next to me. once the audience dies down, ellen begins.
"nice to have you guys. congratulations on the album y/n!" she says.
"thank you so much!" i reply.
"we've been still excited to see you go from cover artist to performer. let's take a look." ellen says as she points to the tiny screen intent of us as a video plays behind us. it's the cover of falling i sent to harry and posted on my youtube channel. i give an awkward smile and harry plays with his thumbs trying to not look at the screen. they then play the video of me at his concert when he calls me up on stage and lastly they play a video blake put on his snapchat of me dancing to one of the songs on my album. harry smiles at the video of me drunkenly singing.
"so obviously this is very exciting for you. tell us about the song writing process." she says.
"well my manager tim told me some people were out in boston in a studio and he said i could go meet them and sing some demos to see if i liked it. obviously i loved it and we kept recording more. blake helped me write every single song. he also came up with most of the beats and we spent many sleepless nights recording. it was definitely a tiring process but i think we're am proud of how it turned out." i say satisfied with my answer.
"so rumor has it, blake is your boyfriend?" she asks.
"yep!" i reply
"well paparazzi have caught you two in california and even going to a house. are you two living together?" she asks.
"yes" i release an awkward laugh. "it's me and two of his roommates." i reply reaching for my water.
"fantastic well we all love you guys. now harry i have a question-"
"kendall's nine weeks pregnant!" harry blurts out.
"oh my god." i say staring at him. he has a smile on his face.
"what?" ellen asks.

harry's pov:
"yep! she wanted to keep it private but people were already figuring it out. stupid paparazzi!" i say. i'm completely screwing this up. i can see y/n trying to do the math in her head.
"well we will be right back after this break." ellen says walking off stage.
"don't worry darling, it was after our fling." i say winking and walking off. i felt kind of bad but she was flaunting her relationship in my face that whole time!

y/n's pov:
what the flying fuck was that? i walk back to my dressing room and i can hear screams come from harry's. sounds like someone wasn't happy.
"that was a disaster." blake says on the couch.
"i know right! unbelievable. he even had the audacity to condescendingly tell me it was after our 'fling'" i say with air quotes.
"he's a dick." blake says. i sit down next to him and he puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead. we wait until i get called back on stage. harry exits his dressing room as i exit mine as he attempts to walk by me i grab his arm and drag him into a closet next to the stage.
"what the hell is wrong with you? you cheat on me and then knock up a girl two weeks later?" i say coldly.
"i didn't chea-" he tries to respond
"there's fucking pictures of you kissing her. shut the hell up."
"you flirted with timothee!" he says.
"yea cause that's the same." i sigh.
"look i'm not trying to defend my actions but you seemed to move on quickly as well." he says.
"yea and i'm happy. he is perfect and kind and all the things you aren't." i walk away towards the stage. ellen is waiting for us. harry hangs his head low and appears quiet.

harry's pov:
that was so stupid. just tell her you still have feelings for her.

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