twenty three

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I was quietly asleep in my blue linen bed, dreaming about some happy place I remembered as a child. I was at peace—until the first year girl shook me awake.

"Adela? Erm...Adela wake up." She whispered.
"What?" I groaned in agony. As much as I could deny morning, it would have to come eventually. "Well, Professor Flitwick came to inform everyone that Dumbledore's calling an emergency meeting in the Great Hall. All students must report immediately." She hurried, stumbling over her words. I noticed the worry in her eyes and gave her a smile, letting her know that things would be okay. I knew they were far from it.

The Great Hall was already teeming with students. There were Gryffindors sitting in Slytherin and Ravenclaws with Hufflepuff, the whole place was a disaster. I found my way to Hermoine, Ron and Harry joined us soon after. "What do you think this could be about?" Ron sniffed still half asleep. "Why don't you ask Adela, I heard she saw two dementors outside the left wing!" Before she could continue, Ron and Harry prodded with curiosity, "Dementors?" "No way you saw those!" "What did they look like?"

"Boys! Please. I don't want to talk about it. Just wait to see what Dumbledore says, alright?" I scolded, getting them to quiet down and lower their heads.

"Ahem." Dumbledore cleared his throat. The Hall fell silent, students found their seats and stared in confusion, waiting for an explanation. Albus fixed his half-moon spectacles against his profound nose and went on. "I feel it is my duty as Headmaster to not keep secrets from you all. Which is why you're here. Some of you know that there were Dementors spotted outside of the left wing yesterday." Audible gasps and cries rippled through the students. "As well as two death eaters. They were said to have been spotted by the Forbidden Forest. And were identified as Bellatrix Lestrange and Peter Pettigrew." The whispering among the crowd grew louder. "Just as I've been honest with you, I expect you to be honest with me. If any student has information on the whereabouts of He Who Must Not Be Named, should, as such, report to me. That is all." He finished and stepped down from the podium.

I scanned the Hall and my eyes landed on Draco. He was watching Dumbledore with fear plastered across his face. He probably wanted to come forward about his father, or about himself. I lowered my gaze and flipped back around to the trio, who were whispering amongst each other.

Hermoine put her hand on mine. She cracked a smile from the corner of her mouth. "Tell me we're gonna be okay, Adela?" She croaked. "I'm asking myself the same thing, Moine."

Classes were postponed for the day so the the professors could investigate further and wait for students to come forward. Only one did. Colin Creevey told Professor Mcgonagall that he'd snapped a photo of what looked like Bellatrix in the Herbology room. It was just a mandrake hiding behind a stool. I hadn't much to do all day, and resorted to going back to my bed. I was alone in my dorm, and when I got there, there was a letter laying neatly on my desk. I picked it up and saw it was blank on the front. I flipped it over and almost fainted.

It was sealed with black wax, and the Dark Mark was imprinted into it. The same one Draco had. My shaking hands struggled to get it open but when I did, I began reading,

I will be waiting for you in the Forbidden Forest. Tonight. Come alone and tell no one. The lives of the innocent are at stake.
                                - V

I immediately began thinking of all the "V" names I knew. No one stood out. No one would ask me to meet them in the most off-limits place at Hogwarts. Not to mention, who's lives were at stake? I couldn't think about that. I felt knots in my stomach. So much had been happening so quickly, it made me physically ill. I ran to the toilet and threw up. I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, gaining balance on my feet.

"You're her! Ooooh! Hello, there Adela Riddle!" chirped Moaning Myrtle from the toilet beneath me. "Holy shit, Myrtle! You scared me!" I scolded. "Sorry, teehee! I've just never been in the presence of a celebrity!" She widened her eyes behind a pair of thick round glasses. "What? What're you on about?" She popped out of the toilet bowl. "You're his daughter! Riddle's! All the ghosts have been talking about you. Since you got here last year, even! Pity you weren't in Slytherin. Could've done great things." She chuckled before disappearing into the water pipes.

I shook my head, in denial that what I'd heard actually happened. My father's last name wasn't Riddle. I was a Grimm through and through. This was the second ghost to call me that. Who was Riddle?

Nighttime overtook the day and I set out for the forest. It was very scary, I must admit. The trees were tall and dark, standing guard of the terrifying creatures that inhabited it. I made sure no one could see me, and darted inside. A circle of people stood directly in front of me.

I noticed in the center, facing away from me, was a tall, slender figure. He was bald, pale, and wearing a long black cloak that stretched across the ground. The circle of people gasped at my presence. I instantly noticed, to the left, Draco standing with two similarly silver haired people, it was his mother and father. He was staring at me with a horrified look. He slightly shook his head, as if to warn me of my fate.

The slim figure turned around and faced me. My eyes widened at the sight of him. His eyes were deep and blue. His nose was sunken, almost nonexistent. In fact, they were like a reptile's. His lips were dry and pink, and his teeth I saw were yellow as he formed a wide smile.

"Adela! The lost daughter of Tom Riddle." He spat, making hissing sounds at the end of his words. "I'm not a Riddle. I'm Adela Grimm—Who are you?" I prodded confidently. The man laughed meniacally, causing the others to follow suit.

"Who...Am...I, she asks!" He continued laughing, gripping his chest at the comedy of my comment.

"I, Adela am Voldemort. But I don't think I need an introduction." He smirked, waving his bony hand out to me. "Come here, I have something to tell you." He kept his hand outstretched. I walked over calmly, noticing Draco staring with wide eyes.

Voldemort clasped my hand tight. He examined my face for a long while. "You have her cheekbones. And her hair." He pondered. "Who?" I asked sharply. "Helena's." He replied.

"Before you must die, I have yet to tell you who you really are. Adela, you are no Grimm. You are a Riddle. Years ago a boy named Tom Riddle fell in love with the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, Helena. He loved her so much, he had a daughter with her. But soon, he turned evil. He was forming a powerful army and was too busy for a child. The child was given up to a halfblood couple, the Grimms. And do you know where Tom Riddle is today?"

"No—" I said in absolute shock and denial.

"He's standing right in front of you." He continued, "Don't be shocked, darling daughter. But you are no mudblood. You are made of pure power. Stronger than I. Which is why I must kill you. Too bad you weren't in Slytherin, I could've taught you to be great, instead of getting rid of you." He mocked lightheartedly. I saw Draco lurch forward, as if he'd finally had enough of this psychological torture.

Voldemort whipped around, drew his wand, and yelled, "Stupefy!" Draco was thrown against a tree.

"Now, where were we?"

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