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before we all part our ways, harry pulls me aside.
"look i know we've been more open and talking these past few months and i know we don't really talk about you and blake's issues but if you need someone to talk to about these things, i'm always here for you." he says seriously.
"thanks harry." i say offering a soft smile.
"of course." he says smiling back. he gets into his car as i get into mine and we all leave. i arrive at home an hour later. gabes car is gone and when i walk in the door, nate is sitting on the couch. i look over into the kitchen and blake is cooking.
"hi!" i say as i enter the living room. blake looks up from chopping his veggies to make eye contact with me. he quickly breaks the eye contact and keeps going back to chopping veggies. "ok what the hell is wrong with you?" i ask irritated.
"with me?" he asks.
"no! with my fiancé who's being a dick. you're not acting normal and i don't know why." i practically yell. "all i asked you was your suit color and now you're mr. grumpy ass. you didn't even say goodbye to me this morning!" i finish. i cross my arms over my chest and stomp into our room. i slam the door so he knows i'm mad. i grasp onto a pillow and just stare at the wall. i can hear nate and blake talking in the other room but i don't even try to listen. within ten minutes, blake knocks at the door.
"i'm sorry." he says sitting on the bed. i don't reply. "look i'm apologizing, can we get over this?" he says. i sit up and look him dead in the eyes.
"why are you so annoyed!" i yell.
"you really want to know?" he asks.
"yes!" i reply. he sighs.
"my ex girlfriend came over yesterday." he says.
"huh?" i say sitting straight up.
"our break up was messy and i'm sorry i took my anger out on you but i just didn't want to talk anymore." he says. i don't question him further although i only partially believe what he's saying. he won't make eye contact with me.
"ok." i huff. he sighs and scoots next to me and hugs me. my body goes limp since i'm still pretty upset.
"did you find a dress?" he asks sincerely.
"yes." i reply.
"we're bgf/n and harry actually helpful?" he asks chuckling a little.
"do you want to be left alone?" he asks. i nod my head yes. "ok." he says getting off of the bed going back into the kitchen. i roll over and text harry.

y/n: apparently his ex came over. he didn't say why but he's still acting weird. he's leaving me alone because i'm mad.

harry: i'm sure it's nothing. he'll open up soon. seeing an ex is always hard.

y/n: yea he did say it was messy. hopefully it's nothing.

harry: i'm sure it is.

y/n: thanks harry

harry: of course.

i put my phone down and go out into the living room and sit with nate. we watch the great british bake-off. blake finishes cooking what appears to be bell peppers stuffed with risotto. it's only 2pm so i guess we're having "linner". blake puts everything on the table and we all eat in silence.
"why'd your ex come over?" i ask. he sighs.
"she still has feelings." he admits after some stalling.
"ok, and?" i try to get him to continue. nate looks blake in the eyes and starts clearing his throat.
"yea i'm gonna go." nate says. blake gives him a death stare. my feel my chest tighten cause something bad must have happened.
"she kissed me." he says. my eyes go wide.
"did you kiss back?" i say starting to breathe heavy. a moment of silence happens. i bite my lip to prevent myself from crying.
"yes." he says.
"did you stop it." i question breaking eye contact.
"yes." he says.
"how far did it go." i continue. he stays silent again. "blake i swear to god if you don't answer, i'm leaving."
"our shirts came off. she was still in her bra and when she started to take off my belt i stopped it." he confesses. i look him dead in the eyes. tears start to flow down my face but i don't break down sobbing yet.
"well if it makes you feel any better, since you'd rather take anger out on me for your dumb mistake i do feel better saying this. i kissed harry in the book store! yea we made out but i kept my fucking shirt on." i get up running into the bedroom slamming the door. i make sure to lock it so he can't come in. i grab my phone.

y/n: meet me at the park near the coffee shop. it's important.

harry: when?

y/n: right now.

harry: i'll be there.

i grab my wallet and blake's keys. i exit the bedroom and blake is sitting in the living room.
"where are you going?" he asks.
"somewhere." i respond.
"you're taking my car?" he questions.
"yes. i'm taking your damn car. i'm coming back so shut it." i snap. i slam the front door and go to the park. i see harry pacing around a bench. he looks up and sees me. i clearly look like a mess with tear stains down my face. his face drops from happy to concerned.
"y/n what's wrong." his soothing voice makes me start sobbing. his eyes get big and he hesitates before he pulls me into a hug. i let my tears flow onto his shirt.
"h-he almost h-had sex w-w-wi-with his ex" i scream into his chest. i can hear him sigh. "and i might have made it worse b-because i-i told him about our kiss!" i scream again. he sighs again and pets my head. he rests his chin on my head. i can't stop crying.
"does he know you're with me?" he asks calmly.
"no." i reply trying to get myself together.
"y/n, you're supposed to get married in a month. if i were you, i'd be with him right now trying to talk this out and salvage your relationship. and if he doesn't trust me anymore just please make sure he knows it was a long time ago and we're are just friends. i don't want to lose you, but i don't want to come between you guys." he says softly. i take my head off of his chest and look up at him.
"thanks harry." i sniffle.
"anytime." he replies. he kisses me on the forehead and makes sure i'm ok to drive back home. i hop into the car and wave goodbye through the window.

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