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"you're never going to believe it." i say to blake. my face goes pale. i'm hunched over my laptop on our bed.
"what?" he asks scooting closer to me.
"harry fucking styles is going to be on ellen tomorrow." i say furiously.
"what the hell?" he says shocked.
"i'm pissed. you know what? i'm calling him." i pick up my phone and dial his number. it goes straight to voice mail.
"unbelievable!" i scream.
"hey it's ok." blake says sitting up rubbing my back.
"it's not! he hurt me. even though it was only a short time, cheating on someone is never ok!" i say putting my head into my hands.
"well i would never and will never cheat. your heart will never be broken again." blake says as he wraps me in a tight hug. i let my body go limp in his arms. he kisses my forehead. then i hug him back. we sit like that for a while. after a few minutes, blake offers to make some breakfast.
"will waffles make you happy? or pancakes?" he says smiling.
"surprise me." i say giving him a quick kiss on the lips. before i know it, he's in the kitchen making something that smells delightful. after about twenty minutes he calls me into the kitchen.
"thank you! i already feel better." i say hugging him before i sit down.
"well don't get too comfortable because in an hour you have a nail appointment and then we're going to the mall." he says smiling as my jaw drops.
"you did not have to do that." i say
"well, i love you." he replies. that was the first time hes said it. without hesitation, i walked up to him and whispered
"i love you too" into his ear. i could see his smile grow big as he hugged me.
"ok eat up!" he says as we eat our deliciously made waffles. i get showered and get dressed. i didn't like the shirt i chose so i decide to change. i peek into blake's dresser and find a champion sweatshirt. i throw it on and find him waiting in the living room.
"hey pretty lady, nice sweatshirt" he says smiling.
"you're too kind. by the way, how and when are we gonna move my stuff here?" i ask.
"let's worry about that later." he replies. he grabs my hand and we walk out the door. once we get to the nail salon, an eager fan sees me and runs towards me.
"y/n i'm such a big fan! can i get a picture!" she asks. she looks about 12.
"yea sure!" i pose next to her as blake takes a photo of us.
"thank you so much!" she says as she walks away. two more people in the salon notice me and ask for autographs.
"someone's famous!" blake says.
"funny" i reply. a lady guides me to a desk and starts filing my nails. blake takes a picture of me.
"what!" i say
"you look so pretty." he says.
"you're in such a good mood today." i say.
"well you weren't and i wanted to make you feel better." he says. i smile and the lady continues to do my nails after about 1.5 hours my nails are done and we head to the mall. first we head into pacsun. i pick out two tank tops and a mini skirt for a date night. as we head towards american eagle i spot some people with cameras on the opposite side of the hall. they take pictures of me and blake but i'm a bit used to it. i really only get annoyed when they invade my personal space. i look at the shirts and shorts and blake walks to the men's clothes. i pick up a shirt, two pairs of shorts and walk over to where blake went.
"ooo blake, this would look good on you." i hold up a light salmon colored shirt. he holds it up against him and after examining, it he adds it to his little pile he has in his arms. after about 20 minutes in american eagle we go to a couple other stores and leave. i'm carrying about 5 bags and he has 3.
"ok, let's go home and drop these off." blake says as he grabs my hand in his while the other hand is on the steering wheel. when we get back home, there is an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway.
"who's car is that?" i ask blake.
"huh, i don't know." he says grinning. i look at him weirdly. we walk in the door and blake guides me to the living room with his hands over my eyes.
"what are you doing?" i am trying to squirm out of his grip.
"3...2...1... open!" he says.
"y/n!" bff/n says as she runs up to me.
"bff/n!" i say. "i missed you so much!" i hug her tight. lately we haven't been spending that much time together. it used to be every day we saw each other.
"i missed you too! blake got a ticket for me to come out early this morning and i knew i had to come. i even brought some of your things while we try to live everything out here to make you feel more at home." she says smiling.
"you knew too?" i ask.
"yes and it was the hardest secret to keep. blake wanted my opinion to see if you were ready. i obviously was for it!" she says. blake is standing smiling in the corner.
"i think it's time for a fashion show!" nate says as he walks in with a tall brown haired boy.
"oh this is gabe." blake says. "looks like he's not drunk anymore." everyone bursts out laughing. blake and i walk into our room and try on our first set of clothes. i put on a white cropped tank top and black leather skirt.
"my god you are stunning." he says as he pulls a baby blue shirt over his toned abs.
"likewise." i say. he puts his hands on my waist and pulls my closer. he kisses me.
"i hope you had a good day." he says as he hugs me.
"it was perfect." i reply. "let's go show everyone our clothes. they're waiting on us!" we walk out of the bedroom with blake holding my hand. i do a couple of goofy poses and everyone cracks up. blake does the same. we show all the clothes we got and then it's time for bed. blake and i clean up the mess in the kitchen.
"i had a lot of fun today but i am exhausted." i say.
"me too." he says as he dumps out a beer bottle.
"here i'll finish, you go to bed."
"you sure?" he asks.
"yes!" i say giving him a kiss on the cheek. he smiles and goes into the bedroom. i pull out my phone and try to call harry again. no answer. what the hell is wrong with that boy?

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