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The weekend had come and gone in the blink of an eye. It was time for me to begin learning how to use my powers. Finding my first couple classes was an easy task. I had Hermoine in every other one. We made it through Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Divination. My last class, Potions, which without Hermoine to show me the way, I was late to. I got lost somewhere between the corridors and the courtyard when finally I found the right room.

The door swung open and the class went silent. Severus Snape shot me a glare.

"You're late, Miss Grimm. Ten points from Hufflepuff. Take the empty seat there." He pointed to a chair.

I wasted no time sitting down and getting my book out. I didn't wan't to lose any more points on behalf of my house, it was already humiliating enough.

"It's incredibly amusing watching you miserably fail at this school, Dela."

I recognized the voice from the first word that spat out of his mouth.


The nickname he called me took me by surprise. My parents used to call me that when I was younger.

Too busy finding my materials, I hadn't even noticed who I was placed next to. My seat for the rest of the term. Just peachy. The boy who had thrown a toad on me and left me in tears less than 24 hours earlier.

"Quit the chattering, you two. I won't hesitate to move you to the back by yourself, Miss Grimm." Snape scolded.

"I wish he would." Draco whispered in my ear.

In that moment I wanted the floor to swallow me up. Hopefully there was a potion for that.

I had managed to ignore Draco Malfoy's remarks for the whole period. Maybe potions wouldn't be so bad once I'd gotten used to tuning him out.

"For the last lesson before I dismiss you, we are going to be learning Amortentia potions. I know many of you have heard of this. A potion that smells different to each person, identifying what attracts them. Also known as the most powerful love potion in the world." Snape proceeded.

"The recipe is in your textbooks. You all will be making one. To learn how to carefully handle a most dangerous enchantment. Get going."

I flipped my pages trying to find the recipe. There were so many different names and pictures, I just couldn't seem to find the one I was looking for. I struggled for a bit, and noticed that I was behind, as I had been for most of the day. The rest of the class had their cauldrons already brewing the iridescent substance.

"It's page 507, you twat." Draco snapped in annoyance.

I decided not to respond to him. Instead, I found the page and began concocting. It was no trouble catching up to the others and soon enough, I was ready to smell it.

Aftershave, Spearmint, Pine, and Seabrine. I immediately knew who it was. I had smelled his aftershave from miles away. He always lathered it on, along with his signature mint breath. It was Draco's smell. I slammed the lid on the cauldron, denying what information I had just received.

"Malfoy, what's yours smell of?" One of the kids behind him tapped his shoulder.

"Flowers, sandalwood, lemon zest, and honey. How repulsive."

I blushed. That was my scent. I knew this because my perfume was sandalwood. My lip balm was lemon honey, and my deodorant was orchid flower. I smelled Draco and he smelled me. Must've been a silly coincidence. That boy was incapable of love and I was incapable of loving a boy like that. He soon realized who he had smelt because I felt a pair of green eyes on me. Somehow, I could tell when he was watching me. No one else, just him. I didn't look back at him. Keeping my head down was the only option.

He scoffed in disgust as Snape dismissed the class. I bolted out of that classroom as fast as I could. I needed to tell Hermoine. Or Harry, at least.

"You're sure it was his smell?"

"Yes, Hermoine, it was him. We all know what his aftershave smells like, I'm pretty sure I would know if it had gotten it wrong." I responded.

"And you're sure he smelled you?" Harry followed up.

"For goodness sakes, yes! We both smelled each other, guys."

The two just stared at me, dumbfounded. They looked like two dogs trying to understand the words of a human.

"Just sleep on it, Adela. I'm sure this will blow over. Besides, he's an egotistical bloke. This doesn't excuse what he did to you in the astronomy tower. Try to forget about it." Hermoine finished her sentence signaling that our conversation was over.

It was only my first day of classes at Hogwarts and I already wanted to drop out.

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