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My first day of 5th year had run smoothly. I had my schedule in order and there was no sort of drama, thank god. I felt like this year would be different. I wouldn't let myself get caught up in all of the mischief I fell into so easily last year.

I was adding the last ingredients to a potion, one toad eye, and three spiders legs, when Snape announced that class was ending early. The 5th years were being allowed a special trip to Hogsmeade as a sort of "welcome back" gesture. Needless to say, I was excited to get out of Potions early. Something about Professor Snape made the hairs on the back of my neck run wild.

"Students, gather your things. Professor McGonagall will be meeting you all in the front entrance shortly." He hissed, upset that we were allowed to skip out on his very important lesson.

I met up with Hermoine and we both brought bags full of sickles and galleons that our parents had sent us in letters. She'd saved up more than I had. Soon enough, the group of gaggling children made their way down the hill and on the horizon was a beautiful village. Unlike anything I'd ever seen in the muggle world.

"Listen up students! There will be no running, no teasing, and no spell-casting while you are here. I expect everyone to be on their best behaviours. Please meet back here in 2 hours." McGongall explained, though none of us were really listening. It was just Hermoine and I since the others decided to stay back and catch up on last minute homework. They weren't as eager as we were to leave the castle grounds.

"Where should we start?" Hermoine said, in awe of the beauty of it all. "What about there?" I pointed to a little turquoise building with candies stacked in the window. "Honeydukes! Of course, let's go there!" She answered.

The store was lined with boxes, cups, dispensers, and all types of dishes capable of fitting heaps of candy. There were acid pops, caramel cobwebs, sugar quills, and more names that didn't help me identify what they were made of. Hermoine purchased a box of pepper imps and I snatched some jelly slugs for myself.

"How about we go into the Three Broomsticks just there? I heard they have the best butterbeer in town!" Hermoine gestured to a cafe across the way. We walked along the cobblestone, trying to count how many pieces of stone we touched from the candy store. I counted 43, she got 38.

The rickety old door opened, revealing a quaint little alcove. There were booths in the corner and community dining tables. There was a large bar in the center, with an old man whipping up drinks for customers, who seemed to be enjoying their orders. We walked up to the bar and I got butterbeers for the both of us. "My treat." I explained, denying Hermoine's offer to pay for hers.

"Aren't they just delicious?" Hermoine said in between sips. "I mean it's got butterscotch, it's got cream, it's got--"

"What else has it got, Granger? We're all soo interested." Draco remarked sarcastically from the booth next to us.

"Shove off, Malfoy. At least I didn't come to Hogsmeade alone." She retaliated. It was true, Malfoy had come by himself. He was sitting in a booth reading The Daily Prophet whistling some tune from his radio. It was quite a sight to see. Usually he would be tucked in between two plump boys, Crabbe and Goyle but they weren't anywhere to be found.

"Nice to see you again, Grimm." He nodded his head, as if he had an imaginary top hat to tip my way. "Like Hermoine said, shove off." I retorted. "Let's go, Moine." Any conversation with Malfoy was enough to make me leave a building, and I did exactly that. We stopped into a couple more shops. I purchased a Rememberall and Hermoine bought some trinkets I couldn't keep note of.

Back at Hogwarts, we showed the others our collective items and they inquired me about the Rememberall. "I heard from Neville that it's supposed to turn red when you've forgotten something." The words almost activated the clear ball, a crimson haze overtook it in an instant. "Shit, what am I forgetting?" I said aloud. "Uh, probably the OWLS Ron and I skipped the trip to study for." Harry reminded.

"Goddamnit! I told mother I'd get studying today. I gotta run to the library, bye guys." Hermoine professed. I should probably get studying as well.

Later, after dinner had finished, I made my way to the Hufflepuff common room to start my studies. It was going to take a lot of comprehension if I really wanted to pass. The painting clicked open and I walked inside. I set my books down on the cedar table and propped my feet up on the footstool just in front of me. Cracking open my first book, Hogwarts: A History, felt like the start of many sleepless nights. Just minutes into my studies, I heard a familiar voice talking to the painting outside. It was after hours, so there was no one allowed out, and no one was in the common room, as they'd all gone to bed. I tilted my head up to listen.

"Please, lady, just let me in. There's someone important in there and I've gotta talk to them."

"Sorry, boy, unless you know the secret word, or weren't wearing that awful green, I can't let you pass through." The painting responded.

"Listen here, bitch. Do you know who I am? Who my father is? If you don't let me in I wouldn't hesitate to make sure he hears about this--"

I knew right then that it was Malfoy. I said the word from the other side of the wood, "Diadem." I stepped back as the door flipped open and he stepped inside. I stood there, taking a good look at that boy. I snapped back into reality, remembering why I was avoiding him in the first place, and began gathering my things to leave.

"Ehm, Adel--" He chimed before I cut him off mid-sentence. "It's after hours Malfoy, you shouldn't be in the Hufflepuff common room without permission. Wouldn't want to lose points for Slytherin." I emphasized the last word, really hoping he would understand that I was implying his evil counterparts. "Fuck those points...I can't put up with this game of 'ignore Draco and hope he goes away' bullshit." He rested his hand on the yellow couch. "I deserve at minimum an explanation for this!" He sneered. His face drew a menacing glare. I whipped around, angrily now.

"Malfoy, I don't need to tell you anything. It's not like you told me anything about you being a fucking Death Eater, for Chrissakes. I mean wow, now I know where your loyalty lies, literally with the Dark Lord!" I affirmed back at him, my words searing through his ego. "Fuck off, Grimm. I was only trying to extend an olive branch."

"Whatever" I muttered under my breath before retreating up to my dorm. I heard him slam the door and yell at the lady in the painting before trudging off down the hallway.

He had to stop being so pushy, it was only going to make this year harder for me.

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