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I'd just entered the room of requirement. There I stood behind Lucius Malfoy, and his son. Still protected by the cloak, I walked over to them, we were standing in a trio formation, to their ignorance. I listened closely...

"That girl, what's her name again, boy? The girl you're going to kill for me?" Lucius croaked, spitting bits of food out towards me.

"Adela Grimm, sir." Draco replied, cold-heartedly.

My name. He had just said my name. It took me a second to register what was currently being discussed. I had only known that his father wanted me dead for some unforgiving reason, but now I knew that Draco was the one who would have to do it.

"Good. That's the one. I'm glad you've been getting closer to her. Telling you to stay away from her was a prior mistake. You've given me all the information I need to sacrifice her to the Dark Lord."

Those words left me in shock. I started walking backwards, trying to get out of there as fast as I could. One wrong move, and I'd be dead quicker than I'd just found out. My clumsiness was not in my favor that day, because I crashed into a stack of chairs, which came crashing down in front of me. Lucius and Draco stepped back, drawing their wands at the pile.

(Draco's POV)

My father often reminded me of my duty to the Dark Lord. Lord Voldemort, the name everyone was too afraid to say. I couldn't show my true feelings to the situation. How my father had been reeled into this mess because of an old favor he had promised to Voldemort, who finally cashed in his winnings. Evil or not, I wanted no part of it. I didn't want to kill people. I didn't want to take over the magical world. I just wanted to be free of the burden my father had given the entire family. But I had no choice.

And I had to kill the girl I secretly loved as part of my show of loyalty to Voldemort. She was special. She was a half-blood. There weren't many of those who crossed into the wizard world, and it was important that I was the one to do the deed because I was the newest member of the Death Eaters. They were the mudblood exterminators. Which again, was fabricated by my father's actions, none of which I agreed to take part in. I was constantly on edge, afraid of when the time would come that I'd have to take that sweet, innocent girl's life. I tried pushing her away with my rude personality but that wasn't good enough to make her distance from me. Now I was going to have to take hers and my heart, and crush it.

I was listening to the droning voice of my father, revel in his loyalty to Voldemort, and my task of killing Adela in the room of requirement. How desperately I wanted to get out of that horrible place. How desperately I wanted to save Adela and run away to start a life of safety and sanctuary with her. My fantasies were cut off by a giant tower of chairs falling my direction. I dodged them, and my father motioned me to arm my wand. I was looking at the broken legs, the tattered seats, when I noticed a pair of ocean blue eyes, suspended in mid-air. I recognized those eyes. They were Adela's. My father hadn't seen her, but he would soon enough. I had to think quick.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, disarming my father of his weapon.

He turned to me, raised his hand, and slapped me across the face. It stung. I looked over and saw Adela make her way out of the chairs, and out the door to safety. Facing my father's wrath was worth knowing I could spare her life for even a moment longer. He continued to yell at me for the rest of the night.

(Adela's POV)

Perfect. Draco knew that I was at Hogwarts. I quickly ran into my room and began packing my bag. I had to take up Hermoine on that port-key offer. It was the only way I'd be safe. I summoned my owl, gave her a note, and off to London she went. Hopefully I'd receive a response, and a port-key within the next couple hours. Owls were quick like that. My bag was packed, my things collected, and all that was left was to wait for my owl to return with my way out.

I was busy looking out my window, watching for the owl, when my door burst open. It was Draco. With his father.

"Ah, there she is." Lucius pronouced.

It began to pour outside. Thunder clapped and lighting flashed. It was so loud we could barely hear each other.

"I'm sorry, Adela. My father gave me a truth serum, I couldn't deny it!" Draco was screaming, tears were running down his cheeks.

I couldn't be upset with him. He had no choice. I was ready to accept my morbid fate.

"Do it, NOW, Draco!" His father scolded, getting ready to watch the show.

Draco hesitated. This wasn't something he wanted to do. He lifted his wand up, his arm was trembling and he closed his eyes.

"How can you let me do this to you?" He shouted to me.

"You have no choice, Draco. You never did. This isn't up to you! It's your father, and the Dark Lord..." Tears began to well up in my eyes. "Tell my mother and father how much I loved them. Tell Hermoine, and Harry, and Ron, and Luna! Tell Hagrid! And...Just know that I love you too!" I prepared for those to be my final words before the sweet release of death. Draco was sobbing, he could barely keep his wand steady. In that moment, my window swung open. Rain and wind began flying through the window. A white owl darted in, landing on my arm. There was a letter, and a book, the port-key. Then instead of targeting me, Draco darted to the doorway, aiming at his father when he yelled,


Lucius was temporarily blinded.

"Go, while you still have the chance, Adela! Get out of here!" He screamed.

"What about your father! He'll kill you. Or worse, the Dark Lord himself! Come with me, please Draco!" I despaired. I couldn't leave this poor boy after what he'd done for me. He went against his leader. That was cause for death.

I waited for his answer. He was contemplating, with not much time to lose. His father began to get his vision back.

"Hurry up, Draco! You're father will kill both of us if you don't make a decision!" I shouted, for the last time.

Just as Lucius leaped for me, Draco grabbed the book, me along with it. We apparated into thin air, gone from Lucius' reach. My life had been spared.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now