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Soon enough, the last few days of summer were approaching. I spent most of my time reviewing spells and other magic work so I wasn't as behind as I had been in the previous year. My parents were able to get some time off work and listen to my stories of how my first year as a practicing magical student went. I left out a lot...

I'd already made my trip to Diagon Alley to gather my supplies for the new term. 5th year required new editions of textbooks, among other items. Hermoine frequently sent owls to the group of us, all of which I hastily responded to, none of which the others did. They were too busy on trips, visiting family, and seemingly having an eventful summer. I prided myself in my ability to stay in my room for days on end, really doing nothing.

3 days before the first day back, I managed to get myself outside for a walk. I enjoyed my own company. I'd grown to make pretty good friends with myself on many occasions. I started down my street. Holloway Drive was a welcoming place. My parents wanted to choose the perfect neighborhood before they started their family. So much had happened last year, I used this time to reflect on what I'd seen. The fear resided within me still, but it was nothing I couldn't manage.

Before I knew it, I had made my way to the town. It was 12 minutes outside of London's city center, and without hesitation I decided to take the train there. The warm summer days were enjoyable and walking about the streets and window shopping for muggle goods was better than therapy.

A quick 3-stop train ride and soon, I was looking up at Big Ben. It was a tall bell tower. Not taller than any tower at Hogwarts, I thought to myself. All of these people here, and none of them would ever get to experience the structures that Hogwarts had. That was a secret I kept reminding myself of.

Early evening was approaching, the orangey-red fire filled sky set ablaze with clouds took over the presence above me. I stopped at a Tavern to grab a coffee before catching the train back home. One caught my eye. It was a peculiar little shop that seemed welcoming enough. I headed inside.

A waft of cold air blew through my hair. The muggles liked to have the air-conditioner blasting during summers. I sat down and a wise old man served me a latte, the ones with the little designs in the cream. I put the cup to my lips, slowly pouring the liquid down my throat, getting a punch of coffee flavor. I never was a fan of it. I pulled out a book and began to read it when the doorbell jingled, alerting the cashiers that a customer had entered. I glanced up carelessly when I noticed that the customer was more than just that. The person who'd just walked in was Draco Malfoy. I quickly looked back down at my book, ignoring him. It was too late, Draco pulled up the chair in front of me and sat down.

"Adela, can we talk?" He insisted. I kept looking down at my book, denying the request. "Really? After all this time, you're still going to keep silent?" His remark sparked my swift exit from the shop. I had nothing to say to the boy I once knew. I wouldn't let anything tarnish my fresh start at Hogwarts. Not this year.

The morning of my first day, my parents took me to the train station. We said our goodbyes and I darted through the hidden platform between 9 and 10. My cart was loaded into the Hogwarts Express. Unlike last year, I had many friends to look forward to seeing again. I met up with Hermoine and Ron on the way to our car. Soon enough, Harry and Luna trickled in, sitting on the velvet seats in front of us.

"What do you think the new first years are like? Do you guys know if there's gonna be any new teachers?" Harry pried longingly. He was always the first to make the conversation.

"No idea." I replied. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Within hours, we were back in those stone walls we'd called home just months prior. I was glad to be back. I loved magic dearly and I couldn't wait to start over. I desperately wanted a clean slate. To not dwell on the past and just move forward from now on.

My efforts were quickly disregarded when a certain Cedric Diggory made his way over to my table. He sat down in front of me. The disgust on my face must've been enough to get him talking because he joked, "Grimm, is it? I hardly remember you from last year. You look so familiar...I just can put my finger on it."

"Fuck off, Diggory." I remarked. I wasn't going to fall for his mind games like last year. I got up and walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Hermoine and Harry were already eating, their plates were full of food.

"What'd he have to say?" Hermoine asked. "It was nothing. Just wanted to apologize for last year." I responded, trying to change the topic.

"I heard from Oliver Wood that Malfoy got kicked off the Quidditch team. Something about his father interfering with the games." Harry butted in. "Finally that cheating bloke is off the Slytherin team. He was ruining it for everybody."

"Can we please not talk about Malfoy?" I hesitated. I cringed every time I heard his name. It was like the new "Voldemort". We all spent the rest of the evening talking and catching up before curfew started. Soon, we all parted ways to our houses. Being back in my Ravenclaw dorm was refreshing. It was like a second home to me. I couldn't wait to slip into my cold bedsheets and drift off to sleep. There was a new first year assigned to dorm with me, as a new bed had been installed over summer. The girl introduced herself, but was of no importance to me. I was too focused on getting some well needed rest for the new year ahead of me.

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