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hey guys🥰 thanks for 300+ reads. i know it's not that many but it still makes me happy. please vote if u can :))

after downing a couple of ice cream pints over the course of two days, i feel ready to go outside. i take a shower and leave my hair to air dry. i grab my wallet and keys and head out the door. i need fresh air. right as i open the door. a head full of curls is pacing the hallway.
"harry?" i walk in front of him.
"y/n! hey what are you doing here?" he asks trying to smile.
"uh i live here?" i reply.
"oh yea shit." he mumbles. "i'm so sorry." i don't make eye contact.
"this is all my fault. i didn't realize what i had in front of me." he says.
"harry." he keeps pacing. "harry!" he stops and faces me.
"to be honest, i don't forgive you. you saw an attractive person and just left me. i'm no supermodel harry and i definitely can't compete with the jenners." i say sighing.
"y/n, i feel awful." he says pulling his hand through his hair.
"well if it makes you feel any better, i flirted with timothee. and i definitely felt less guilty about it after i saw pictures of you and kendall getting a little too close." i saw as i walk away. he just stares at me as i leave. i'm out of the apartment complex and just walk around the city of boston. i go to a coffee shop and then go to the grocery store. i return about two hours later and thankfully he's gone. i sit at my laptop. i log into my email and see a message from universal music publishing group. my jaw drops. they're the biggest record label. i read the message.

"good afternoon, y/n.
my colleagues and i have seen many videos of you performing and covers on your youtube channel. we even had a "scout" go to one of harry's shows to see you sing live. we would love to have you sing some demos and decide if you want to continue your career with us.
give us a call when you can!
-tim at UMPG"

holy. fucking. shit. i call them right away.
"universal music publishing group, this is rachel, how may i help you?" says a high pitched female.
""hi my name is y/n l/n and i got an email from tim saying he wanted me to give them a call." i say.
"perfect. i'll send you through to him." she says. i hear some buttons being clicked and all of the sudden a low voice echos through the phone.
"y/n! i'm so glad you called."
"thank you so much for the opportunity!" i exclaim.
"of course! we see some real potential in you. tomorrow can you come in and meet with us in person and we can record a bit. you can also meet our songwriter if you want. since you're all the way in boston we arranged a studio for you to meet them. they were already in boston so i emailed you the moment i found out." he says.
"aw thanks! what time." i ask.
"perfect. i'll be there!" i exclaim. i hang up the phone and do a happy dance. i don't tell anyone cause i want this to be my little secret.
the next morning rolls around. my alarm goes off at 7 but my body was so excited that i woke up at 6:45. i hop out of bed and shower. i let my hair air dry as much as possible as i get dressed and eat breakfast. by 8am i blow dry where it's still wet and loosely curl my hair. i grab my phone wallet and keys and drive to the address tim sent me. i get to this giant studio and a man at the front desk greets me.
"name?" he asks.
"y/n l/n" i reply.
he calls somebody on the phone and says that i'm coming up. he looks at me and says
"third door on your right are the elevators. 6th floor and room 590." he says.
"thank you so much!" i walk to the elevators and get to the 6th floor. i open the door to the studio a man who looks to be about 40 greets me.
"you must be y/n! i'm anthony. i'm going to be helping record and do the technical stuff. this is rob." he points to a tall thin man wearing a red baseball cap. he looks about 30.
"hi." he sticks out his hand and i shake it.
"and over here," anthony turns around and looks confused. "where did he go?" anthony spins around.
"blake?" he says.
"oh sorry!" a tall man steps out of the large sound booth. he looks about my age. he has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and he looks like he goes to the gym. but not too bulky he was toned but his muscles didn't look like they were going to pop out of him."i was just getting the mic and headphones ready."
"no worries." anthony says. "y/n, this is blake. he's the songwriter. tim wasn't sure if you write songs or not so he thought you two should meet in case you want some help" anthony says.
"hello!" blake says.
"hi!" i shake his hand. we hold hands a little longer than we probably should.
"alright! let's get this show on the road." anthony says. "blake, show y/n how the sound booth works."
"will do!" blake says as he opens the door to the sound booth. "ok take these and put them over one ear. we recommend doing that so you can actually  hear yourself." he hands me the headphones. he grabs the mic and adjusts it to my height. he steps out of the sound booth and anthony plays some vocal tracks of some songs that blake has written just to see where my voice is. after i sing about 6 little segments, rob does some things on his computer and gives anthony a thumbs up.
"ok y/n you're good to go! do you have any songs that you'd like to sing so i can send them to tim?"
"maybe just one, my voice is getting a little tired."
"ok that's fine." just start singing when you're ready. i start singing when i look at you by miley cyrus. everyone's jaw drops.
"wow tim is gonna love that." i hear blake say.
"he definitely will." rob replies.
"thank you y/n!" anthony says.
"no thank you! this was amazing!" i say smiling.
"i think it's safe to say you're gonna get used to this." anthony says with a big smile. anthony and rob leave the room.
"so do you write your own songs?" blake asks.
"i can write about a verse and maybe a bit of a chorus but never a whole song. i'm definitely gonna need your help." i say.
"i'm excited to work with you." he says.
"me too."
"well usually when i write i ask the person i'm writing with to send me some stuff going on in their life so the songs can be a bit more personal. do you want to text me some things we could write about? i'll get started on some lyrics and beats and then when we're together in person we can put a melody on it." he says.
"sure. here enter you number on my phone." i say handing him my phone. he takes it and puts his name in so it says blake:)
"ok i'll text you later." i say heading out the door.
"see you later, y/n" he says waving.
"bye blake." i leave the studio. shortly after that whole experience i get a call from tim.
"well y/n, i'm happy to say everyone loved you today! i've only listened to one of the tracks and i already love it. i'll send a contract your way and hopefully we can say you're on our team. are you in?" he asks.
"yes!" i squeal.
"great. i'll send it later today." he says.
"ok thank you so much!" i say
"no worries. hope you had fun today!" he hangs up.
right when i get back to my apartment i do a happy dance around the living room. all of the sudden my phone buzzes.

bff/n: *attatched article.*

i open the article. the headline says: harry styles and rumored girlfriend kendall jenner seen kissing in boston. he brought her back with him? he literally came to my apartment this morning telling me he felt awful. whatever. my phone buzzes again.

blake:) wanna work at the studio tomorrow? i have two more days here before i have to go back to california.

y/n: yes! what time.

blake:) 4 work?

y/n: yup.

blake:) any things in your life you wanna wright about

y/n: loads. 1) my boyfriend of two weeks basically cheated on me 2) getting signed:) 3) suddenly becoming "known" these sound so stupid writing down so hopefully we can talk about it in person.

blake:) these are perfect. i'll see you tomorrow with some lyrics.

i put down my phone. i'm so excited for tomorrow now.

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