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y/n's pov
after we check out, i drive us to chick fil a to grab some food. blake loves chicken so i figure getting him into a good mood with food is nice since he went shopping with me.
"so are you going to do it?" he asks while stuffing his face full of waffle fries.
"do what?" i reply.
"open for harry."
"well i wanted to talk you about it." i say. "how do you feel."
"i mean you haven't ever given me reason to doubt the status of your relationship with him." he says turning his head towards me. instant guilt washes over me as i remember our moment in the bathroom.
"r-right." i respond.
"so i mean if you want, go for it. why not?"
"cool. i'll let him know." i say texting harry.

y/n: blake said he's ok with it. i guess i'll go.

harry: perfect:) i'll send you the details, we leave tomorrow.

i put my phone down and put the car in drive. my stomach feels sick for lying to blake. when we get home i start packing a bag.
"you sure you're ok with this?" i ask.
"yes. i trust you." blake says handing me my favorite one of his sweatshirts. i put it in my backpack.
"no i know you trust me i just don't want to make you upset." i say.
"y/n, if you ask me one more time i'm going to rip my ears off." he says giggling. i walk up to him and hug him.
"i love you." i say
"i love you too." he replies.

it's the next day and i see a big black car pull into the driveway.
"blake! they're here!" i scream.
"coming!" he replies back. he's rushes into the living room from his little studio area/office. i hear a knock on the door and answer it.
"hi!" i say
"hello y/n" harry says.
"hey." blake says. for some reason blake has stopped getting super defensive over harry.
"what's up man?" harry says bringing him in for a bro hug.
"just writing a couple of songs for y/n." he says grabbing my waist from the side and pulling me into him.
"how sweet. y/n, are you ready to go?" harry asks.
"yea, i think i have everything." i say.
"bye babe. call me when you get there." blake says.
"bye!" i say as he pulls me into a hug. harry awkwardly stands behind us as blake plants a kiss on my lips.
"love you." i say.
"love you too." he replies. i walk out the door and harry walks beside me. it's an awkward silence until we get to the car.
"here i can take these." harry says as he takes my duffel bag and puts it in the trunk.
"aw thanks." i say.
"no problem." he replies. he seemed to be in a bit of a funk. seeing your ex rub up on their significant other probably isn't the best of sights. thinking about it made me feel bad. i look over and harry is looking out the window.
"so, where are we staying?" i ask.
"marriott" he replies.
"cool." i say.
"sorry i'm just not in a good mood." he says.
"it's all good, everybody has those days." i respond.
a wide grin goes across his face and he looks at me.
"nobody's perfect i gotta work it again and again until i get it right!" he sings to the melody of nobody's perfect by miley cyrus. we both start laughing in his attempt to sing like miley. once we calm down we start to just have conversations like we used to. it felt really good to have him as a friend again.
"so how's the baby? is kendall doing ok?" i ask. he smiles.
"yea she's doing good. we're having a girl." he says. i smiled in return and hugged him.
"that's so exciting!" i say.
"i know! even though we're not together anymore i'm excited to have a kid." he said trying to contain his happiness.
"i'm so happy for you." i say.
"thanks. how are you and blake doing?" he asks me.
"we're doing really well." i say.
"does he know?" harry questions.
"know what?" i respond.
"about our little make out session. i mean hey, it was fun and all but i don't wanna make you guys break up. i'd rather see you happy and be friends then ruin everything between us and have you upset." he says. he looks like he's been thinking about that for a while.
"no he doesn't know. i feel bad for not telling him but it's whatever. i do want to be friends with you, though. just talking to you remind me of our friendship before we were a thing and it makes me really happy." i confess. he smiles again.
"me too." he says. the driver of the car turns the radio on and watermelon sugar comes on. we laugh and roll down the window and blast the song. we scream it at the top of our lungs. the rest of the car ride is filled with random conversations and occasional sing alongs. the ride room LA to san diego isn't that far so we got there within 3 hours. harry unload our bags and walks up to the concierge desk.
"reservation for styles, should be two rooms." he says.
"ok let me see if i can find it." the lady says. "ok so we had a mix up in the system. is it ok if you have one room with a king?" she asks.
"um" he looks at me.
"i don't care i'll sleep on the couch." i reply.
"ok, yes that's fine." he says to the lady.
"alright mr. styles you are all set. here are your keys." she slides two card keys over the counter and harry hand me one.
"let's go!" he says. we walk to the elevators and take the next one. once we get into the room, we set down our bags and look out the window.
"that's a view." i say sarcastically as we look into the parking lot thats next to a highway. he laughs and walks into the little kitchen. he grabs a water and sits down.
"chinese?" he asks.
"i'm down." i say sitting next to him looking at the menu he has pulled up on his phone. he calls the place and has it delivered to the hotel.
"i'm gonna take a shower." i say.
"ok i'll get the food if it comes." he replies. i walk into the bathroom and start the water. i step in and mid shower, i realize i didn't bring any clothes in. after i shower i wrap myself in my towel.
"harry?" i ask peeping my head out the door. no reply. i walk out of the bathroom and realize he must have gone to get the food. i look for where i put my duffel bag but i can't find it. i hear the door click open. "shit" i mumble.
"woah y/n! get dressed!" he yells while laughing.
"i'm in a towel! where's my bag?" i ask.
"hmm i don't know." he says with a grin.
"harry styles. where did you put my bag?" i say sternly.
"i don't know what you're talking about!" he says
"ughhhh" i groan. i run into the bedroom area and realize blake gave me a sweatshirt and harry didn't take the bag i put it in. i throw on the sweatshirt that smells like him and the shorts i was wearing before.
"hey unfair." he says as i enter the mini kitchen. i laugh.
"i'm one step ahead of you styles." i say. he pulls out the food from the bag and we sit down and eat.
"alright, i'm gonna shower." he says standing up.
"ok, i won't take your clothes though." i reply.
"how thoughtful." he says sarcastically. when he walks away, i call blake.
"hey babe." i say when i realize he's picked up.
"hey! how's it going?" he asks.
"really good. we're becoming friends like the way it was before and it's really nice." i say.
"that's great!" he says.
"how's nate and gabe." i ask.
"ah well gabe passed out maybe an hour ago and nate is on the couch crying to frozen 2" he says trying to contain his laughter.
"sounds like them" i say laughing.

harry's pov:

i hear y/n talking before i get into the shower. i realize she's talking to blake and i can't help but listen. i lean my ear against the door. they're laughing together and i notice i'm smiling. y/n's laugh makes me feel so happy. i go and take my shower to clear my thoughts.

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