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Draco led me to the Slytherin common room. He was practically sprinting his way to the door, with me trying to keep up. I knew he didn't want people to see us, it would be an embarrassment to his ego. He grabbed my hand and took me to his room.
There were two beds with white sheets and green plaid comforters. It was very tidy, each book was put away, nothing was out of place, something I grew to respect about Draco.

"Sit." Draco pointed to his bed.
I gathered the bottom of my dress and sat on the edge, almost afraid that he'd scold me if I ruffled up the sheets.

"You have to promise me this conversation stays between us, alright?" He said nervously, with a crack in his voice.

"Yes, I promise, Draco. Please tell me what's going on, you're starting to scare me." I kept my voice down.

"My father wants you dead. I shouldn't be telling you any of what I'm about to say. Really I'm supposed to hate you. But I think you've pieced it together, that I don't. Which is why I'm going to help you. Listen very carefully..."

Draco went on to explain that someone from Slytherin overheard us talking in the hallway, the day he told me to stay away from him for good. They ratted us out to his father, who concluded that Draco had been in a secret relationship and would put a damper in his master plan. He explained that he said those harsh things to protect me from his father. His father, Lucius, was a follower of the Dark Lord. Someone only heard of in mystery books. But he was very much real, and very much alive. Draco was being used as a pawn. Someone on the inside who could feed back information, directly to the Dark Lord. And soon, Lucius was set on killing the girl as a sacrifice. Me.

"I-I don't...What am I supposed to say to that?" I stumbled on my words still trying to comprehend what I was hearing.

"Just because I look like I hate you, doesn't mean I don't care about your well-being underneath, mudblood." Draco continued. "I am the way I am because of my father. I've been taught this behavior. I want to change it, and I think you've already started helping me. I promise I'll protect you from my father and the Dark Lord...if you promise to give me another chance to court you, properly."

"I don't know, Draco. Don't get me wrong, the feelings have been mutual but, I need some time. To process what you've just told me. And besides, I've just been dumped...I'm not ready for a new relationship so quickly."

"Fine. But don't come crawling to me for help when the Dark Lord kills you." His mood changed in an instant.

"How could you say something like that? You just told me that you wanted to protect me. Why can't you just be kind for once!? I told you, all I need is time."

"I'm going to bed. I'd appreciate it if you left me alone in my sleeping quarters." Draco was done talking to me.
I left without a word. I didn't cry this time either. Getting used to his cold personality was becoming easier with every encounter.

The ball was still right on its way. I re-entered the Hall and joined my group, that had been waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Hermoine asked. She seemed drunk.

"The bathroom. Are you drunk Hermoine?"

"Do you want some? Here TAKE IT!" She yelled, slurring her words. She started dancing and flailing her arms. I should do what she's doing.
I unscrewed the silver flask, looking around to make sure no one saw the devilish thing I was about to do. Drinking was not something I would partake in back in the muggle world. I hoped it would make me forget about Draco. Without hesitation, I threw my head back, chugging down the awful liquid. I finished the thing and handed it back to Hermoine, who looked shocked when she realized how much alcohol I'd just consumed.

Within minutes, I felt it working. Alcohol, I thought, was like magic for the muggles. A potion in disguise. A potion of forgetting. I danced and laughed and cried. Draco Malfoy didn't even cross my mind once the rest of the night. Hermoine and I had to be dragged out of there by Harry and Ron.

"I'm not going to bed. I want to see Cedric. Where is Cedric?" I shouted out. I couldn't really control what came out of my mouth at that point.

"Adela, you need to stop talking. If the professors find out you both are drunk, we'll surely be expelled." Harry tapped my arm.

"Ouch Harry! Don't do that. You're making me mad! Let go of me!" Harry still clutched my arm.

"You heard her, let go. I can take it from here." Cedric Diggory was standing in the hall, watching the circus unfold. Harry passed me to him, like a volleyball crossing a net.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Cedric laughed, maniacally. I began to worry.

"Come on love, let's go on a little adventure."

My vision was so blurry, I could barely tell where we were going. Being drunk made things seem so much different than they were.

"I'm gonna make you pay for what you pulled in the library, you little minx. Embarrassing me like that in front of my friends. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Cedric grabbed my face and started to kiss me. I didn't want to do this with him. He held my head to make sure I didn't pull away. Slowly, I felt the tip of his wand poke the bottom of my jaw. His other hand began to make its way down my dress, lifting up the bottom.

"Stop, Cedric please I don't want to do this, I'm sorry for what I said—"

"Shut up." He ordered, reaching for my undergarments. In that moment I felt so scared. I couldn't stop it, he could kill me. His wand was so forcefully pushing into my skin.

Tears ran down my cheeks. I was sober now. I felt frozen. I felt like the world was moving in slow motion. I wanted just to be back home. Truly home. Something I felt like I'd lost. Maybe it was the alcohol wearing off, or a stroke of confidence, but I regained my movement. I started writhing underneath his heavy body. Grasping and pinching at any skin I could find, hoping he'd get off me.

"Stop it, stop it NOW, Cedric! Please don't do this to me...Please, please—"

I closed my eyes and begged for my life.

"Get the hell away from her!" Draco had showed up at the perfect time. I regained my hope.

He dove into Cedric, sending him flying onto the floor, rendering him unconscious. Draco pulled the bottom of my dress back down and swept my hair to the side of my face.

"Oh god, Adela. Please tell me you're okay. Please tell me he didn't..."

"He didn't, Draco. You came just in time."

"Here, come with me. I'll take you to my room. You'll be safe there."

The last thing I remembered was dropping dead in his mattress. Sinking into the warm sheets, and feeling his body hold me in his arms.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now