twenty nine

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"Are we safe here?" I prodded as I thumbed through Draco's morning bed head.

We'd fallen asleep in his room, with no news of the condition of Hogwarts.

"No, Dela. I'm afraid we should leave as soon as possible." He responded, rubbing his eyes to wake up.

I put my clothes back on, the ones I'd taken off so briskly the night before. Flashbacks of the deed sent tingles to places they shouldn't have gone. This new relationship was exciting.

But Hogwarts was more important right now. My friends were still out there.

"Do you think Hermione and the others are okay?" I asked, as Draco packed some clothes in a bag.

"Yes, they're fine. The Dark Lord only came for you. If he still thinks you're dead, then Hogwarts should be safe again."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Where are we going?" I questioned one last time, hoping I wasn't being bothersome.

Draco set down a folded shirt and looked up at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, giving my behind a little squeeze. I jumped.

"Somewhere safe. A place where The Dark Lord will never find us. Where we can be together. He has to truly believe you're gone."

A long silence lingered.

"I'm not going to see my friends or family ever again, aren't I?" I croaked, holding back a lump in my throat.

"I'm afraid not. But with the extra time we've got left, we can make a stop at Hogwarts and then your parent's house. I know this is all happening so fast, but it's for your own good." He sympathized, rubbing my back.

My life had done a complete 360 in less than a day. Draco Malfoy wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, hiding from my powerful wizard father who wanted me dead for simply existing.

I had to say goodbye to my old life. My old friends. My parents. Hogwarts.

Hermione was heartbroken and so was Luna. They told me how much they'd been looking forward to graduating together. Getting our diplomas and opening a shop in Diagon Alley. Harry told me how much he'd miss our chats at breakfast, and cramming for exams in the common room last minute. Ron and Neville told me how much they'd miss screaming at Mandrakes and getting dirt under our nails together. Even Cedric said goodbye to me. To which I had to hold Draco back from almost killing him.

My parent's house was the hardest. They knew this day was coming and I'd have to go into hiding for my own safety. Mother said to write if I ever could. And father said that they'd always be waiting for me. I'd know where to find them if it was ever safe enough.

I cried the whole time. 

As much as I loved this new bond with Draco, I knew I would miss these people I'd grown to love so much.

I just hoped I could see them again someday.

Draco hugged me tight. We closed the gate to my house.

"Ready?" He proposed.

"Ready." I said, exhaling deeply.

I closed my eyes and planted my feet on the new ground. He took us to a cottage in the woods. It was stone, with a thatched roof and brick fireplace.

Vines and flowers entangled the front entrance and the windows were adorned with light blue shudders.

"Do you like it-?"

"I love it, Draco. This place is so us."

"It's also enchanted. Cloaking spell. Though we may have to move from time to time." He assured. He wrapped an arm around me as we admired the cozy place.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now