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First up on my class list was herbology, which I was grateful for. Something about the little screeching mandrakes in the morning sunlight was better than dealing with them in the afternoon. I had Neville and Ron in that class and so I figured I'd be hanging around them most of the time. I had barely any idea how to actually care for the mandrakes, but Neville had a knack for plants. I was making my way to 3rd period Transfiguration, after a short Charms lesson, and as I walked into the large, semi-circular room, Cedric Diggory turned around and smirked at me. I dodged his remark and made a beeline for a seat in the very front, far away from him. Just as I was about to get to the chair, Pansy Parkinson, a fifth year Slytherin took the seat.

"Looks like you've ought to sit with Diggory. Have fun." She teased mockingly. She was right, the only other open seat was next to him. I heaved a breath of annoyance, and approached the seat next to him. Jokingly banging his fists on the table, him and another boy giggled and laughed at my situation.

"Ahem. Mr. Diggory, I expect no jeering in this class." Professor McGonagall scolded. "Now students, I assure you all made it through yesterday swimmingly. Now since it is the second day, you all should be well aware of your schedules, so we're going to begin learning." She explained. For the rest of the period, I was attempting to turn a quill into a flower. It was quite difficult, as none of the others had managed it either. Then Cedric remarked, "Take mine, Adela. I know how badly you wanted to be deflowered." His snarky comment obviously poking at my still intact virginity. My ears started burning up. He was holding the flower in my direction. "You know what, Diggory, you can keep it for yourself. Seems like you need it more than me." I seethed. "Damn, Grimm, I was only playing fun. I guess you don't know what it's like to mess around." He didn't back down. The corners of his mouth turned upward, forming a menacing grin. "That's it, Diggory! You know what--" McGonagall cut me off with an announcement that class was now over. Thank everything holy.

I left as quickly as I could and thought about how I would ask McGonagall to move my seat tomorrow. I had Divination with Hermoine, which was a step up from Transfiguration. Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts was with who other than Draco Malfoy himself. God this year was going to be even longer than the last. I sat down in my seat in Potions, thankfully I wasn't anywhere near Malfoy. I began as Snape instructed, creating a Sleeping Draught potion and trying to keep to myself. This year was not going to end up like the last.

Draco's POV

It was still my task to kill Adela Grimm. Being a Death Eater meant that I had no room to fail, and no room to deny my task. I had made my efforts to contact her over summer, right as it was coming to an end. I let her slip through my fingers on purpose that day at the coffee shop. I secretly hoped she'd understand and move countries, so I wouldn't have to do my job. I so desperately didn't want to take her life. She was just an innocent girl, who didn't know that she was a product of the Dark Lord herself.

Weeks earlier my father found out that Voldemort married a woman, when he was still Tom Riddle, and she bore a child. The child was quickly put up for adoption and taken by a wizard-muggle couple when Tom met his evil fate and turned. That child was a girl. It was Adela Riddle. I wasn't supposed to kill her because she was merely someone I showed interest in, I had to do it because she was the daughter of Voldemort himself. And her being alive was preventing him from taking over Hogwarts, and the world of magic. Either way, I found ways to put off killing her. Excuses would come up to my parents and I'd bought myself until graduation at the end of 7th year. I convinced myself that it would be enough time to save her for good.

I contemplated going back to the Hufflepuff common room for a second day to try and find her, but I assumed she'd give me the cold shoulder again. Couldn't she see I was really trying? How could she not tell that I wanted nothing to do with my father's life? I was forced into it. And soon she would be forced into her father's life too.


Adela's POV

The days grew shorter, and the nights crept up into the late afternoons, taking the sun down with it. I spent a lot of time with Hermoine, Harry, and Ron especially those days. We all began a really close knit friendship. That made me really happy for the first time in a long time. I felt like I was really beginning to belong somewhere. A place where I was truly meant to spread my wings and fly.
The others and I found spot behind Hagrid's Hut, with a nice view of the Forbidden Forest. It was nice too look, but never touch. It was twilight now, and we all decided we would help each other with our OWLs studies. Something we really should've began practicing for last year.

Harry asked Hermoine some questions from Achievements in Charming, while Ron asked if I knew how to play Quidditch. "Ron, you're supposed to ask me academic things, not if I can play a silly game!" I joked. He furrowed his brows and responded, "Quidditch is not silly! I'll have you know that it goes worldwide. Yeah, me dad takes the whole family to watch the World Cup every summer. How's that for a silly game, Adela?" I laughed as his passion for broomsticks and flying balls. Maybe I could learn a thing or two about Quidditch. I mean, I barely knew how to ride a broomstick.

As it got darker, we chatted with Hagrid for a bit, and he had explained how one of the centaurs in the forest was giving him some trouble, but that they sorted it out with a pumpkin pasty. We acknowledged the enthusiasm and denied a bowl of mystery stew he offered us. Then I said goodbye to the others and made my way for the common room. I sat there doing homework and catching up on missed studying late into the night. I was packing up my things to go up to my dorm when the painting clicked open again. It was a loud group of boys from different houses. In the lead was Cedric Diggory, and standing at the back was Malfoy. I assumed it was the Quidditch team, judging by the outfits, and the fact that Ron told me they would be practicing tonight. I didn't think I'd being seeing Diggory or Malfoy at all tonight. The boys were loud and smelled of grass and sweat.

"Alright boys, just ignore her. Take a seat anywhere. I'll go get my stash of vodka!" Cedric cheered, making his way up to his dorm, brushing past my shoulder as he went. I whipped around and watched him walk up the stairs. When I turned around, Draco was standing in front of me. I had to step back so I wouldn't crash right into him.

"What is it now, Malfoy? Come to try to make amends?" I asked rhetorically. He looked up from his hands, which were fiddling with his chunky rings. "Actually, yeah, Grimm I am. If you'd actually listen to me this time." He spat. I could tell I hadn't given him the reaction he was looking for. "Well, you're gonna have to do better than this. Have fun with Diggory's vodka, I hear he puts frog legs in there." Draco looked like he wanted to say something else but I laughed and went up to my dorm, ignoring anything he had to say to me. It was fun taking charge of this situation. He no longer had control of me.

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