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hey guys! i've been prewriting like crazy so you're going to have new chapters every day for the rest of this week! i'm glad about the feedback of the story so far so thank uuu😌

*5 days later*

y/n: hows he doing?

liam: he held a brave face during the ceremony but he's definitely not doing well.

y/n: was meghan there?

liam: i didn't see her. not sure why.

y/n: ok. no reason just wondering.

kaylees service was today and i spent all day cooped up inside a hotel room. i know i should be there for harry but i respect his wishes of me not showing. i feel extremely guilty though because it would have been my last time seeing kaylee and i really did care for her as if she was my own daughter. as the day goes on, i take several ubers around the city to do some shopping and i realize i should be impulsive and buy a car. i always use harrys or uber. i uber to an audi dealership. a young salesman walks up to me.
"hello! i'm ryan. what can i help you with today?" he asks.
"hi i'm y/n. i'd like to buy a car." i reply firmly.
"do you know what kind?" he asks.
"nope." i say. he giggles.
"ok well what type of car do you like to drive?" he asks.
"suvs" i reply.
"ok. we can go out to the lot and drive some around and see what you like." he says. i give him a thumbs up and we go outside. we drive several cars and we have a lot of small talk with every test drive. he tells me how he's the only boy out of 4 sisters, he's lived in 7 different states, and he used to hate cars but started to love them senior year of high school. by the time i drove my 7th car, 3 hours had passed. we finally walk back into the dealership and lay out my options. i pick out the car i like the best and he helps me with the paper work.
"ok so here are your keys." he says handing me them.
"thank you so much. sorry that took forever." i say laughing.
"no it's ok! you got what you wanted and i got to spend all day with you so, win win." he says smiling. i feel myself blush. i open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. i smile instead. i start to walk out the door but then turn around. i see he's walked back to behind his desk.
"actually, ryan, would you like to get lunch or something?" i ask. he smiles.
"i would love to." he says. he hands me his phone and lets me put my number in. he texts me to make sure i get it.
"ok i'll text you tomorrow." i say before leaving for real this time.
"sounds good." he says. i peak over my shoulder and see him doing a fist pump. i giggle to my self and walk out to my new car and do a happy dance. i drive back to the hotel. once i take a shower and get settled. i text harry.

y/n: hope everything went well today. i love you

he left me on read. i roll my eyes when i see that he's read it. as i scroll through instagram, i go to ryans contact information. i hesitate to hit the message button but i do it anyways.

y/n: hey! so when and where are we getting lunch:)

ryan: hi! i have work tomorrow so the day after?

y/n: sounds good. there's a hibachi grill on 11th street that's really good. you like japanese?

ryan: yes! 1 sound good?

y/n: yep. cant wait.

ryan: me too:-)

after texting i ryan, i stand up and look in my duffel bag for something to wear to lunch. i find some jean shorts a dark gray loose top. i lay it out on top of the duffel bag and head to bed.
in the morning, i go downstairs for some free breakfast and coffee. i'm getting tired of the same eggs, toast, and bacon every morning. around 9am, i head back up to my room. i change into some athletic clothes and go for a run. mid run, i get a phone call. it's harry.
"hello?" i ask.
"hi." he says. his voice is very monotone.
"what's up?" i question.
"meghan went back home." he says.
"ok?" i reply.
"just thought you should know." he continues.
"do you need anything." i ask.
"time." he sighs.
"ok." i say.
"ok." he replies.
"i bought a car yesterday." i tell him, leaving out the part where i got a super cute car salesman's number.
"that's great." he replies.
"yep. well i'm on a run. i'll talk to you later." i say.
"ok." he responds.
"i love you." i say. he hangs up. i shake it off and continue my run.

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