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The train came to an easing halt. The exhaust blew to the front of the cabins. A loud roar billowed through the station as the horn sounded, letting all of Hogsmeade know I had arrived. Quickly, I grabbed my bag my mother had so eagerly packed the night before, and my letter of acceptance, of course. The train doors slid open and I stepped off. I admired this new place I would get to call home. Transferring to Hogwarts at the beginning of 4th year was quite scary for me, seeing as I had no other wizard friends. I was always instructed to keep that part of me a secret by my parents.

I was not like any normal wizard, I was a mudblood. That's right, half human, half wizard. Growing up in London, I had no one to tell, no one to show, and no one to practice magic with. I was basically full human. I was completely out of touch with my abilities, until now. Planting my feet on the stone felt like stepping into a new life, a new purpose for me. This was who I was meant to be.

A while later I arrived at the main entrance gates of the school, and oddly felt home. I was so excited to make friends and start my new life of magic education. I was told that I was going to be greeted by none other than Albus Dumbledore, who would escort me to my chosen house, but when the doors opened, that was not the case.

I walked in and a sea of children all turned around and watched me. There had to be at least 500 kids fixated on me. I hated that feeling. They probably all knew my secret and had made their judgement of me before I even entered the building. Seconds later, they all began whispering to each other, looking back at me every so often, as to let me know that they were conspiring about me, the new girl.

Suddenly a voice echoed through the Great Hall.

"Quiet students. I will take points from the next house I hear talking from." It was Albus Dumbledore.

There was instant silence. Silent enough that I could hear my own heartbeat, which was beating out of my chest.

"Welcome, Adela Grimm. Our new 4th year. She will be sorted along with the incoming 1st years for time's sake." he explained.

I was guided to the group of giggling children that were quite obviously the youngest, the 1st years. Even though I towered over them, they seemed to have some power over me. They all acted like they were much better than me, and I was just some filler student who wouldn't make it.

One by one the children stepped up and let the sorting hat place them in their respective houses. It seemed like hours for each child to find their group. At last, it was my turn. My nerves were making me shake like a mad man.

I stepped up to the hat and put it on my head. I waited for its response.

"Hmm. A peculiar one. Quiet yet, forgiving. Kind, yet passionate....HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat roared in conclusion.

A group of children wearing yellow and black stared me down, as if to say they rejected me. I walked over and sat at their table in silence. The other children next to me scooted away in disgust. They all knew I was a filthy mudblood. I kept my head down, not to draw attention when a sparky girl sat across from me. She had strawberry blonde hair, neatly done up in curls. She was wearing red and yellow. She tapped my hand.

"Excuse me? Um, hi there! I'm Hermoine Granger. I'm not a Hufflepuff, I'm a Gryffindor, as you can tell by the colors. You're the new girl right? What's you're name?" she cheered.

"I-I'm Adela Grimm. I'm a 4th year." I nervously responded, not knowing her intentions.

"Perfect" she said. "We are too...Oh! Right. This is Harry Potter, my best friend here at Hogwarts. He's a Hufflepuff, so you guys will probably see alot of each other in your common room. Talk to her, Harry!" Hermoine chirped and she skipped away with a grin on her face.

"Uh, hi there. I'm Harry, but you already knew that." He seemed nervous to talk to me.

"You don't have to be friends with me Harry. I know everyone here already hates me."

"I don't hate you. I'm a Hufflepuff, remember, I could never judge you like that" he responded. "Why don't I show you around the campus. We have free days until Monday, after the 1st years have the chance to get settled in, and you too I guess."

A while later...

"And this is the Slytherin common room, though you don't really want to spend your time here. The Slytherin house is known to be---" Harry was cut off before he could finish the sentence.

"Known to be what, Potter?" A boy in the corner of the common room questioned.

I looked over at this boy sitting on the windowsill beside the fireplace. He had silver-blonde hair who's bangs fell over his forehead, almost covering his eyes. He had a mysterious smirk plastered onto his pale skin, almost like porcelain. He was wearing a green scarf and looked to be practicing a spell, when he saw us.

"Eh-well, you know, Malfoy, er..." Harry stuttered.

"Why don't you just introduce me to the lady on your left, Potter, and spare me the embarrassment of your grammatical abilities." He was witty. He knew how to get under someone's skin. Something about him interested me.

"Adela Grimm, this is Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts' resident troublemaker."

"I wouldn't call myself a troublemaker, more like a...mischievous bad boy" Draco chuckled at his own amusement.

For some reason I found myself speechless in his presence. Maybe he had cast a spell on me, but I felt entranced in his deep green eyes. They pierced through my soul and read my body up and down.

"Got nothing to say, do we mudblood?" He hissed.

I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. Even he knew my secret.

"That was harsh, Draco, even for you. C'mon Adela, let's go to Hufflepuff." Harry assured.

I followed him out the door and back to our common room. He made sure I was okay after getting a taste of the Slytherin persona and let me go to my room to get settled. Thankfully, since I was the only 4th year transfer, I got the extra bedroom to myself. I liked being alone, especially knowing the entire school had it out for me. I unpacked my things as I listened to the rain patter against the window and the lightning illuminate my silk sheets. I was at peace when I crawled into bed, ready to start my new adventure.

Until I heard a knock at my door...

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