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"Today's lecture is  a nightmare, wallah," Mallam Yusuf is wicked. He sprang a surprise test on us without warning. But Alhamdulillah, I managed to scribble something down. At least I didn't submit an empty sheet like some people."

"How did you do on the test?" My friend Farida questioned

Ama sighed, closing her eyes.his  Biostatistics course is notoriously tough."

Alhamdulillah, that's all I can say."

By the way, Farouq told me he's been trying to reach you. Could you please pick up his calls? He's been disturbing me."

I  shrugged. "I didn't know it was him calling. Besides, I never answer unknown numbers."

"Let's go home," I exclaimed , heading for the door.

Farida grasped my hand. "Zarah, you have to come with us."

I tried to pull away. "What? I have to go home. I have something important to do."

Farida dragged me toward the parking lot, where a black Nissan waited. The tinted windows concealed the occupant's identity.

Ama's knowing smile sparked my suspicion. "Wallahi," I muttered under my breath, "if she brings Farooq here, I swear I won't let her get away with it."

"We'll drop you guys off," she exclaim , her gaze locked on mine.

"No, thank you," I mumbled firmly.

"Please, Zarah," she said. "I promise we won't cause any trouble. Please."zarah'n Abdul.

She definitely knows my weak point. "Let's go then," I muttered, resigned.Ama and Farida quickly occupied the backseat, leaving me no choice but to take the passenger seat.

As I slid open the door and got in, my eyes widened in surprise. Farooq sat in the driver's seat, his gaze meeting mine.I turned to glare at Ama through the rearview mirror. She'd definitely planned this ambush.I gestured to her that I'd deal with her later. Our eyes met, and I shot her a piercing look: You're so dead when I catch you.

Ama just winked at me, her apologetic smile reflected in the mirror.

"Traitor," I mouthed silently.

Bah gaisuwa faruoq mumbled looking at me
Toh my father."

Ina yini I greeted him

"Yesterday, I called you, but you didn't pick up,"

I slept early," I replied.

"You sleep early?" he  raised an eyebrow. "I called around 8:30."

"Yeah, I slept by then," I repeated.

Farooq's gaze lingered on me. "Please, don't sleep early today. I'll call you, and please pick up."

"Where's your phone?" he asked.

"It's inside my bag."

Farooq reached for my bag. "Let me see."

I hesitated. "No, I don't have charge."

He  smiled wryly. "Okay."

The conversation died, and an uncomfortable silence filled the car.the rest of the ride is  quiet, each of us lost in thought.Eventually, they dropped me off, then headed back to their respective areas  Ama and Farida to Marafa, and Farooq to Malali.

I stepped inside, removing my shoes at the entrance. The aroma of food wafted through the air, drawing me to the dining area.

Aunty Ramla and Chuchu sat at the table, enjoying their meal. I walked over to join them.

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