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Love as they say, is one of the most powerful forces of nature. It consumes a person, makes them do crazy things, and can even drive them mad. Obviously they never knew magic existed.

But what's worse than love or magic? A love triangle. Which I had now found myself in the middle of. Unbeknownst to Cedric, there was another man occupying my thoughts. Two boys fawning over the same girl, comical, wasn't it? What would one measly girl possess that could have such an effect? I asked myself the same question. It wasn't like I was a model on the front cover of Vogue. I had my flaws and imperfections, which to me made it harder to understand what was happening.

It was Thursday, which meant I sat with Cedric at the Dining Hall. I made sure to balance my time with him and my friends.

"Good morning, flower." Cedric greeted me with a smile.

I didn't respond. I couldn't find the right words to say. I had just kissed another boy while already spoken for. I worried I would accidentally tell him. That would break his heart.

"I heard the 4th years are getting a special lesson in Divination today. You lot are learning how to summon your Patronus."

"Our what?"

"Your Patronus. Every witch and wizard has one. Casting the charm successfully produces your chosen animal. It's like a guardian angel that can protect against Dark Magic attacks." He explained. "It's a really special thing to achieve. Not many students have been able to perfect it. Barely any of us even learn how to cast the charm, so I don't know why its just now being taught."

"Sounds interesting." My mind drifted off to Draco. I felt terrible about it. But amazing at the same time. He had this way about him. Like a soft spot for me. I wasn't sure if his judgement was compromised because of the Quidditch incident, but I didn't care. He still kissed me.

"Do you want to meet up after classes at the Whomping Willow? You know, for a little fun, flower?" I knew what Cedric was talking about. He had been wanting me to put out for him since the first week of our relationship. In the beginning, he was a sweet, innocent boy, but soon became a ball of hormones. Every chance he got with me he wanted to snog, or ask me when I was ready to "fuck" as he put it. It always sounded very insincere.

"Cedric, as much as I like you, you know I'm not ready for that. I mean, we've barely been together for 2 months. I'm not just going to give something like that up so quick." My innocence was important to me. Since childhood I dreamed of the perfect man. The one. The person I'd give it all to. Cedric wasn't that person.

"I'm sorry I just thought maybe you were ready."

"No, Cedric, you didn't. You didn't think about me. You only asked because you can't keep your dick inside of your pants. Excuse me, I have Herbology right now." We both knew I didn't. Class didn't start for another hour. I didn't care. I was too fed up with how pushy he was becoming. I stood up from the bench when a voice startled me.

"Ah, Romeo and Juliet argue again. Really quite a sight to see." It was Draco. He gave me a wink.

"You wanna see a real argument, Malfoy?" Cedric buffed his chest, ready for a fight.

"Please, Diggory. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Draco scoffed, as if he had already won the fight. He knew something about me that Cedric didn't. He had something on me.

I left without a word. If Draco kept this kind of behavior up, Cedric would know something was going on between us, or worse, they'd end up in a fighting fit over me. I was over it.

When Herbology finally did arrive, I calmed my nerves by cutting some leaping toadstool samples.

"I heard you and Cedric in the Dining Hall Adela. Is everything alright with you two?" Hermoine asked.

"Yeah, we're fine. Just a little disagreement over the maple syrup." I said, diffusing the situation and desperately trying to forget. "How's you and Luna?"

"Oh we're fantastic. Last night after the tournament, she gave me a box of cauldron cakes and chocolate frogs from Honeydukes, with a red rose!"

Hermoine was getting wholesome gifts from her belle while I was busy in the boy's bathroom, with Draco Malfoy's tongue down my throat.

Later on, in Divination, Professor Trelawney showed us how to cast a Patronus charm.

Only Hermoine and I were successful.

It was a magical sight. I waved my wand and out of the tip came a silver-blue light. It swirled around my head, producing the most wonderful Albatross bird I'd ever seen. I guess that was pretty special, because Professor Trelawney explained to me that it was the rarest Patronus a wizard or witch could possess. Maybe mudbloods could be just as powerful as pureblood wizards. And I was proof.

I was walking through the corridor to the dormitory staircases when I heard Draco's voice coming from an empty room down the way.

"Expello Patranum"

"Exparnum Pastrona"

I let out a chuckle. Maybe I could help teach him something. I entered the room and his back was turned to me, with his wand out. He hadn't noticed I'd entered when he tried again.

"Patronul Expotus!" A spark flew out of his wand and almost hit me straight in the face.

He turned around and saw me.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's Expecto Patronum, Draco. You've been saying the charm wrong." I giggled, finally having a leg up on him.

"I-I knew that. I was just practicing to see if--"

"Here let me help." I added.

"NO! Just leave, Dela."

I ignored the comment. I pulled out my wand and walked up beside him.

"You have to think of your happiest memory. Channel that into the charm. You have to really focus your intention of happiness. Then the Patronus will come."

"I don't...I don't think it will work for me." He looked down at his feet with embarrassment.

"Why? It works for anyone. You just have to focus."

"No, you mudblood. I don't...have any happy memories to channel."

How could someone not have a single memory worthy of happiness. It made me wonder more about his father, and his life outside Hogwarts.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you like that. I can leave if you want me to."

"No, I'm sorry. It's just, I really don't know the last time I had a happy memory, to be quite honest."

I saw tears welling up in his eyes. I felt sorry for him. Maybe Draco was just wildly misunderstood. I looked at him differently after that day.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now