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bear w me guys lmao the last two chapters were written when i didn't know where i wanted to go so this is the last chapter that will be like weird if u know what i mean (like not saying they're pointless bc something big is happening but you know what i mean?) i think i know where i want this to go so just stay a little while longer :) idk how many more chapters i'll do since we've barely gotten into the story but i'm having fun writing and it's keeping me busy so this may be a long book:)

"aw no y/n." he sits next to me pulling me in closer.
"i know what i did with timothee probably wasn't the best since we were flirting but i told harry where i was going!" i exclaim.
"well you left out the part where you went to timothee's house." robert said rubbing my shoulder.
"nothing happened!" i say back throwing my hands in the air. "i know we've only been together for a couple of weeks but i didn't expect it to come crashing down so quick." i lean my head deeper into roberts chest. he tries to calm me down. i start to slowly fall asleep when robert turns on the tv.
"harry styles seen with kendall jenner at Italiano Pasta in LA. sparks are clearly flying when they are seen holding hands and giving each other long hugs. is this the new hollywood couple?" a news reporter says. i start sobbing into robert.
"ok i'll turn that off."
"no you can it turn it back on. i'm going to go back to my room and pack." i say shuffling to the door.
"you sure?" he asks sweetly.
"yea. thanks for letting me get tear stains all over your khaki uniform." i say faking a smile.
"anytime!" he says. i walk into my hotel room and harry still isn't there. i sit on the bed for a solid thirty minutes and my phone buzzes.

harry: hey love. i didn't realize how late it was. i'm headed over to the james corden show. i'll meet you back stage!

i left him on read. i pack all my things and make the bed. i get on my laptop and search for flights back to boston. luckily there was one more ticket left to any of the flights that left tonight and i booked it. it left in an hour though. i needed to rush to the airport. i call an uber and get through security. right as i get to the gate they are boarding. when i land it's around 12am eastern time. the james corden show is one of my favorites so it's recorded on my dvr all the time. i feel like i'm going to regret it but i turn it on. first part is normal. just harry and james talking. james congratulating harry on fine line. then kendall comes out in a stunning black dress. harry stands up and hugs her and gives her a peck on the cheek. i inhale deeply. they all just sit there and talk. when harry looks at her he looks mesmerized. now it's time for spill your guts or fill your guts. harry asks a question.  he laughs at the card.
"ok. out of all your sisters' ex boyfriends, boyfriends, or husbands, who would you date if they were single." he looks at kendall smiling and she smiles back. they exchange a few giggles. "no way you answer. eat up!" he says in his fading english accent. she thinks about answering and then shakes her head. she takes a slight sip of the birds saliva in front of her. you can hear the audience make gagging noises as kendall spits it out and goes straight to her water. once everyone settles down, kendall spins the cows tongue towards harry. she picks up a card.
"ok, harry," her smile quickly turns into a frown. "seriously guys?" she looks up at the camera guys. "ok uh harry, tmz released an article about you and me being a couple and timothee and y/n being a couple. is it true you guys are done?" she asks slightly grinning. "why is she grinning" i think to myself. harry sits and thinks. "what the hell is he thinking about. after what feels like forever, harry says.
"no we're not done, but we have some talking to do." he sits back in his chair. he winks at kendall. what the hell. i turn off the tv right as he starts speaking again. i get under the covers of my unmade bed. i'm still wearing what i wore on the plane but i don't care. all of the sudden my phone starts vibrating. i check the time and see it's 3am. it says the call is from harry.
"hey where are you?" he asks slurring his words a little.
"home" i reply.
"wha-at d-do you mean you're at home?" he slurs again.
"harry styles are you drunk?!" i ask.
"maybe a little." he snickers. i can imagine his smile through the phone.
"im in boston. where have you been?" i ask
"just got a few drinks with the crew after the show." he slurs. "how are y-you in b-boston." he manages to speak.
"i got a plane ticket and left. harry, its 3am here. call me tomorrow when you're sober." i say coldly.
"will do love. mwah" it sounds like hes messing around with the buttons on the phone trying to hang up.
"come back to us!" a female voice says on the other line. i can hear lots of background voices become louder when it's not just harry's voice.
"i should probably get going." says the english accent i've grown to love.
"no please just a little while longer." says the female.
"i need to sleep so i can call y/n in the morning without a hangover headache." he replies.
"well i'll be in the bedroom if you change your mind." the female says. what the fuck!
"harry?" i ask hoping he can hear me. he doesn't respond so i hang up on my end. he still wants me even when he's drunk and has other girls. maybe i was over dramatic. i lay my head back on my pillow and fall asleep. i wake up at 12pm and am in shock. i never sleep that long for one and two i had 11 missed calls from harry. i call him back immediately. after three rings i hear his voice.
"hey." he says.
"hi." i reply.
"why didn't you tell me you went to lunch with kendall?" i ask quick.
"why didn't you tell me you were with timothee?" he snapped.
"harry i did!" i say coldly.
"oh yea. sorry. look, i've always had a crush on kendall and when i finally met her i was so star struck. she's beautiful and her smile is amazing!" he says.
"harry what the hell?" i say trying to stop tears from going down my face.
"look, y/n, i think we may have rushed into this." he says.
"rush into what? a two week relationship? whatever harry. we're done."
"wai-" i hang up. i call bff/n and tell her to come over. she's over within ten minutes.
"i'm not even mad anymore i'm just hurt. i'd rather him tell me than all of the secrets." i saw plopping down on the couch with bff/n.
"yea this must really suck." she says. she pulls me into a hug.

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