twenty six

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The next two days consecutively, I had dreams of the town Draco and I had Apparated to. They were more like visions really. These visions prompted my inquisition of a certain blonde haired boy. I had to get my questions answered.

He was reading. Underneath an old oak in the main courtyard. I took a breath and accompanied him.

"Malfoy. I need your help." I asked confidently. He cracked a smile and announced, "Grimm, when will you realize that you will always need me?" I punched his shoulder and sighed. "I'm serious, Draco—Last winter...when we Apparated to that place, you said you recognized it. How did you—?" I trailed off waiting for his response. He shut his book and ran his fingers through his slick back platinum hair. "Bellatrix showed it to us. A few days prior, in a crystal ball. She said that it was where you should go to die." He paused for a moment and hesitated. "Because it's the place you were born." He finished dramatically.

My jaw basically fell to the ground. If Draco hadn't saved me in the church tower, I would've met my inevitable end last year. I was at a loss for words. Even though he was a Death Eater, even though he had a duty to the Dark Lord to keep me there, he didn't. He saved me.

You see, in the rarest of happenings, when he wants to be, Draco Malfoy can be a hero. And look absolutely wonderful while doing it. But that's the thing with him, moments like these are rare. I didn't know if he'd be willing to save me again.

"Thank you, Draco, really. You could've handed me over but you didn't. You're a good person—deep down." He grimaced, "Oi, you got the answer you wanted. Now shove off!" He was uncomfortable by my previous regard. I didn't want to argue so I joined Hermione and Luna in the forest for Nargle Hunting. A peculiar sport I picked up rather hastily.

But my mind kept wandering back to Draco. Sure, he was an asshole, and he could make me feel like the worst person on earth. But at the Yule Ball, and that town....He'd shown me a side of him that I couldn't just forget.

The next day all students at Hogwarts were sent home indefinitely. With the uncertainty of Voldemort's whereabouts and Death Eaters on the move, it was too risky keeping hundreds of vulnerable children in one building. I wondered if the Vanishing Cabinet was of my access anymore.

"Well I couldn't be happier! It's like a free summer holiday in the middle of the year!" Ron cheered. The group of us stood at Platform 9¾ ready to board the Hogwarts Express. Hermione and Luna laughed while Harry picked a compartment for us to pack into.

Weeks went by and I refused to confront my parents about the adoption.Winter had come and gone like clockwork and the flowers began blossoming once again. The spring months were comforting. I wrote to my friends often. But I never heard from Draco. I assumed his life was consumed with Voldemort. But I'd hoped he'd write at least once.

My mother grew distant as well. She was promoted and her job went well into the early hours of the morning. My parents made me feel like a stranger in my own home. But weirdly it felt like they were the impostors. Like something was missing. I didn't dare think what.

Until an early morning in April when I felt the urge to find Draco. Hermione had warned against it, but I was fed up. If anything, I needed to know he was okay, god forbid, if he was still alive.

I left a note on my pillow and Apparated to the place Hermione mentioned he resided. Malfoy Manor. The gates were cold and weary. The building that stood before me looked desolate, and teeming with death. I crossed my arms and made my way down the gravel path, looking for an open window. If I knocked on the front door, Lucius Malfoy would surely recognize me as Voldemort's daughter and alert everyone he knew.

Luckily, there was a window left ajar on the second floor, just next to a willow tree. It slid open with haste and I made my way inside. I could tell by the scent, that I was in Draco Malfoy's bedroom. It reeked of cologne. The same kind from my Amortentia. A pang of nostalgia hit me. I admired his silk black bedsheets. His luxury, his world, made me look like a penniless nobody.

The large cherry oak door opened and Draco was hurrying in. Startled by my presence, he slammed the door and grabbed my waist, pushing me against the doorframe. Dare I say, flashbacks of the boy's bathroom resurfaced. I repressed them, obviously.

"Care to explain why you're in my bed chambers?" He barked. There was that cold tone again. Draco didn't come to play, that was clear enough.
"I—I had to come make sure you were okay. I haven't heard from you since Hogwarts and so I—"

"You what? Thought you could just break into the Manor and you'd be off with a slap on the wrist? If my parents saw you, do you know what kind of things they'd do? Or who they'd call!?" His voice was raspy and loud. He was stern and frigid. There was no warmth in this place.

"Leave. At once. And see to it you change your perfume, it reeks." He scolded harshly. His eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious Draco had been crying. Wherever he came from, I didn't want to know.

I stepped back and took one last look at his tall figure. That black suit and turtleneck he wore on occasion. His hair, natural, today. His chunky silver rings adorning his pale hands. This was his home. And I had intruded. Without another word, I was back on my doorstep. My parents were standing out front, holding a picture.

Of me and Voldemort.

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