twenty seven

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"Someone sent an owl for you, darling. They left this picture." Mother contended. She handed me the little frame. I saw Voldemort, as a young man, he had none of his reptilian features that plagued him today. And I was in his arms. A little baby swaddled in a pink blanket, with Adela embroidered at the corner.

"We have some explaining to do, Dela—" Father uttered guiltily. "I know you're not my real parents. I found out a couple months ago. When Voldemort came to visit." I explained. I didn't get the reaction I'd hoped and they went ballistic. They began yelling, casting protection charms around the house, questioning our safety...

Days later, things were clear. They told me that they didn't care who I was born from. All they wanted was a daughter to love. Secretly Mother was relieved I was a Hufflepuff. It proved that I wasn't like my father. I was good.

But things were changing. Something inside of me was growing. I felt colder, had darker thoughts. Since knowing my true family, my true father...I felt different. Maybe one could say, a storm was brewing. 

We returned to Hogwarts mid-April. My parents wished me luck and said they'd continue to write. Most of the letters I got were apologies, for lying to me all these years.

Things were surprisingly quiet back at school. No more surprise scares in the hallway, and certainly no visits from my father. But a new rumor was spreading like wildfire. That Voldemort had a daughter, and she was on school grounds.

Of course, I watched girls turn on each other. Long time friends questioning the identity of the ones they trust. I think I should've felt guilty, or remorseful, but I weirdly felt powerful. Knowing the answer to a big, dangerous secret was intoxicating. Maybe I was more like my father than I thought. Was that what I wanted?

I grew distant from my friends as well. They were busy in mischief and I was busy just...sulking. I didn't want to bring them into the hurricane. It was quite peaceful spending some time alone. They do say it's calmest in the eye of a storm.

Of course, with no sightings of Voldemort, the OWLS were back on. Sooner than I expected. I took up my studies in the library, which was too crowded for my liking. Then the courtyard, where I had to dodge Ron and Harry. I finally settled on the Potions classroom. It was quiet, and Snape never said a word to bother me.

I was alone in the classroom working on Transfiguration, going over the inflection of my tone, and the flick of my wand, when Draco Malfoy stepped through the door.

He made his way to the seat across from me, the same one we'd been paired up in for class. He licked his lips and put his elbows on the stone table. "Are you alright?" He said. "Fine." I assured. That didn't seem to be enough for him. He took a quick glance around the room and continued, "Death Eaters are coming soon. They want you. I missed the deadline to...well, kill you. You've got to be ready to use the Cabinet whenever I say. Can you do that Grimm?" He retorted. There was some arrogance, but it was overtaken by the fear in his voice.

"You're still in danger. And I—care—"


"Fuck. Damnit. I care about you, okay!?"

He ran his fingers through that slick white hair. The words rolled off his tongue. Suddenly I couldn't keep my shit together. The very next minute we were grabbing at each other's clothes, kissing each other from across the table. He grabbed my neck and pulled me onto the stone desk. I ran my fingers through his hair. His hands explored my body, as if he'd been deprived of it for so long, and he was finally getting a taste.

"Take off your skirt" He ordered in between kisses.

"Draco...I don't" I said as he began kissing my neck. He stopped right away and looked at me. Maybe he almost felt embarrassed.

"Shit, I misread this. My apologies. Are you okay with what just happened?" He consoled. His words were genuine.

Unknowing of the answer, I said goodnight and went to my dorm to study. Too much was happening and I didn't know quite how I felt towards Draco Malfoy. Sure, ask me the same question 6 months ago, and I'd be all over him. But now, I didn't know where we stood. He was too confusing.

The next morning at breakfast I met up with Harry. He was in his Quidditch uniform. The Hufflepuff seeker never missed a day.

"Can you believe You Know Who's got a kid? It's weird knowing she's in this castle right now. I wonder if she works for him, y'know as a Death Eat—"

"I'm sure she doesn't! If she was, then maybe Hogwarts would be in shambles by now. Can we please change the subject, Harry."

The subject didn't change. And it didn't with Ron in Herbology either. Even Cedric mentioned it to Pansy Parkinson in Transfiguration. He thought maybe she was evil enough to be the daughter.

The only person I could talk to about this was Draco. He was the only one who knew my secret. Of course I found him up in a tree, eating his iconic green apple.

"Malfoy. Can I speak to you please?"

He was with his friends, so I had to act casual.

He jumped down from the branch and gave his apple a toss.

"Crabbe, Goyle, leave." They hurried away like little mice.

"Is everything okay?" He whispered, so not to be heard indulging me. "Everyone's talking about the rumor. I have no one to talk to except you." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He loosened his posture and grabbed his book bag. "Let's go somewhere and talk."

We ended up back at his dormitory. I poured my feelings out to him, and he listened. I think he understood what it was like being introduced to the dark side. Though he said nothing about himself.

"How do you feel about all of this? About your life now?" I asked, hoping he would open up.

"I wouldn't tell a measly girl like you, Grimm. And besides, I'm absolutely fine. Thrilled, even!" He retorted.

"Then why haven't you killed me yet?"

There was silence. I'd seen clearly through his act. He couldn't deny his feelings for me. I didn't want to pry any longer, so I excused myself. He deserved to recollect his thoughts in private.

There was a substitute Slytherin seeker in Draco's place at the Quidditch game that afternoon. I knew I struck the wrong chord with him.

I brushed it off as I went to take my OWLS the next day. My studying payed off as I passed with flying colors. At least that was something my parents could be proud of.

Three days later, the first Death Eater showed up to Hogwarts.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now