I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore

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A few days later

"You know where Freed and the sister are," I ask Dohnaseek, "they should be back by now."

"Can't say I do, you're right though." He folds his cards.

"I'm sure they're fine Y/N, don't worry your head about it," Mittelt tells me. "Call."

I look at my cards, queen and 7 of hearts. "Fuck it, call." I throw my chips in. "You think his plan is even going to work? That's pretty dumb to lure a devil directly to them, even if he's as weak as you say." Kalawarner folds and shakes her head.

"He's not the one to worry about right now, it's the Gremory bitch. She's crazy strong from what I've heard."

We go around the table again and I call seeing another seven in the flop. "How strong we talking? She may be the one watching this town but if she was that strong wouldn't her and the rest of the devils here come down on us? I mean, there are two houses against us should they try."

Raynare places the turn, another seven. "We shouldn't worry about that. I'm sure Azazel would come down on them should they come at us." I shake my head at her. Ever since I met Raynare she's been obsessed with Azazel, an unhealthy amount. The others do what she says and I was sent to keep an eye on them. My father told me that these fallen angels can be trouble. The river comes and it's a king. Mittelt raises and I see if I can call her bluff.

"All in," I proclaim. We show our cards. "Three of a kind." They seems surprised, but I can tell I lost.

"Full house." Mittelt shows her cards and I groan. I see the final seven and another king. "Sorry Y/N, looks like you're out."

"Whatever, I'm gonna go get a drink." I walk away to the kitchen to grab a beer then head upstairs to the front of the church. I spread my wings and fly up and look over the town of Kuoh. I take a seat on top of the church, which has a good view over everything. I see the school in the distance where the devils call their base. They know we are here now, but I can't just walk in and sell out my partners without getting killed by the devils or my friends.

I take the last sip and throw the bottle into the woods. I hear a circle open up in the church so I drop down to look at it. Out of it comes Freed and a crying Asia.

"What did you do to her Freed?" He pushes her my way and I hold her.

"This bitch is a devil sympathizer. Turns out the devil you all are swooning over helped our sister here and she feels sad he was to die." Asia looks at me terrified.

"Go tell Raynare and the rest, I'll take care of Asia." Freed heads downstairs and I sit with Asia on the pew. "The bastard didn't hurt you did he?" She shakes her head. I put my arm around her and she digs into my chest.

"He's a good man Y/N. He can be saved. I know he's a devil but his heart is pure." Her words hit me. We aren't doing any good here in this world but killing random people. I stand up.

"You can stay in my room tonight Asia. I'm not going to punish you, it isn't right. There's a lot going on here that I wish I could tell you, but I can't right now. Tell me Asia, would you be happier if you left?" She looks at me confused but nods at me. "I'll find an opportunity and get you out of here."

We go to my room and Asia kneels down and starts praying. "Dear God, please protect Y/N from all evils that may tempt him. He has done things to wrong you before but he is not a bad person. I only hope he can be redeemed in your eyes Lord God. Amen." Her words make me smile.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor. I don't mind at all."

"Actually Y/N, if you don't mind could you stay with me in the bed? I'm scared of what Lady Raynare is going to do. You're the only person I feel safe with here." I'm confused by her question but I agree. "You're quite a sweet man Y/N. I hope that whatever you want in life you achieve. Good night."

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