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I reclined on my office couch, eyes closed, hoping the day will unfold smoothly. My girls are  meeting today, and I prayed they'd get along.Girls can be complicated," I thought, massaging my beard.

Sufyan settled beside me. "Bro, what's on your mind?"

I bit my lip. "Just my girls meeting. I don't want them to fight over me."

Sufyan chuckled. "Fire and ice, two girls in one place isn't ideal."

I nodded. "I know, bro."

As Zuhr prayers approached, Sufyan suggested we leave. After praying, we headed home.

I called both girls, instructing them to meet me at Bufana Cafe. Neutral ground might minimize jealousy.

I quickly changed into jeans and a sky-blue shirt, grabbing my keys and wallet.

Upon arriving at the cafe, I spotted Asma and beamed with a broad smile.

But where is  Zarah?

"Asma!" I exclaimed, relieved.

She pouted, pretending anger. "I should be mad at you.

Should I beg for forgiveness?"

Her soft smile melted my heart.No way, boo. You're forgiven," she exclaim , shaking her head, eyes sparkling.

"You can't stay mad at me, can you?" I ask taking her hand.

She  fidgeted, nervous. "She's not here yet!"

I sensed her unease. "Why are you nervous?"

She diverted attention. "Let's order."

The waiter handed me the menu. "What would you like, sir?"

"Coffee, please," I replied.

"Asma, what about you?"

She ordered potatoes soufflé and an Oreo shake.

Zarah arrived, apologizing. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Not at all," I reassured.

Asma and Zarah exchanged a warm side hug.

The waiter returned with our orders, and we settled in. he was about to leave, I called out, 'Hey, wait!' and handed the menu to Zarah.

What would you like to order?' She surprised me with a simple, 'Just water, please.'

I raised an eyebrow, 'Water only?'

Asma offered her plate, 'Try some of mine, Zarah.'

She politely declined, 'No, thank you.'

I leaned back, admiring the two beautiful women before me. Asma's beauty had a slight edge, Masha Allah, but I quickly pushed the thought away.

"Zarah, this is Asma'u," I said, just as my phone rang.

I excused myself, answering the call.

Upon returning, I sensed tension between them.

"Abdul, I should go," Zarah exclaim , standing and grabbing her bag. "Aunty Ramla called; it sounds urgent."

"What happened while I was on the call?" I asked, noticing their strained expressions.

I turned to Asma, suspecting she might have said something hurtful.

"Asma, what did you do?"

Asma protested, "I haven't done anything, I swear!"

"Maybe we should call it a day," I suggested.

Asma quickly gathered her belongings and stormed out, visibly upset.

I know she has driven herself, so I didn't follow.

Zarah remained, her expression troubled. Let me walk you out," I offered.

No, thank you, I'll just call a Bolt."

"Please, Zarah, let me drive you." I insisted.

She reluctantly agreed, and we walked towards the car.

I started the engine,"What did Asma say to you?" I asked.

She tried to fake a smile, but I wasn't convinced.

Nothing," she exclaim , her voice flat.

"Come on, Zarah, please tell me. I pressed on, I can see you're upset." But she remained silent, her expression unreadable.

We arrived at her aunt's house, and she quickly tried to open the door, but I locked it.

Abdul, open the damn door!" she yelled, her face red with anger. I took her hand, "What's wrong, Zarah? I'm sorry if Asma said something hurtful. Please don't be mad at me." I whispered, "I love you."

She smiled faintly, her eyes fixed on the window. it's okay," she whispered back.

"If I call you later, will you pick up?" I asked,hoping to reconnect and make things right.

She nodded, and I unlocked the car door, letting her out. I sighed and started the engine, heading to meet Asma. I parked my car and walked in, finding only her mother and sister on the couch.

"Where's Asma?" I asked, looking at her aunt and shoving my hands into my jean pockets.

"You can't even greet people properly, Her mother spoke up, Abdullah,"

"I'm not here for that! I replied firmly,Tell your daughter that when she next meets Zarah, she should beware of what she says. I promise I won't take it lightly with her, and she should dare me and see."

"Zarah and who's that?" Asma's sister asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know." Just warn her.

There's no history of rivalry in our family."Her sister continued.

"I already know Amina has given birth to a mad person, so there's no need to come here and prove it," her mother's voice is laced with anger. "Get out of this house before I call the ambulance to take you to the psychiatric hospital."

I bit my lower lip, raking my hand through my hair. "Take yourself there before you take me," I muttered under my breath.

Asma's voice echoed Abdul, where are your manners? She's my mother, don't forget!"

I stormed out of the house, slamming the entrance door behind me. When I reached home, I collapsed onto my bed, closing my eyes. Her mother's words haunted me - "Amina has born a mad person." It's true, I suffer from Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), a mental health condition. Maybe she is right; maybe I am a mad person. Silent tears slipped from my eyes as I stared at the blank wall of my room, feeling lost and vulnerable.

Toh fah
There's a problem coming up
What did Asma told zarah..?


Ummeetarh05 ❤️

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