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After chatting with Zarah, I got ready and headed to the restaurant, famished. "Food keeps a person healthy,"

Sufyan suddenly exclaimed, "OMG! Shit!" His eyes locked onto two girls at a nearby table.

"Now what did you see in the ladies' man," I shake my head . "What catches your eye?"

"Many things," he muttered, captivated.

I chuckled. "You're not serious."

Sufyan sought approval. "Should I approach her?"

I shrugged. "Did I stop you?" Taking a bite, I watched him.

"Piece of shit!..

"Go ahead," I exclaimed , observing Sufyan, notorious for fleeting relationships.

Since childhood, he'd never committed, discarding girls like trash.

He has never had a proper girlfriend. I thought to myself, "He can be dating four girls at the same time.

Maryam is the only girl he ever really loved, and she's just playing him. Thank God he got over her."

I glanced at my watch, noticing it's almost 6:00 pm.

I paid the bill and waited for Sufyan to return. When he finally came back, he mumbled, "Come, please!" not wanting to embarrass him, I went over and said hi to the girl and her friend. "Feena, meet my brother Abdullah,"

. "I'll get going till you come back." Once I returned to the apartment, I lay on the bed, closing my eyes. Suddenly, I remembered I have forgotten to call Zarah. I grabbed my phone and saw that Asma has called. I'd call her back later; for now, I'd call Zarah.

I dialed her number, and after three rings, she picked up.

"Hey, beautiful Zarah," How are you doing? Did you forget about me?"

"She let out a soft laugh, and I could sense a smile on the other end of the line. "You're the one who forgot about me, Abdul,".

I chuckled, "How can I forget this beautiful girl?" I rubbed my beard, "So, what's up? How's Kaduna, and everything?"

"Alhamdulillah," she replied,

So, you're over that crying stuff?" referring to our previous conversation. "I can't believe you cried over a coward,"

"Abdul, I told you that was a one-time thing," she said, "And you know it really hurt."

"I know, I'm sorry. I can feel your pain, but I hope everything is fine now."

Everything is fine, thank you for asking," she replied, sounding relieved.

"Masha Allah," I said. "What are you doing?"

"I just came back from visiting a friend," she said. "I'm reading a novel right now."

"Interesting," I said. "Tell me about the book you're reading."

"Are you a bookworm?" she asked.

The book is just about love she answered."
That's it! You girls are  always into reading this stuffs."

Zarah! I really do wanna see you! When are you free?when can I meet you again ?"

She let out a laughter aren't you in school.!"?
You know I can do anything for a beautiful girl like you ." I can come to your place tonight if you'd like I says in a hush voice.

"I'm free now," she said. "You can come."

I laughed. "I'll be back within the week. When I get to Nigeria, I'll let you know."

"Okay, Abdul.

"Bye, take care, and no more crying, okay?".

"Okay, Abdul,. "Bye."

I hung up.

"Hmmm," . "Tell me something. Who's the girl you're chatting with?" He turned a chair around and sat down, facing me.

"Okay, Ummi, I'll tell you... Sufyan, you know..." I tried to change the subject, but he wasn't having it.

"Very smart, trying to change the conversation, right? I'm not going to move this chair until you explain everything to me."

choked me to tell you then.

, "Is that what you said? He brought out his phone, saying, 'Let's see what Asma will say about what I heard.'" I panicked,

Wait! Wait! Don't call her... she's a friend of mine, and I met her in Kaduna."

Sufyan raised an eyebrow, And you love her?"

"Oh my Allah, bro, no! I don't love her. I exclaim she's a friend of mine, Sufyan simple English, friend! Friend!" I clarified,

He pressed on, "Why didn't you tell me about her, then?"

I hesitated, "Why would I tell you...?"

He threatened, "Tell me everything, or I swear to the Almighty, I will call Asma and tell her, and I'll even add something to it."

Knowing he will follow through, I relented, Fine, I told him everything that happened."

"Ah, ah, Bro, tell me the truth. I know you never talk to strangers like that. I promise I won't tell anyone. Tell me, are you in love with her?" He started teasing me, enjoying my discomfort.

I punched him in the stomach, and he let out a scream. "What the hell?!" He glared at me,

"Jarabni baed dhlr wanzur" (Try me next and see). I shot back, "

Just because I'm telling the truth!" He demanded, "Okay, show me the picture she sent. I want to see her too."

No!" ...

He started to say something, but I cut him off, pulled out my phone, and showed him the picture.

He whistled, "Damn, bro, she's beautiful!"

I shrugged, "Really, I don't know..."

He looked at me intensely, "So, are you in or should I...?"

I ignored him, knowing he is trying to tease me about my feelings.

we headed to the masjid for Magrib prayers, he called out, "Hey, I'm talking to you, and you're...!"

I interrupted him, If you've stopped praying, please let me know." With that, I walked ahead, and he followed me, still trying to get a rise out of me. As we entered the masjid, he muttered, "

Let's get back; you'll repeat what you said..." But I ignored him.....

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