twenty four

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disclaimer: i just wanted to say thank you guys for 1k reads what the actual heckkk!!!! thank you also to those who've commented and voted!
Draco's POV

Voldemort's spell threw me off my feet. I landed back first into a large oak tree. The mossy forest floor broke my fall but for the most part, I was unconscious. I could hear faint talking coming from all sides, and soon my eyes opened.

It was blurry at first, and there was a pain in my chest, I knew I'd have an aching bruise the next day. I sat up and saw Adela, still facing Voldemort. She was saying something to him, she looked in disbelief. I didn't blame her, I was more terrified of what he'd do to her.

Voldemort smirked and got up close to her small frame. He looked her up and down, and drew his hand, slapping her across the face, causing her to fall on her side. The others laughed, while I winced in fear. She put a hand over her cheek and he bent down to her.

"Bellatrix!" He ordered, motioning to the woman next to my mother. She twitched over to his side, laughing maniacally. Christ, her hair was a mess. She looked like she'd just put her finger in an electric socket. "Yes, my Lord?" She said cheekily. He whispered something to her and she nodded in compliance. A loud laugh was exchanged between the two and she dropped down, snatching Adela's hand in her own.

I wanted so desperately to help. If I tried to, Voldemort would kill me, and my parents would bury me. It was too much of a risk, so all I could do was watch.

Bellatrix drew her wand, placing it to Adela's forearm. I assumed it was to create the Dark Mark, but I was soon mistaken. She muttered a spell that turned the wand into a long black knife. She dug the blade deep into Adela's skin, forcing a loud shriek. My body tensed and my fingers ran cold. Bellatrix began carving letters, as the screams grew louder. I couldn't help but cry. I was frozen, with warm pellets of water lapping down my cheeks. I covered my mouth in horror.

Two Days Later...

I woke up in a puddle of sweat again. I had a nightmare about Adela. Her haunting screams occupying my head. She wasn't in any of her classes yesterday, that I found out from Pansy, who realized she had no one to bully. I felt awful from what had happened. I wondered if she told any of her friends about it.

We wouldn't be in school right now if she had.

I threw on a black t-shirt and sweats to go find Adela. It was early in the morning, so she'd probably be still in her dorm, if she wasn't, then she'd be studying something in the Hufflepuff common room. If not there, then the library, 5th row in. I memorized little things about her without even thinking about it. I was turning into a mad man.

Of course, she wasn't in any of those places, and I stopped at the Great Hall to think. Then it hit me.

I climbed the winding stairs up to the Astronomy tower. The astrolabe was turning in the center, and the sun was low behind the mountains, shining across the terrace. In the corner I saw glowing brown hair curled up with a book. Bingo.

She didn't notice my arrival, until I rested my hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned up at me. Her doe-like eyes watched me intently. I sat down beside her and she pulled her sleeve up to her bicep, revealing the word Bellatrix had carved just two days earlier.

The wound was fresh, and bruising began around the letters. My eyes widened when I read it.


Dried blood had accumulated at the end of the e. I pulled her sleeve back down and placed my lips against the fabric. She was smiling softly. It was a smile that covered up one's true feelings. I knew she still didn't feel completely comfortable around me, I hardly did either.

"I'm so sorry." I muttered, my voice slightly cracking. She clenched her jaw, folding her arms and replying sweetly, "It's okay. It happens."

Now she knew who she was. I wanted her to open up to me, tell me how it made her feel. I wanted to hold her tight and tell her she'd be safe with me. I wanted to tell her how difficult life was getting. How I was on my wits end. My ego suppressed the thought of actually doing anything about it.

"All these years...All these years and my parents never said a word about this. Voldemort is my father—Voldemort..." She trailed off, clutching her arm tight.

Adela's POV

My brain was overwhelmed with questions and fear. Life was moving too fast, and I wasn't able to keep up. Everything I knew was a lie. Even my parents. I looked over at Draco, watching the wind swim through his hair, setting each strand down with perfect ease. He was very handsome. I really took the time to admire him. He cocked his head to question my stare and I shook my head in response.

I was too tired to think. I found my head resting on Draco's shoulder, listening to the birds chirp on the towering roof, and the old wood creak at morning's call. For a moment, I was able to forget.

Draco walked me to Herbology and apologized one last time. It was weird seeing him so empathetic. I soon realized that being in class was too much for me. I was barely focused on the plants, and I guess Ron noticed. "Adela, why do you look so down?" He sweeped a ginger strand of hair from his face. "Just some family issues back home. It's been keeping me up the past couple nights." I replied sluggishly. "That's bollocks. Sorry you've gotta go through that. But look on the bright side, the OWLs are getting postponed because of the You Know Who situation." He whispered. I cringed at his words. Talking any more about Voldemort made me sick. I ran out of class and laid in bed the rest of the day.

Star-Crossed Enemies (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now