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"I returned home around 4:30 pm, and I'm planning to head to Kaduna tomorrow, God willing. I won't be attending the pre-wedding event, but I'll be at the dinner tomorrow night. It's been ages since I last visited Kaduna - I think I was 20 at the time. Honestly, I can't quite recall.

I'll be spending just a day in Kaduna. Initially, Sufyan was supposed to join me, but he changed his mind due to that girl. I'm relieved, to be honest, as I'm not fond of her.

I got up from the bed and stepped out onto the balcony. Sitting there, I gazed out at the world, lost in thought about my life and the future. I have so much I yearned to share with someone, but I felt like I couldn't. My issues with my father are too personal, and I'm not ready to confide in anyone. I closed my eyes, feeling the breeze on my skin. To others, I might appear happy, but deep down, I'm hurting.

Just then, my phone in my hand vibrated - an Instagram notification. I let out a soft sigh and set the phone aside..."

"I didn't call Asma today because we had a big argument yesterday. I tried calling her twice, but her phone was busy. When I called her a third time, I asked who she was talking to. She said it was her new friend, and they'd been chatting for hours. I confessed I was jealous, and she accused me of being too possessive. I couldn't bear the thought of her talking to someone else. She apologized yesterday and called me five times, but I refused to answer. Eventually, I turned off my phone to make a point that what she did wasn't right...

Just then, my phone rang, displaying "Ummi" on the screen. I swiped to answer, and we exchanged greetings. "Assalamu alaikum, Ummi.

Wa alaikumu salam. Tuela ila nahiti wa ana fi intizarik ala mother.  Come to my place, I'm waiting for you now").

I responded, "Hassanan ina qadim, Ummi" ("Okay, I'm coming, mother"). I sighed and headed back to my bedroom, where I put on a maroon jalabiya and made my way to her place...

As I entered, I was taken aback by the sight of Asma sobbing on Ummi's shoulder by the door. Ummi beckoned me to come in, and I greeted her before sitting down.

"What's going on between you two?" Ummi asked, concern etched on her face.

"Nothing," I replied, trying to downplay the situation. "She didn't do anything wrong. I just didn't like that she was talking to someone else."

Ummi pressed on, "But didn't she apologize?"

I hesitated, "Yes, she did, but..." "But what?" Ummi asked, her voice firm but gentle. "Ummi, I told her we need a break," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Ummi's expression turned disapproving. "I don't like this, Abdullah. Go over there and apologize to her." I crossed my arms, defiant. "I won't. It's her fault. I didn't do anything wrong." Just then, Asma looked up at me with her swollen, red-rimmed eyes, and I could see the pain and hurt I had caused. "I'm sorry, Abdullah," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Ummi left the room, leaving Asma and me alone in an uncomfortable silence. I refused to break the silence, knowing I wasn't going to be the first to speak.

Asma finally spoke up, her voice laced with remorse. "I'm sorry, Abdullah." She gazed at me with sorrowful eyes, and I could see the regret in her expression. "Asma'u," I began, my voice firm but measured, "I know you're intelligent and clever. You did a good job convincing Ummi, but let this be a warning: what happens between us should stay between us. I swear on my life, if you ever involve Ummi in our arguments again, I'm done with you."

I paused, collecting my thoughts before addressing the previous day's events. "You really thought you could manipulate me, didn't you? I see right through your charms and tricks. Whatever you and your mother tried to use on me won't work. I'm telling you to stop trying. Change your tactics." My voice rose, and I struggled to contain my anger. "No one can mess with me, Asma. I love you genuinely, not because of any spells or black magic. I'm warning you - don't try anything else. You'll see a side of me you won't like." I bit my lip, fighting to keep my emotions in check.

"I'm warning you, I, Abdul Muhammad Bello," I said, emphasizing my full name to drive home my point. "No one can manipulate me. Tell me the truth - who were you talking to for two hours on the phone last night?" Asma sobbed, "

boyfriend, right?" I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "L

No, I swear," she said, her voice trembling. "It was just a friend. We had lost contact with each other, and we met at the mall yesterday. We exchanged numbers, and he called me last night. I promise."

I remained silent, processing what she said. I knew her words were truthful, but I wasn't surprised - she and her mother had been using charms on me. I had always had issues with her mother, but not her.

"Sorry," I said, my tone softening slightly. "Wipe those tears." I paused, collecting my thoughts before issuing another warning. "And one more thing - if your dad ever asks you if you're ready to settle down, tell him you're not ready yet. I'm not planning on getting married anytime soon. If I ever hear from Abba that our marriage has been fixed, you'll see a whole new side of me." I emphasized my seriousness. "Stop crying," I said firmly. "I don't want to see those tears. Go into the bathroom and wash your face."

She did as I said, wiping her tears away. Despite declaring my love for her, I harbored a deep-seated hatred for her mother. No one could stop me from loving another woman; it's a promise I have made to myself. "That I will show them my true colors," I thought to myself. "This wasn't the time to reveal who Abdullah Muhammad Bello truly is, but you will get to know me very soon. You will learn how my relationship with Asma'u began..."

I informed Ummi that I would drop Asma'u back home. The car ride is silent, the tension palpable. Asma'u broke the silence, "When are you going to Kaduna?"

"Tomorrow, Insha Allah," I replied. "Take care of yourself for me, and please promise me you won't look at other girls."

I smiled, "I don't promise you that, but I'll try to give no one else my attention." I parked my car in front of her aunt's house, and as she's about to step out, I held her hand. "Sorry for making you cry today. I love you," I whispered.

LI love you too," she muttered, climbing down from the car.

The next day, around 4:30, I drove to Kaduna with my friends, leaving the tension with Asma'u behind for the time being.

Toh save journey Abdullah...
What do guys think Abdullah in kaduna maybe it's a chance to zarah to meet her crush..

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Ummeetarh05 ❤️

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