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"I'm sure McGonagall went above and beyond now that she's been appointed to decorate the Great Hall." Hermoine couldn't contain her excitement. It was the big day we'd all been waiting for. I had no idea what to expect. Normally, one would have a date to the ball, but in lieu of recent events, it was just a friendly endeavor for me.

"Here, try on your dress, Adela. I picked it out from Diagon Alley at this little boutique. The lady hand sewed it just for you."

"Wow, Moine, thank you. Really, this dress is...breathtaking."

She turned around, giving me privacy. I slipped the dress on, it fit like a glove. It was a deep red, A-line dress made of soft silk. I'd never worn anything so fancy in my life.


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"Oh. My. God. I'm a miracle worker!" Hermoine giggled, adjusting my straps at the back. "All you need is some holly in your hair, and it's finished!" She began combing through my brown waves, pinning hair down, twisting some up, sticking berries in the back. Finally, I was ready for the ball.

The group consisted of Harry, who brought a girl named Parvati, Ron, Hermoine, who brought Luna, and me, alone. We made our way to the Great Hall, there was music echoing from the end of the corridor. Maybe the dance wouldn't be so bad without a date. The others started walking inside.

"You coming, Adela?" Harry asked.

"Uh, yeah. You guys go ahead, I just need to fix my lipstick."

They left me alone outside the door. I pulled out my compact mirror and reapplied the berry red stick to my lips. Hermoine made me wear the bright color. I adjusted the curls in the front of my hair, and took a breath.

I made my way up the steps and got to the door. They must have been enchanted and sensed when a person got close. They opened up for me and I walked through. Everyone was dancing below me. The door had been lifted up off the ground, a staircase formed to lead the guests down to the Hall. Just as the previous song ended, there was a silence. The others turned to look at me, I guess I'd made it pretty easy to catch everyone's attention with my bright red dress. I was the only one wearing color. How was I supposed to know the theme was white when Hermoine was the one choosing my dress? Still standing on the platform, my eyes shifted through the room, trying to find someone dressed in anything other than white. Instead, I found my eyes interlocking with Mr. Malfoy's. He was fixing his sleeves when I caught his stare.

 He was fixing his sleeves when I caught his stare

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(Draco's POV)

My petticoat had been giving me problems all night. The buttons on my wrist were too loose, and kept coming undone. Not to mention, it was all white. My signature was black. It was the only color I'd ever been seen in. But alas, the theme was "white", and I couldn't make a fool of myself showing up in the wrong color. I clasped the last button and a red figure entered my peripheral vision. I looked over at the entrance and up on the platform was Adela. She'd made a bold decision coming to this dance in that dress. No one else had ever strayed from the dress code, it was tradition to follow the theme. The silk hugged her slim figure, playing with her curves as it continued down to her mid-thigh. The light from the icicles danced on the fabric, making her look angelic. Her usual pink lips were replaced with a bright red that complimented what she was wearing. Simply seeing her in such a look made me forget all about what my father told me. I couldn't avoid her. Not now, not ever.

This was a side of her I could get used to. The rebellious, "rules are made to be broken", kind of girl. I'd only ever known her as the innocent, modest mudblood who was too entangled in her emotions. This girl was new and exciting. I had to get a dance in with her before the night ended, which would be a challenge.

(Adela's POV)

"Hey guys." I walked over to our group, they were swaying to the soft music. I looked up above me and thousands of icicles hung from the ceiling. Crystal chandeliers and silver ribbons complimented the cold scenery. I noticed real snow had been conjured onto the floor, the magic, un-meltable kind.

"Are you having fun, yet?" Harry asked. "You look stunning by the way!"

It was hard to hear him over the blaring classical music. I nodded in acceptance as a slow, ballroom dance type song came on. My friends slowly dissipated into the sea of children, with dance partners for themselves. I felt so awkward. Here I was in this bright red dress, standing by myself, with no one to dance with. I probably looked like a fool, I stood out like a sore thumb.

I tried swaying to the music, but that only seemed to make me more uncomfortable. It added to the hilarity of it all.

"May I have this dance, m'lady?"

A wave of relief swept over me. Thank god someone noticed I was struggling over here. I turned around and the relief quickly died away. Draco Malfoy was asking me to dance. Before I could turn him down, he grabbed my waist, pulling himself closer to me. He used his other hand to grab my own, lifting them up next to us. He was quite the dancer. All I had to do was stand there, and he could make me look like I had rhythm. I caught him glimpsing down at my chest, which I will admit, was pretty exposed for a school dance. I felt weird.

"Would you care to explain why, all of a sudden you're making me dance with you, Draco?" I snapped back to reality.

"Darling I haven't made you do anything. If you wanted to, you would've left my arms by now." He was right. I could've easily let go of his hand, but something kept me there.

"I'm sorry to be so forward like this, but there was no other time for me to get you alone. I've acted unfair in the past. I've left you hanging without an answer or a reason on too many occasions. I want to make things right between us."

Sarcastically I said, "I don't believe it, is the Draco Malfoy taking responsibility for his actions? And the Grinch's heart grew three times that day!" My insult made me giggle a bit.

"Enough, mudblood. I can take back what I said just as quickly as I proposed it...Do you wanna get out of here?" His questioned lingered in the air.

Did I ever!

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now